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Everything posted by Bouchart

  1. Bouchart


    I think the only things I truly want are intangible things like confidence and motivation.
  2. Hey, law isn't my thing. I'm the finance guy.
  3. Cities in China that are completely empty: http://www.businessinsider.com/pictures-chinese-ghost-cities-2010-12?slop=1#slideshow-start
  4. The US Supreme Court overturns more decisions from the 9th circuit than any other circuit. Keep that in mind.
  5. Have you ever played Septerra Core? The main character, Maya, is fairly realistic. Except the blue hair of course.
  6. I generally don't like when major characters have amnesia. It's lazy storytelling.
  7. It's freezing out and there was light snow this morning. It was a slow commute.
  8. I'm not going back to that site. I can't wait to delete my account. And you know, we can advertise this place elsewhere.
  9. I've got my old buzzer and I give myself a bad haircut every couple of months. And yes Ethan, you need a haircut.
  10. I watched most of the original Stargate series and a decent chunk of Atlantis. It's a good show, and their reruns are better than most anything else on Sci-Fi.
  11. Sierra published Outpost 2, an underrated RTS.
  12. What don't you like about FFIV? I've heard that it was just plain boring.
  13. Some combination of laziness and lack of foresight. You know, the stuff that makes Gawker, Gawker.
  14. So I take it that Conduit 2 is completely off everyone's radar screens?
  15. Someone please give me a heads up whenever Gawker has the ability to delete accounts. I can't be bothered to go back there. I have doubts that their I.T. department even knows how to implement it.
  16. I think the issue here is that it doesn't matter if you have a unique password if some hacker can download the database of passwords and decrypt them.
  17. I used to post a lot at Kotaku because I liked the community. Now that this forum is seeing some growth, I don't need Kotaku anymore.
  18. It was another day of rain, but less bad than yesterday.
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