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Everything posted by Luftwaffles

  1. I always give a shit about soccer! Technically I'm a former season ticket holder.
  2. Heh, I was just wearing mine today. Also, what a fucking fantastic first game in the group.
  3. First PC game I've played in a very long time (since selling my desktop, basically). I really like it. Wish the difficulty didn't spike quite so much about halfway through, but the combat's good (though slightly X-Com like), dialogue is clever, and the art style is awesome.
  4. It's the whole pseudo-chivalrous language that seems to pop up a lot nowadays, though I mostly see it on reddit. "Have an upvote, good sir" "So sorry, m'lady" "You sir are a gentleman and a scholar"
  5. Man, how you capitalized "DO" instead of putting it in italics is really setting off my OCD.
  6. I'm really not a big fan of Sandy Hook jokes.
  7. I did, but that video is always worth a watch.
  8. I think FDS is right about this. People point at Facebook as this big evil company buying up smaller companies and killing them, but I honestly can't see it. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is absolutely a sketchy company in the way they do their business, but Whatsapp and Instagram have been left completely alone. I can't say the same thing for the companies Microsoft or Google has acquired. I think the Rift will be fine, just like Instagram and Whatsapp are. After that though? Who knows. Instagram and Whatsapp have remained exactly the same, but that's a doublesided sword. They haven't changed for the worst by any stretch of the imagination, but that's likely because they just haven't changed at all.
  9. Gone Home I kinda missed the boat on this one when it first came out, but it was quite good.
  10. Shorts and t-shirt weather!
  11. Good year to be a Seahawks fan. Now please Seattle residents, don't Vancouver my city.

    1. TCP


      How can Seattle trash a city that's already a massive garbage dump? Lolololololol jk

      Vancouver riots when their team deserves to win but loses, or when Guns N Roses cancels a concert an hour before it's suppose to start (true story). When the city wins championships, I don't think there's usually riots. Seattle should be OK.

  12. Long distance relationships suck. That's all I've got to contribute.
  13. Luftwaffles

    Windows 8

    Windows One. Re: The Windows 8 hate. I don't mind Windows 8, I really don't. It's my desktop OS of choice. We've been over this before, if I remember correctly, and the discussion got about as nowhere as this one. That said, Dean, I feel like you're doing yourself a bit of a disservice in this argument by not using the OS but still making complaints. As FDS said, pin to start is still very much there, and adding items to the start menu is far from digging through system folders. If anything, it's exactly the same as Windows 7, except now instead of dragging items to the start button in the corner you drag and press the windows key. I get the criticism, but I feel like you very obviously haven't used the OS and are basing your opinion simply on the rehashed opinions presented by every tech blog and their mother. Yeah yeah, ad hominem and all that, but many of the things you're claiming simply aren't true, and if you had used the OS at length, you'd know that.
  14. Man, how the fuck did I confuse Endgadget with Kotaku in this context. I am bad at joke.
  15. I can't wait for the Endgadget review claiming this is the future of PC gaming.
  16. Thank you to SkyGriever for a copy of the Dead Island Franchise Pack. Posting this from my phone because vacation, so I apologize in advance if I've horribly butchered the spelling of your name. So yeah, thanks bruh.
  17. Someone tell Chewie nobody goes in chat anymore.
  18. It appears we all suffer from premature secret santa gift ejaculation here.
  19. That's actually an interesting example because BIS requires you to get permission from them if you want to use their games for monetization. If I remember correctly they're pretty stingy about it too, taking down some videos in violation.
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