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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. The National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (that's a name ) is trying to pass a law that would ban movies and potentially tv shows from being dubbed into Spanish. Their argument is that they want to prevent the "Americanisation" of the Mexican people caused by consumption of media in its original language. They did this in the 70's for some time and then in 2000 they tried something similar, except back then it was deemed unconstitutional. Who knows how it'll go this time.
  2. Supposedly they are updating the Switch hardware soon(ish?), but nothing confirmed that I know.
  3. Sunset Overdrive does this a bunch, worse is that they constantly knowledge that there are better ways to do it but then go "it wouldn't be a game without this annoying quest in right?!". The Borderlands 2 DLC is a good example of when and how it can work, though I never finished the whole thing.
  4. Having dialogue that makes fun of dumb/annoying/stupid quests and mechanics. If you feel the need to be "meta" about it and make fun of how dumb this quest is... Maybe don't have it there in the first place?
  5. Some people claim that it's more fun to play them, whatever that means, sounds like witchcraft to me.
  6. The only game that I'm interested in and that I can actually go "yeah, I'll play that in the near future" as opposed to just buying it and having it sit untouched in my library until the end of time.
  7. The story of Mulan comes from a ballad if I remember correctly, so yeah, more legend than anything else, looks cool, shame they're losing the songs but I guess it makes sense given the direction they're going with.
  8. Shame that the weightlifting anime is a Funi exclusive, not available where I live. Was looking forward to it.
  9. Halo Wars Definitive Edition. I have HW2 ready to go but I could not remember the story of 1 so I used the game pass thingy to get this one and go through the story on easy just to get back up to date.
  10. Thanks for the advice! \m/ \m/ The A looks like a solid choice, and from what I've seen, not that expensive, screen size looks pretty good too, will look around and compare a bit, but so far, that one's on the lead. Thanks!
  11. Anyone have any recommendations for Android tablets? Mainly looking for something to read books/comics/manga on, though if it could also do some light gaming (Azur Lane, FGO) that'd be cool too. Haven't kept up with the tablet space and most of the ones I've seen in stores are super small or just like "Avengers tablet for kids!" and whatnot.
  12. Gears of War 4 That was an ending. Went in knowing what the twist was since the trailers for 5 have already spoiled that, but still, the reveal was cool. DBs are extremely annoying though, I feel they're more dangerous than any other enemy in the Gears series, they just talk and talk until their targets blow themselves up so they'll be spared further repeats of the same phrase over and over and over and over and over again. Looking forward to 5 now, wasn't that interested before but now I kinda want to see how this ends.
  13. My first cosmic abomination! Doing some warmup doodles while listening to Revocation's The Outer Ones and this was the end result. Need to improve my shadows and details on organic monsters, but this being the first time I try something like this and it being something that happened kinda spontaneously, I'm happy with the result.
  14. Yeah, the Doomguy is a descendant of B.J. Also yeah, in DOOM2016, you found these fragments of, I think it was the bible of hell or something, called the Slayer Testament, which described the Doom Slayer as leader of the Night Sentinels, Guardians of Arjent D'Nur, who began his campaign of revenge against hell after the demons took over his world, it's mentioned that this was during the "first age", and according to some of the data you can find, the demons are currently living in... the fifth age I believe. Don't know how long each age is but it is mentioned that studies of the Praetor suit identify it as being old as hell (heh ), and the Slayer had been killing demons well before receiving it. There's also that whole thing about the Slayer being powered up by the Seraphim, who bestowed upon him strength and speed, then the thing with the Titan, hell's last hope which was crushed by the Slayer, etc. There's a bunch of stuff there that pretty much states the Doom Slayer is not even human. In fact presumably it was thanks to him that the demons were able to do all that as it is mentioned that the demons promised the return of his son in exchange for access to the Wraiths, however, instead of his son, they returned to him the Icon Of Sin, and proceeded to take over/kill everyone in Arjent D'Nur. Afterwards he began his crusade, killing the crap out of any demons that were in his way.
  15. I did set it to Pro difficulty. which may explain the... Lack of points.
  16. https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/06/09/doom-eternal-will-answer-the-question-of-who-the-doom-slayer-is I'd actually be really disappointed if it turns out the Doom Slayer and the Doomguy are the same dude. I like the idea of the Doom Slayer being an immortal, unstoppable demon killer from another world that's mostly indifferent to humans. If they made him the same human dude from the previous games it'd be lame IMO.
  17. https://imgur.com/a/t8ck3YP Not exactly the most scientific simulation, but I think it's good enough.
  18. For $3, why the hell not? I actually do enjoy sports games, though I haven't bought one in a while, until now that is.
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