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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. Batty boy! Welcome. One of the first few pages of this thread has a link to a site where you can check if your account has been compromised. *edit* Oh wait, you said no e-mail address... In that case: I have no idea.
  2. I hadn't read the full article yet before posting that, so it seemed like "just a pic with no context". Still, who cares what Gawker people say? The only reason I ever visited Kotaku was the commenters, and they're all here now. :bun-lalala: :bun-lalala: :bun-lalala: :bun-lalala:
  3. Seconded. Here's my list (in order, more or less): Batman: Arkham City Dead Space 2 3DS Marvel Vs Capcom 3 ICO x Shadow of the Colossus HD Zelda: Skyward Sword Deus Ex: Human Revolution The Last Guardian MotorStorm Apocalypse Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Mass Effect 2 I'm also really hoping for a new Monster Hunter on a console I own (Wii or PS3), or on the 3DS.
  4. Are you the guy from Beat Em & Eat Em?
  5. Sonic, it's not the 90's anymore. Those red sneakers just won't do. How long have you had those anyway?
  6. You should watch it. It holds up amazingly well. I too curse myself for not thinking of this one. Greatest Movie Ever. As for my own entry, I present you with a memorable scene from Eastern Promises. (Ehhh NSFW if your work doesn't involve looking at naked willies.)
  7. I mentioned this place to her just before reading this post. She seemed excited when I told her of all the people that have returned so far. She also likes the starry background...
  8. IDENTITY... CONFIRMED It's really him, guys! Chew is going to have a blast (as are many others)!
  9. Pony AND D-K join on the same day? This is going to be the best forum EVER. (Dave, jij bent 't wel echt, toch?)
  10. Woo, new blood! Also, is that fucking Iron Man? High-five if Yes!
  11. There's something slightly depressing about these "guy in the bathroom taking a picture of himself in the mirror" pictures. (As opposed to the classic "guy all alone on his bed taking a picture with his crappy webcam" picture.)
  12. A tattoo of a black bar? That's not very inspired.
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