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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. HyperX Alloy Elite RGB (That's a name ), I had been using an 8 year old HP membrane keyboard for a while and though it still works fine,it had some small issues, and then yesterday I saw this one go on sale for less than other comparable membrane keyboards even though this one's mechanical so I decided it was worth the price. Arrived today! \m/ \m/ Best feature is the media keys, most other mechanical keyboards lack them and those that do seem to think they're worth a $50-$80 premium. Being my first mechanical keyboard its hard to compare it to others in its range, but compared to my old one it's a world of difference, really liking it so far though I've yet to try any gaming on it, for typing it's pretty cool, though the smaller and more sensitive keys certainly punish any mistakes.
  2. Yeah, I guess so, gotta take them small victories I suppose.
  3. IMF (International Monetary Fund, not the Mission Impossible one ) has said that economic growth is expected the be lower than 1%, independent analysts and other international organisations agree and pretty much all believe a recession is inevitable. Our president: "Don't believe their neoliberal lies! It's all part of neoliberal propaganda to question our transformation because we reject neoliberal policies because neoliberal policies are neoporfirist policies and we're against them!" Looking at it, it's like if you took all of Trump's stupidity but none of the racism, and you get our president, kinda.
  4. Trying to draw different kinds of flowers including some less realistic stuff.
  5. You're all welcome here if you want. We haven't gone past 22°C and most days have been cold and rainy. Granted, March and April were hell on earth, but right now we're doing better.
  6. I have a 15% off DOOM merch code if anyone wants it. Got it as part of the Slayers Club giveaways, but they don't ship merch to Mexico so... Works only on https://gear.bethesda.net/ and only for currently available items so no pre-orders.
  7. Halo CE Kinda... I mean, I've completed all missions but they weren't all in the same difficulty. Long story short, past me wanted to try Heroic difficulty while trying to get all skulls and terminals, present me was having none of it and so I started Keyes on easy with a couple of skulls on, and then I learned I would not be able to go back to my Heroic save afterwards. So yeah, ended up completing Keyes and The Maw on easy, everything else on Heroic, and I still missed a couple of skulls.
  8. In honour of that alien prophecy thing, I'm playing some XCOM. :P 

  9. Yeah, like I said, people called him out on that line. Yeah that prison seems pretty hard to escape from, also, quite the company he's going to be in.
  10. Complicated. Some are happy he's in jail, in a place where it's unlikely he'll escape or get the same leniency he'd have found here, others wanted him to face trial in Mexico (though we all know how that would end ) and consider extradition to be a failure of our government. The president complained that the sentence was inhumane and was criticised for caring more about him than his victims. Some people agree that it was too much, while others want even harsher punishments and the guarantee that he will not be able to appeal his sentence. Still for others, dude exists as some kind of folk hero, with a clothing line being released by his family and already becoming quite popular (something I personally find disgusting but to each their own I guess). I don't know how secure the place he's been sent to is, but I would like to think it's tunnel proof and that the people working there are properly paid and/or their identities kept hidden in order to keep them safe. The government is exploring the options they have to seize all assets though if I understand correctly the US government has dibs on all that stuff? There's also the concern that his sentencing may worsen the current territorial wars, though security officials say that this is unlikely as the current factions have been going at it since before the official sentence was dictated and they do not think anyone else will join the fray all of a sudden or that conflict will escalate further. Some officials have actually argued that things will improve but I think it's more likely that aliens will pop up and say they visit earth to buy pizza. Personally, while it won't change much about how things are going, I would have liked a harsher sentence (or at least, several life sentences in case they manage to appeal or something), I also disagree with anyone who thinks that he should have faced trial and prison in Mexico, there's no way that would have worked, he'd have escaped already, our system is too fucked up and useless to handle something like this. So yeah, kinda all over the place but that's how it is over here with stuff like this.
  11. There's been minimum coverage of it over here most of the media is focused on Chapo's trial. Yeah stuff like this highlights how peaceful other countries are and/or how fucked up we are.
  12. That's fucked up, saw some stuff last night but there were no official reports of deaths. Shit.
  13. Galaxy Tab A 10.5. Was originally going to buy a Tab Pro off of a relative who was looking to get an iPad, but when I asked them about it last week they said they had already given it to their niece. Then I found this one on sale, cheaper than the A 10.1 too. \m/ \m/
  14. Looks cool, much more serious tone too, at least based on this one trailer.
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