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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Pretty much my ringtone. I did not appreciate this being spammed while the telemarketers spam called me. So at the moment I've been thinking of changing it to Bacon Pancake. Also, no new episode this coming Monday. I think season finale is on the 17th. Edit: Lastly... PB or FP? Neither?
  2. JC 2 MP is still insane.

  3. Damn you engineers. And yeah, I think I'll just take one physic class. I was expecting worst. Finals day was not a good day. It was a really off day for me. I think my calc instructor took note of my notes of that which I will thank him for. Also don't you hate it when you get a D+?
  4. The question is how they are transmitting and receiving the data. From what I understand, its not like me just sending a copy of a file to somewhere over the internet. There seems to be a link between the two particles which are connected to each other in some strange way.
  5. So I and my cellphone personally are being raped my telemarketers/scammer from India or some place. Suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. deanb


      You can block numbers, but if it's a big issue and you don't expect other unknowns you could make it a whitelist instead.

    3. madbassman39


      contacrt your service provider, they can go in and not only trace the numbers but block them for you.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Just play the "seven days" whisper from The Ring and then hang up.

  6. Hijacking for a bit. I need opinions. I think I know the general consensus and I am not even sure if I can but... I just barely failed Physics. The thing is I might be able to retake the class next semester along with the next Physics in the series. The thing is, I am packed already but I really want to knock it off for good and not be behind. If given the option, should I take everything at once? If you want to know how packed I am: http://i.imgur.com/NwmU2.png
  7. I'll just call CD, DVD and Bluray as discs now.
  8. Would a deposit-like system, with some sort of "Prove you're not a troll" thing work or would laws/regulations make it a headache?
  9. Its 3 hours away at my place. I'm currently at my parent's place until the 17th or so.
  10. I'm guessing I could just pop in my actual Windows 7 CD to be in the clear?
  11. Liam for sure. I grew up watching Jackie but he's just that. Liam... has a set of skills acquired over a long career which makes him a nightmare for folks he doesn't like. Since we're on Chuck, same thing applies to Clint Eastwood. He's awesome but in some traits... not so much.
  12. How to mellow me the hell out: Play a Yoko Kanno composed song, sung by Steve Conte. Pretty much all of them mellow me out.
  13. That was unpleasant and I do suspect that it was something on startup since I'm running fine now.

    1. Mal


      Well, in the process of getting my computer up and running, Steam had to be reinstalled. It took out all my installed games. Oh well, its a new beginning.

  14. Got it to work. Linux wouldn't do me any good since I'm so tied into Steam. Just one question... should I worry that this isn't genuine windows? It flashed a warning during install. I could work off this for now and reinstall later but that would be a pain in the ass.
  15. I think what is up is that my brother has an upgrade disk, not a install disk. I'll see if I can get hold of an install disk else this'll be a long week and a half.
  16. I derped. Derped really hard. How the fuck can I completely wipe a SSD so I can reinstall Windows? Oh, no access to OS since it is wiped but I can't seem to do a fresh install. Hence my previous question. Edit... I just might say fuck it and scavenge some money for a cheap build while scavenging parts from my current build.
  17. Okay, I couldn't get to desktop at all with my latest attempt for a normal boot. Resetting OS drive after I stress out my GPU.
  18. BSOD I am currently trying to figure out the cause. It stated yesterday but now its happening every time. Oddly, safe mode worked fine. I wonder if it is my SSD... It is a OCZ and apparently they're shown to be pretty crap. And its always on startup so its got to be something up during that time. --- Safe mode indeed seems to work just fine since I am typing from the computer in question. Regularly I seem to crash one minute in once I get to desktop. Any ideas? Since I am running fine in safe mode, I think my SSD is fine. My RAM should be fine as well. Since I am running well in safe mode, my CPU is fine as well. So, I think its either some program is causing a crash or my GPU is crapping out... or something entirely different. Help? --- Still running fine in safe mode. I really think it may be something on startup or soon after startup.
  19. Capitalism, HO!

    1. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Stop calling capitalism a 'ho

    2. TheMightyEthan


      One need only visit the Post Your Purchases thread to see that I'm a capitalism ho.

    3. fuchikoma
  20. For 1-6... They're all roughly 12 hours long, maybe shorter. I haven't beat V yet but I can imagine it being about the same. The longest of the series got to be Origin since it has three characters who also has somewhat alternate move sets that you can unlock. Origin I think can last someone 50 hours if they went for the alt move sets. I can't say anything about Seven since I have yet to try it.
  21. Mal

    Forum Adverts

    Sorry, not my type. Evil can reign.
  22. Ys VI Ark of Napishtim. In some ways I think this is the easiest of the bunch that I've played because this is one of the few games where you can go to more high leveled area before you are suppose to. So I did find myself wandering into those places by chance and well, I manage to kill them. It made me 10 levels overpowered for a time. BUT. Then the game will catch up to you and you'll face with a damn hard boss. There are a few optional bosses you can fight too. I skipped one (it should be harder than the last boss which was piss easy) since I can't get to it since I can't manage to do a dash jump on command on the gamepad and with m-kb its clumsy as fuck. I will have to say this is a weakness since this move seems so hard to pull off. Story wise, this ties together the previous five (Four since V doesn't seem to deal with the Eldeens*) games. I know Seven doesn't deal with the Eldeens so going off of this game, I think when I play it, Adol will be dealing with the empire who in the last few games has been meddling with the ancients. V deals with another thing too. *V sorely needs a remake. Not being able to understand shit is annoying. Hopefully it'll come after the IV remake. VI maybe to update the graphic and game play mechanics a bit to be like Origin since the 3D-ness looks odd.
  23. If anybody is going to push the consoles (Specifically the PS3) to their limit, I would think it be Kojima and the other folks behind MGS to do so. MGS4 had everything they could throw at it. Now they could use what they learned there to better the process. So far I am excited. Did anybody every took that game seriously? I sure as hell didn't. Now Ground Zeros... oh my. Then again, Kojima's name has ton of weigh of behind it.
  24. Mal


    http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/08/29/ale-chief-white-house-beer-recipe Oh... sounds good. Knowing how different honey can bee depending on whats plants its based off of, I am wondering what plants the bees collect from. Also, I demand a bottle of each as part of my tax refund. Well, anyways I will need more equipment to even start to do my own beer.
  25. I like it too but I think it sort of got stale. I can't bring myself to finish the story now that I pretty much done all the side stories and I am near max level.
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