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Alex Heat

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Everything posted by Alex Heat

  1. Streets of Rage characters in Project X Zone 2? I don't just want this game anymore. I absolutely need it.

  2. I agree with Mr. GOH. Today has been a day where my desire to bathe in the tears of whiny babies has been fulfilled for the next several years. The sheer number of people claiming that they're moving to Canada has also been a delicious sight.
  3. Having friends who live hours away and aren't keen on internet based communication means plenty of time for video games for me. I haven't even considered a relationship in several years since I have a hard enough time handling my own shit, let alone anyone else's.
  4. With the announcement of FF7, I just want to say that I love you guys and I'll never forget you. Okay, now Link is free to wake up the Wind Fish and end the dream, sending us all back to the ether.
  5. Roommate's cat had to be put down today. Perfectly acceptable time to give him a hug and a beer. ...In that order.

    1. TCP


      When I was reading this, I thought you were going to say "Perfectly acceptable time to give him ... my two weeks notice" or "his eviction" or something.

    2. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      I gave the eviction to his cat.

  6. I suppose I don't have much room to talk since I will occasionally stream a game for some friends if they want to see it or wouldn't play it themselves. I definitely can't stand watching other people play video games very much, especially if they're not very good at them. Way too frustrating. Puts me at odds with watching Game Grumps (which eventually became having it as background noise because holy shit, Danny and Arin suck). I heard the sucking is deliberate because manufactured internet rage gets hits, which I find that much worse.
  7. I'm still pretty surprised Ubisoft didn't opt to make like...d'Eon de Beaumont a protagonist of an Assassin's Creed game. It would make everyone happy! You could have the option of picking your gender and everything!
  8. So my older brother bought me this... So I went and bought...
  9. Now I'm curious. 90's Star Wars game with underwater level/section? The only one I can think of now is KOTOR, but that was in 2003. Might have also been Shadows of the Empire. That means you were probably big on Felicia before they turned her into a vapid ditz, so good on you MJ.
  10. I wonder if they'll have some cameos in Infinity Gauntlet. If I remember right, Thanos took out Drax, Nova, Thor, She-Hulk and Scarlet Witch in his attempt to get Death sempai to notice him.
  11. I finished up Bloodborne the other day, so now seems like as good a time as any to post these.
  12. The Ant-Christ has finally come to take away their tiny freedoms! guns! freedom-guns!
  13. In theory, any of ME3's endings wouldn't interfere with a game that takes place in the future or in another galaxy. They all share one common thread.
  14. Project X Zone 2? Fucking Kazama Kiryu and Goro Majima playable? Stop it, my penis can only get so erect.

  15. Once again, it is spring time for Guts.

    1. deanb


      Deutschland is happy and gay!! (oh wait wrong song)

    2. TheMightyEthan


      ^ Glad I'm not the only one who's been thinking that.

    3. Mal
  16. Even worse if they insist that watching it subbed is 'watching it as it was intended' or some such nonsense.
  17. Strangelove, how do you function on the internet? It's filled with people turning any given property into ponies. Or I guess Steven Universe related things now. Is that the big thing now?
  18. I'm expecting Ridley to be the most requested character followed by Chrom then Ice Climbers.
  19. I think I'm done buying video games for a while. Fortunately, nothing that really grabs my attention is coming out until next year (I would like Arkham Knight, but I'll just hold out for the inevitable GotY version).
  20. Hot single biscuits are in my area and would like to meet me. Ended up making too much butter and said fuck it. Just slathered it on.
  21. Replayed Parasite Eve 1 over the last few weeks and beat it on Saturday. Love the game, but forgot how fucking slow it is. Finally finished Kingdoms of Amalur today after spending like 100 some hours on it (there was a bit of idling involved).
  22. Everyone knows that the Law ending is usually presented as the baddest ending since deities in SMT are bigger jerks than Roman gods.
  23. I wish my roommate was a sexy lady so I could enjoy getting her wet.
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