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Everything posted by docsfox

  1. So...ummm how much do you agree with here: 1. Heavy Rain 2. Red Dead Redemption 3. Super Mario Galaxy 4. Mass Effect 2 5. Rock Band 3 6. Call of Duty: Black Ops 7. Fifa 11 8. God of War 3 9. Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty 10. Halo: Reach Now the auther labeled this list as such: "here are the 10 games that most captured my attention this year, whether through technical innovation or sheer thumb-waggling goodness." It's definatly an opinionated list. LINK
  2. I forgot to add FarCry 2. Seriously boring as hell.
  3. Spore S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Counter Strike: Source
  4. Mass Effect 2 Dragon Age: Origin Braid Borderlands Fallout 3 expansions Fallout New Vegas Recettear Saira Sam & Max 301-303 Shatter Torchlight Okami Starcraft 2 3D Dot Heroes Final Fantasy XIII Pokemon Pearl Heavy Rain
  5. Link's Awakening Mother 3 Mass Effect 2 Those are a few of my favorites.
  6. Since gaming is what I like to do with my free time I think it's important that anyone I'm in a serious relationship with to at least 'like' games is some way. Whether its playing casually or just they like to watch me play. It's important to have things in common.
  7. these are probably too big but I love them.
  8. Hey cutie, it only costs 50 cents to play me.
  9. I want an Elcor party member or at least one on my ship!!
  10. I don't consider speed running a game as the same thing as actually playing a game.
  11. Mushi-shi is such a beautiful series. Every episode was so full of atmosphere that I could have drowned in it all. There is one episode in-particular that was so powerful it effected me for like a month. Go watch it if you haven't!
  12. Dragon Age alone will take longer than your break man. Not to mention both Mass Effects? It just won't happen man!
  13. Taki has nice hands. o.o

  14. 20 minutes is too long to wait to leave workkkkkkk

    1. Bouchart


      That's why I basically roll out of bed and walk out the door in the morning.

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