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Everything posted by Bouchart

  1. I think Megaman 9 had an achievement for beating the game without getting hit once.
  2. Try it now...bad copy/paste.
  3. The fake error message from I Wanna Be The Guy is one of my favorites:
  4. I don't actually work in finance or in economic forecasting but I follow this kind of thing on a regular basis. The cost of a number of commodities has grown considerably over the past year- precious metals, oil, rare earth metals and foodstuffs. I think it's just run of the mill inflation at work here, not actual demand.
  5. There's plenty of energy to go around for a while, but monetary inflation is driving up the cost of oil and gasoline worldwide since it is dollar denominated.
  6. Yeah I have to agree with you here. Now, I only buy older games and I don't have my own current gen console so I might not be the best to comment on this sort of stuff.
  7. $60 games is nothing new. At launch, back in 1995, Donkey Kong Country 2 went for $69.99.
  8. What did you get? I just use a PS2 controller with a USB adapter. It's a fairly generic controller from Logitech, basically a PS2 controller.
  9. There are enough good games out there that I have had no need to bother with a publisher's DRM schemes, overpriced DLC or the like. Just don't buy subversive games.
  10. Generally speaking, The Elder Scroll games are so large that I lose focus on anything and then lose interest. Same with Fallout 3. Bethesda made Arena and Daggerfall free to download, if anyone's interested. I could never get too far into those games without getting bored.
  11. I've pirated games before, basically PS1 and earlier games. I don't do that too often. And yes, it is theft.
  12. I just got back from Best Buy. I bought a game controller for my computer. Now I don't need to borrow my brother's anymore.
  13. Cool, someone else that has played Snake, Rattle & Roll. The later levels were very difficult.
  14. If only it were that simple. Lol.
  15. I'll be sitting around on my computer the rest of the weekend.
  16. It's a shame that we don't have any of those in New York.
  17. That really bothered me. The boss wasn't mentioned at any point of the game and he just shows up out of nowhere.
  18. I remember Blackthorne and it was a platformer. This doesn't look like a platformer.
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