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Everything posted by Enervation

  1. Sounds like... a miscommunication.
  2. I'm getting mine tomorrow in the mail. I'll be sure to drop my experiences with it after I've played it for a bit.
  3. Bumpity bump. Anyone getting this? I preordered it on Amazon and they had a deal on it! Shaved off $10 for a total of $41, with shipping. Really awesome.
  4. You know something's up when you see a guy with his mom.
  5. I think as someone told me about Wildstar... it's almost like a Ratchet & Clank MMO. I think I'd have to agree with him on that.
  6. My professors always made a habit of saying "you can get the book if you want, but I'd rather you all share than buy separate copies." None of the faculty really cared, except the English department since the English textbook we use was written by the head of the English department. Also, Malicious... Cal Poly, you say? Pomona or SLO?
  7. I keep telling that to everyone I know in real life. No one takes me seriously. Then they start spewing drama about certain articles, like the one about Finkel. THIS IS HOW THEY MAKE MONEY. Is it really any wonder that they keep doing this? Ever since the hack and the redesign they've had to all but bait every demographic out there to rake in the pageviews.
  8. My god. Where the hell do you live?
  9. Well, think of it like this... you acquiesced to their demands, so they don't really have much reason to dislike you now.
  10. I was going to register for it, but it requires Facebook integration.
  11. Do robots count against the Pacifist achievement?
  12. Somehow, the manager-to-employee asshole ratio seems to lean in favor of the manager for many scenarios. I wonder why that is...
  13. Wait, you already moved into the space two floors down? Or is "the room [you're] in now" the one with those three guys you mentioned earlier?
  14. Something that's been annoying me these past few days... Everyone keeps referring to Human Revolution as just "Deus Ex." While I can see how people would say that, a lot of people apparently don't realize that Human Revolution is actually the third game in the Deus Ex line (not chronologically) which annoys the crap outta me when people talk about it. You played which one? The original? Invisible War? Or Human Revolution? EDIT: spelling.
  15. Attention new members: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!!??????

  16. The Assitude Magnitometer has the ability to attract scum, with customization options for over 15 different aspects of what you want to attract the perfect asshole to suit the opposite of all your needs and wants! Feel too good lately? Overdosed on confidence? Overstocked on sleep? Get your Assitude Magnitometer today, and kiss your great life goodbye!
  17. Atomsk, I would really suggest you move out. They really, really don't sound like they're worth the effort.
  18. I have! Although I have not read the manga I am thoroughly enjoying the anime, it always ends up being heart-warming. I hear the manga was "minimal" in it's art, so I guess you could say the anime is much more colorful, softly colorful. Voices feel right, you feel the trust between Daikichi and Rin, it's just heart-warming fun. Yep, the manga was very minimal and quite unique. It was a pretty refreshing art style, at least to me. I'm way too used to reading dark and serious mangas with extreme details and shadowing across character faces.
  19. Looking at her, I don't see much similarity. Is it from another series?
  20. Good luck with that, mate. I'm rooming with friends next year, so I won't have to worry about that at least. However, the place where I am renting from has a pretty bad rep (admittedly, all of us didn't really think this through but we're all friends in this together). We'll do whatever we can to keep our place safe.
  21. So, apparently the apartment complex I'm moving into come Fall has a rather... distasteful reputation. I need recommendations on security, please.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Harri


      A crowbar and gordon freeman that shit.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Oh come on UCR's not that bad as long as you look like you're packing heat...

    4. Enervation


      I guess I could try the look. I just need to wait until winter to get it going, since I wear some rather bulky coats.

  22. Has anyone watched Usagi Drop yet? I really liked the manga, but I'm hesitant to start watching the anime.
  23. That trailer seriously made me consider buying BF3. I wasn't going to before, not because I hate EA, but because I'm not really interested in buying another FPS. It looks awesome. EDIT: Another thing I should say after watching that video a couple more times... the sound is off the charts. DICE really knows what they're doing in the sound department, which is probably also the reason why Mass Effect 3 is having some of the DICE team work on its sound.
  24. I dunno. The Dark Elf looks ugly to me. Orcs always look ugly to me as well. Also, that chart appears to be missing High Elves.
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