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Everything posted by Bouchart

  1. It doesn't bother me whether you change it or not.
  2. Yeah, it's rare to hear anyone say anything about Dante's Inferno these days, good or bad, so it must not have been that interesting.
  3. I haven't watched any anime in ages. Cartoon Network used to play some good anime late at night a few years ago but lately it's stuff I've already seen, or uninteresting things.
  4. I never wrote about games or social networks back in my college days. I did write a paper on the novel "Wieland" and it was such a dense and boring book that I really struggled through the paper. Got a B even though I read a third of it. By the way, the book is about a guy that spontaneously explodes, and a ventriloquist.
  5. http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=215 There are a lot of good Civilization mods at this forum. I posted a link to Civ4's mod forum, but if you go back a few screens you can find mods for all the Civ games.
  6. I don't know if I'd consider myself a Star Trek fan, but if it's on TV, it's generally better than anything else that's on at the same time.
  7. I say don't bother. After the past 24 hours Kotaku is pretty much dead to us. Even complaining about it is starting to get boring.
  8. You're an old-school type guy, aren't you, Bouch. I like your style. I've never actually watched Casablanca in its entirety but I love that scene.
  9. This is one of those odd cases where I'm taking the side of 4chan. Even though a little non-critical information of mine was temporarily compromised, I'm glad Gawker's arrogance is being punished.
  10. How about Command and Conquer 3? Starcraft 1? Age of Empires 2? Older stuff that I actually own and that my computer can actually run.
  11. Bouchart


    The only pet I ever had was a frog, which lived three years. It was as dumb as a brick but I loved that thing.
  12. I didn't see that comment until after I put up the poll.
  13. You should be, but I'd change those passwords around anyway. Who knows if this is even legit.
  14. Clown, I have instructions a few posts above.
  15. Well I put in an email address, and I've changed that. If Gawker wasn't connected to anything, you should be fine, provided that you don't use the same username with the same password elsewhere.
  16. I basically have two passwords, one for "critical" stuff and one for "noncritical". Gawker is the latter, but I changed stuff around anyway. From now on, the password for my characters at this MUD I play is "critical" cuz I've spent so much time there.
  17. Jack, enter your full email address here: http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/ Then, click show options and filter. Set MD5 = that number that website above returns. My email address was compromised, but I changed passwords around hours ago.
  18. Don't you just love the irony of Lifehacker getting hacked?
  19. I think I watched that credits video three times.
  20. I've never tried running Portal on my PC but I might do it sometime just to see if it will run.
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