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Everything posted by excel_excel

  1. Pokemon Blue Ahh my first ever Game Boy game (got it for xmas along with a Color!) It was perfect. Such an absorbing adventure, just travelling and battling with your pokemon. Creating that bond with static 2D sprites was just amazing. Doom The first game to scare me and grip me within its atmosphere. That alone makes my list. Super Mario Bros 3 Super Mario Bros 1 was one of my first games, SMB 3 was my best game I'd ever played at that time. It was simply the greatest sequel of all time. Everything, the music, the graphics, the suits, the worlds, the map. And the sheer fun factor and all those hidden bells and whistles made it a dream come true. My childhood game in a nutshell. (LONG LIVE THE KURIBO SHOE!) Super Mario 64 The first true open world game. Each level was like a playground, just unbelievably great design and the PERFECT transition into 3D for a game character ever. The music in the water levels, the Wing cap, the bowser battles, peach's secret slide. So many memories from this. Final Fantasy IX My first Final Fantasy that I played and the first one I finished. It didn't do anything revolutionary but everything it did, it did really well. Great characters, great graphics, great music, just a great journey. Was VII better? Perhaps, but this will always be the number one Final Fantasy in my heart. Goldeneye The mulitplayer game of my youth. And the single player was fantastic. Resident Evil 4 The perfect action game. I don't think I've ever played a game so tightly oiled at Resident Evil 4. Looked amazing, the atmosphere was perfect, the weapons had real kick, the story is my fave in Resi lore and the gunplay was so satisfying. Has yet to be bettered in the action genre. Metal Gear Solid 3 Maybe it was the extremely satisfying gameplay,the little digs Kojima throws in at MGS2, the amazing bosses or the most incredible ending I've ever seen, MGS3 is easily my favourite Metal Gear game. MGS1 was amazing, MGS2 was a extremely novel and satisfying way of making a sequel, but 3 effected me more than either one. THAT ENDING. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Just the most immersive game I've ever played. Hyrule became a living breathing place when I played the game, and its amazing presentation, sublime gameplay design and innovation all added to the experience. That feeling when you walked out to Hyrule field for the first time and realised how open and huge it was and how the game had just begun was amazing. The feeling you got when you got to become Adult Link and realised that the amazing journey you'd had up till then wasn't even half of this amazing game was just indescribable. Everything, the atmosphere, the world, the puzzles, the bosses, the music, was perfect.
  2. YEAH! This is different!...possibly
  3. Their? Sorry, but what makes you think Valve are setting the prices? Also major lulz @ that steam meme pic. So true. Ahh I guess your right but still....they are the ones delivering the service. I mean while I know they aren't setting the prices I still blame Sony for the ridiculous prices for the games on PSN. They accept the prices
  4. Waaaah Kurt Angle won't be at TNA in Dublin tomorrow :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excel_excel


      No. He never comes over for the overseas tours. That and he's not in TNA right now :P

    3. Battra92


      I think Sting is at the point where he has enough money and he's the only one to say he did it without Vince McMahon. Good for him, too.

    4. excel_excel


      Yeah. Still right now in TNA he's really done it all. I don't think any of his fans would consider him 'selling out' if he came to WWE for one last match

  5. Argh Steam. Look I've got loads of games on Steam and their deals are fantastic. But their new game prices can fuck right off. €50 for Dead Space 2?? I can buy a retail boxed copy for €33 on Zavvi.
  6. Its only two pictures lads relax! Still its a year and a half off
  7. At first I read this as a GeForce 6800 and I was like "why the fuck did you buy such an old card?" Funnily enough that's actually the graphics card the family PC back at the parents place has
  8. PC GAMING IS NOT DEAD. Cause I just got a PC and if its dead I just wasted €830.......and you will pay for it. YES I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU
  9. ...and sometimes, for tricky PC's!
  10. I watched Voyager and Next Gen whenever they were shown on Sky back in the day. Like them both a lot but was never a trekkie, never saw enough of Deep Space Nine which is supposed to be the best. Loved the new film though!
  11. Thanks been a while alright. But like Justin Beiber I will not DIE (see that? Justin Beiber! Pretty topical huh? ) I'll have a sterm talk with him. A STERN TALK.
  12. Metal Gear Solid Collection if treated right would be fucking awesome. MGS3 in widescreen HD at 60FPS? Bliss
  13. Loved the first one. Getting this on PC, no demo on PC (AS FUCKING USUAL) so I'm waiting for PC port news before I get it.
  14. Hmm, I like the launch line up, but its not amazing. Like the DS launch theres a bit too much N64 games being rereleased, after a few months though it should be all new stuff though. Remember the DS took time to hit its stride and when it did it was fucking awesome. As to whether I'm buying one, I won't be at launch. Won't be buying one till theres clear confirmation on the region locking. Nearly half my DS library is American and Japanese games.
  15. Bayonetta on PS3 was amazingly bad. Basically taking a game that at its best runs at 60FPS max on 360, down to 30FPS max on PS3 and still having to look worse. Not to mention the load times. They patched the loading so you could install the game, but that was all they patched. Being friends with Masterdex means I'm well aware of PC port problems its just well unfair really. I want to buy Dead Space 2 on (my amazing new) PC but I'm hesitant because of Dead Space 1's problems.
  16. wee Hardware dicussion! I recently built my own PC for the first time ever and its just so awesome. Sometimes....I get a little teary eyed looking at.....I'm going to take pictures and your all gonna be so jealous Got a Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H AM3 890GX motherboard, Gigabyte Radeon HD 6850 Overclock - 1 GB graphics card, Cooler Master HAF 932 PC Tower Case, aaaand Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz Black Edition 125W is mah processor! Speaking of Power Supply's mines a Cooler Master GX 650W! Got a Samsung Spinpoint 1tb hard drive and still waiting on my 8GB OCZ RAM, which has yet to be delivered, using 2GB RAM I borrowed off a friend for now.

  18. http://steamcommunity.com/id/excel_excel ADD ME NOAW
  19. I don't think its in decline, Nintendo has just been annoucning games the same year they release them. Look at Kirby's Epic Yarn (ok its not out in Europe yet but roll with me) It was announced at E3 2010 and was released in October. There's going to be more of those next year I guarantee it
  20. excel_excel here! Everyone knows me. If you don't well.....your gonna know me. AND YOU WILL *shakes fist* Was on the old boards but had no computer for ages when I moved out of my parents house into my own place. Just built my own mega PC so I have complete and utter access to the internets....BWHAHAHAHA
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