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Alex Heat

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Everything posted by Alex Heat

  1. Got PS4 Destiny as an early birthday gift from a friend (it counts because he gave me the money specifically to buy Destiny rather than getting me the game outright).
  2. It's even worse if you're playing a Hunter, trust me. Not having a subclass with Void sucks especially in this instance.
  3. Needs another 30 seconds of Richard uttering Asbel's name.
  4. I also like BioShock's system. Time is a pretty precious commodity, so anything that opts to flush it down the toilet just grates my nerves. I can deal with it in older games (which weren't as long), but definitely not modern ones.
  5. That would definitely explain why most music in modern games just becomes boring ambiance to me.
  6. Pretty sure my three year old nephew passed his cold onto me when he gave me a hug the other day. Little jerk knew what he was doing.

    1. SomTervo


      colds have suddenly sprung up everywhere

  7. The music took a pretty serious hit if you ask me though.
  8. My understanding is that P3 and P4 are self-contained, but all the Persona games still occur within the same setting which is, in turn, an alternate universe of the first SNES SMT game. Continuity-wise, by Persona 4 Arena, Persona 1 happened around 15 years ago, Persona 2 was 13 years ago, Persona 3 was 2 years ago and Persona 4 was only a month and a half ago.
  9. Enjoyed my best friend's pirate themed wedding. Also made peace with his angry cat.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Ceremony and reception. Both were at the Renaissance Festivasl though.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      @WaS: that is every cat.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That's even more embarassing than I thought.

  10. I dunno, they brought in R.O.B., so the Duck Hunt dog isn't too farfetched.
  11. Matador separates the men from the boys. There was a certain amount of delight to be had in having my friends come to me later like 'WHAT THE FUCK THIS BOSS IS BULLSHIT!' after having only played Persona 3 or 4 because all you can really say is...Welcome to the real SMT experience, my friend.
  12. I know this feeling. My cousins' grandmother likes to punctuate all of her sentences with 'hee' instead of periods, on top of just commenting in a very stream of conscious way. My cousin'll post something about her quest to become a marine biologist and her grandma'll post a comment like 'remember when i took you and your sister to dairy queen that one time hee you got ice all over your faces hee'. For some reason, it's just really irritating.
  13. Graces did have one thing going for it and that's that it had a lot of great skits.
  14. I don't mind the console exclusives so long as they don't clash either. Ezio in SC5 worked fine and Gears characters in Lost Planet? Sure.
  15. Yeah, hopefully this'll get Sony off their asses about DNLA support.
  16. As long as it's at least on par with Downpour and better than 4/Homecoming/Origins/Shattered Memories, I can deal with Silent Hills not being better than 1/2/3.
  17. Vesperia is definitely my favorite and the one I would say is the best. Eternia/Destiny II has a special place in my heart for being my first Tales games. I tried to go back and play Phantasia and Destiny, but I'm too used to the fluidity of the later game battle systems to make much progress.
  18. Don't listen to anyone who says Symphonia is one of the best in the series. They're either liars or it's the only Tales game they've played.
  19. Alex Heat

    Your Rig

    I suppose I will contribute! CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 960T Zosma RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB x2 GPU: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6850 MoBo: ASRock 880GMH/U3S3 HDD: 500 GB Western Digital WD Blue, 500GB Seagate Barracuda, 1TB Seagate Barracuda PSU: Thermaltake TR2 TR-600 600W Keyboard: An old Dell keyboard from like 2004. Mouse: Some USB mouse I grabbed off Monoprice. Most of this stuff is a few years old (last computer upgrade was in 2011). The 1TB HDD and PSU were purchased last year though.
  20. I'm with Atomsk, I don't get how Incredible Hulk rates so low.
  21. Nintendo is fucked!
  22. And Hyrule Warriors is confirmed to only have local multiplayer. Welp, there goes my day one purchase. Edit: Which is to say no online co-op, but there will be some form of online mode.
  23. I liked Cable & Deadpool, though not nearly as much as the earlier run of DP's series. He works better when he's written by Joe Kelly and Gail Simone. It's just unfortunate that everyone has kind of latched on his WHOOP WHOOP I AM SO WACKY AND 4TH WALL BREAKING.
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