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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. https://twitter.com/Mick_Gordon/status/1137911163256074240 \m/ \m/
  2. GhostWire and Deathloop look really cool, can't wait to see some gameplay. \m/ \m/
  3. Might get that Game Pass thingy, after checking the local price, it's actually really fucking good. I might update my PC this year (been saving... pretty much since I built my current system ) so it may be able to run it properly, otherwise, this just made Scarlett that much more tempting.
  4. Looking forward to some DOOM ETERNAL news today. :P \m/ \m/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      We're going to kill God.

    3. Mal


      November 22nd, 2019.

    4. MetalCaveman


      HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/

  5. Shin Godzilla did the human aspect better, but KotM had the better monster stuff.
  6. Economists/international financial institutions/other experts: The Mexican economy is, for lack of a better word, fucked, and it'll get worse. Our president: They are wrong, they're wrong because they use techniques meant for the neoliberal world of 3 decades ago, that does not apply to us anymore, we're doing well and we'll do better! I know, I have the numbers! Journalists: Where the numbers at? President: Silence member of the journalist mafia, your lies cannot change or stop our progress!
  7. Maybe it'll work like StarCraft, were the base game and some other stuff are free, but if you want the latest expansion you have to buy it. I had fun while playing until I got killed by a level 600 mechanical eyeball of doom, was running one of the early missions when I ran into it and got insta-killed, stopped playing there and never went back.
  8. Code Vein is really cool, did not expect it to be this Souls-like (more Bloodborne-like really), haven't tried the challenge stuff yet, but the main area is pretty fun. :P 

    1. toxicitizen


      That's good to hear! I was on board with Anime Souls but initial gameplay footage looked kinda iffy and then the long radio silence didn't seem to bode well. There's not enough truly good Souls-like, Nioh's pretty much the only one as far as I'm aware. Everything else I've played was subpar at best.

  9. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/games/death-stranding-ps4/ There's some more details there. Including some gameplay stuff.
  10. Looks cool and could actually be useful.
  11. Krita, it's free and it's fairly easy to use, decent feature set too, also, it's free.
  12. Being able to zoom, scale and move stuff around makes stuff like this easier to draw on the tablet.
  13. Predator: Hunting Grounds - HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/ ... Asymmetrical multiplayer - hell no...
  14. After listening to it a couple times on digital I decided it was worth it to get it on physical. \m/ \m/
  15. Settled for this style, I think it works OK for now, though I would like to learn how to draw more realistic fur down the line. Also drew this the other day:
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