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Everything posted by Mal

  1. WTF is UPS Mail Innovations? Oh glob, its part of UPS Supply Chain Solutions. My part will/should get to me but it'll be tons of drama on UPS part.

  2. Mal

    Android Phones

    Actually, correction, Cayanne is not like the Eclipse. Its more like the Photon. I dream of such a thing that it made me make that typo.
  3. Mal

    Android Phones

    Yeah, the Photon. I'm just unsure if I should since I'll be using this phone for two years. So I do want to have more top specs for the rest of the year. I heard about Sprint maybe having the Eclipse which seems to be the top of the line at the moment. At the time, the Epic was one of, if not the largest smartphone in the market. It also had one of the best specs. The keyboard was one of the biggest thing that drew me to the phone though. I use my keyboard on my Epic a ton for email and well, internet usage. A fair share of my posts on here are from my phone. So I guess I am a bit iffed that I don't have that situation now. Edit: There seems to be another slide phone coming from LG called Cayenne. It should come out this year. Somewhat similar to the Photon (Corrections, not the Eclipse).
  4. Mal

    Android Phones

    Is a smartphone having a slide keyboard such a niche market? Is thickness really worst than wideness? I see no phone with recent recent tech with a slide keyboard and my upgrade time is pretty much here. I could wait til the holidays but even by then there won't be a new slide phone coming out for Sprint.
  5. At this point, I just don't know since none of the tests and checks tell me anything of value. So I'm taking a stab in the dark. I can't be dicking around with my time running tests so I guess I'll choose the SSD to replace first since its my main suspect... if not the SSD, mobo. If those two doesn't fix it then this: fuck.
  6. After some though, I'm replacing the mobo despite Memtest86+ showing nothing. If the mobo doesn't do it, I'm replacing the RAM. I'm reasoning that its not my SSD because dskchk shows up nothing. Also it shouldn't be the SSD fault that my mobo cannot detect the SSD at times, even in the middle of Windows install. My wallet will be damned to hell. The only thing right now is if it is a good idea for me to replace the stuff now. I hardly got time to play any games but I do need a computer. I got a laptop back at my folks which can be shipped...
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS SHIT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It managed to blow my mom's account for the time when she paid my internet portion when she was in town. Another thing I see as odd is that it seems that some of the checks I gave to my roommate hasn't been deposited. Hell, I think some of them even expired. I just might ask to deposit the stuff myself. A little extra effort on my part but I know when these money will go out.
  8. Maybe I should live without a gaming PC for now. My productivity went up without one. Alas, I need a computer and I lent out my laptop to my folks... and yup, still fixing. I may just say fuck it and replace everything.

  9. Points taken. More or less, yeah. If I stagger it a bit though, I can keep on going. Or. Knife a bit then run. Cue Benny Hill. I feel like the SP equivalent of a CoD kiddie who goes knife only. Gunplay wise. Its sort of annoying that I land a few headshots and they still doesn't go down. I suppose its for the betterment of the gameplay. Now, what I find to be really annoying is this: You see a "dead" body but shooting it does nothing but when you walk up to it, it'll come back alive despite filling it with lead 3 feet back. So screw us slow and careful players.
  10. Swordsman II I believe I seen number one before and perhaps III but I don't remember much. However, II is fantastic imo. Right kind of action scenes.
  11. From what I am told, this first song is actually pretty damn old. Well the core instrumentals. Showing this versions since it has the best of all worlds plus another fine song.
  12. Highlander. The fights are actually alright but the back and forth of the storyline is kind of confusing. The badguy is just so typical too, Also the badguy's sword is apparently made in sections, including the blade, of which I wasn't aware was a thing. The soundtrack I have no issue with since it spawned this wonderful song by Queen: With that, I don't understand why they made sequels but I'll go watch them in due time.
  13. Capcom as a whole has turned to shit. If any major Japanese gaming company dies, I bet its Capcom. Edit: My reaction to playing the demo... Knife everything.
  14. So, if my computer fails to restart when it boot from my install disk then perhaps its not my SSD? It might be my mobo or RAM? I'm pretty damn confused right now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      @Dex Boot codes or beeps, no. Its not even blue screening anymore but just blanking out and restarting.


      @fuchi Oh yeah, I should use that too. I am also going to boot from disk with all my drives disconnected to test its response time.

    3. Mal


      Memtest doesn't show anything wrong. Well, time to play around with some stuff and to ultimately wipe my SSD again... this can't be good for it.

    4. fuchikoma


      Well, it should be good for a lot of cycles if it's a good one (though that sounds questionable...) I don't know what traditional utils work for checking them, ie. Spinrite, but the manufacturer probably has a good utility for giving it a thorough checkup

  15. I hardly ever watch football but I manage to catch the Green Bay, Sea Hawks game. That ending. That fucking ending.
  16. I honestly did not believe I would be talking to a physician about men's health at age 23. Surprisingly helpful.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      I bet you definitely didn't think you'd be talking to an internet forum about it.

    3. fuchikoma


      Dunno... seems he could have not said anything.

      Well, good on you for getting whatever it was checked/discussed... quality of life first.

    4. Mal


      No prostate. :P

      Its just sometimes you just have to suck it up and be open about it. I was about to just ignore it.

  17. Oh fuck me. I'm stuck on "verifying DMI pool data". I was taking a lunch break after some ONLINE homework. Before it did this, I resetted my computer since first, Firefox stopped responding and secondly my desktop stopped responding. After a quick lookup... it could be that my SDD finally died (interesting considering what happened before...) or it is my mobo. Edit: Fixed it. Boot order was screwed up somehow. My SSD got put third on the list when it should of been the first so my computer can you know, boot. Edit2: Or no. My computer is hanging up again. It could be some bug... and it crashed plus restarted just now to only to go back to the DMI pool data screen. Let assume its a hardware problem, do you think its the HD or the mobo? I'll be trying to update the BIOS and such in the mean time. I may even wipe the drive again. All in good time... Safemode... its doing it too. Once I start up I seem to have only a good 5-10 minutes of use before it starts to hang. Oddly, my task manager is still updating. I'm going to sleep now to see if it'll crash. E: it did and my SSD doesn't even show up now in the boot priority menu. So... SSD died for good? It is the infamous OCZ Vertex 2. I heard a ton died within its first day or year. I'm near two so I though I was good. I might RMA this one and get another as well. I'll use the RMA for Steam or something... I restarted and it showed up again. Doing quick transfer of stuff.
  18. So I officially got the Ys games for the PSP. With that, I think I got all the Ys games (Sans all the different versions, I had PS2 Ark but I THINK I sold it... it needs a rerelease) that has been released in the US. TiTS shall be played come winter break. I sadly don't see the other Legend of Heroes games that are on the PSP up for download. I think I will like TiTS since I so far like all the other Falcom games that I had played. I got them all as a download to prepare for whenever I get a Vita. And yes... I cannot "afford" Borderlands 2...
  19. I bought a defective clipboard that is made my blind Americans. No matter how I complain, it just will not sound right.

    1. fuchikoma


      Still trying to imagine how to screw up a clipboard... fiberboard disintegration? Clip separating from board? It's like screwing up manufacturing a hammer...

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, how can a clipboard be defective?

  20. Mal


    Just tried a Firestone Walker's 805, a blonde ale. Not bad! I can drink it cold or room temp. With that said, I plan on going with some folks to this: http://oaktoberfest.com/ Perhaps I can try FW's oaktoberfest there since no bottled one exist.
  21. Oh hey, I guess I can get a good idea of the storyline now.
  22. Ethan, I'll let all the grammar corrections go since I'll need it for an English test that required for graduation. Its much better than taking another class.
  23. Recettear may have influence how I sell my old textbooks. Only thing missing from me is cuteness.

    1. fuchikoma


      Little girls? Shoo! This is a store; you need to bring money! Oh hey, there's a sucker - err, a well-to-do young man... say, sir, you'd pay 145% of a fair price, wouldn't you?

  24. I dunno. Perhaps you should turn it on once in a while so you won't have tears of rage when your computer fucks up for some damned reason.
  25. Oh... they had to switch textbooks. I should of done well in Physics...
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