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Everything posted by StrifeROKs

  1. OMG Toshi is so small and cuddly!
  2. StrifeROKs


    D-K is getting warned again already?
  3. I thought Jack was black
  4. I suggest we rename the board to better signify how much you all love me.
  5. Jack why are you trying to one-up my status? It won't work. Also Bags was suppose to be my date, I feel like Im ditching him..
  6. Coming from the "lets make a forum for every sporting event ever thought of" guy. Chewie let us have our fun and just stay out of NV
  7. I wont be on LIVE until after thursday or friday, but yes the four of us should have a double-gears-date
  8. Is it sad that my favorite thing to come out of this thread is a gears game?
  9. What's an xbox and how is it alive?

  10. "tales of daring do bad and good luck tales"

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      Duck Tales - a woo-oo!

    2. Chewblaha


      Not ponytails, nor cotton tails, NO, Ducktales! A woo-ooo!

  11. Clown I hate you so much....
  12. I know things seem bad Cinn but you don't need to sell yourself online
  13. I received a lot of drunk and not enough ass. Some hot girls at Mortons tonight though. Also steak
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