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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Suddenly I feel like the only person not losing interest in COD.
  2. Yantelope


    Most gaming mouse stuff is snake oil but I love wireless mouses. Also the thumb buttons that let you go back in your web browser are super nice too.
  3. I still play Halo Reach. I don't ever see any of you guys on it though. Send me an invite if you see me playing it.
  4. Yantelope


    I'm still rocking the original MX1000. It's a classic and I still love it.
  5. So how did this forum pull in a picture of me already? Is it linked to another site like pressxordie?
  6. I just got black ops and had to play the first mission 3 times to get past it because of a a glitch. Pretty frustrated by that but other than that it's cool. And yeah, Dean, MW2's "story" was completely incoherent. Fun it was, but incoherent.
  7. Hey kids, I love the picture on the banner. Hilarious.
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