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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/news/black-hole-image-makes-history/?utm_source=TWITTER&utm_medium=NASA&utm_campaign=NASASocial&linkId=65926361 HELL YEAH! \m/ \m/
  2. From what I've seen, I would have a hard time with this game as I tend to go through the Souls games by just using the biggest sword I can find. Still looking forward to it whenever I get around to buying it.
  3. The Head Hunter. I feel this is one that fans of horror movies will like more, I was kinda hoping to get something like Predator with Vikings, and to be fair, it kinda is, but unfortunately it also suffers from some issues, most of them being related to the low budget the movie had. The slow non-monster parts were some of my favourite as they do a great job at setting up the atmosphere and explain a bit about the main character and his life without dragging on for too long those are also the parts where the low budget isn't as big of an issue. The biggest issue I had with it is the ending: The best part of the movie is the armour the main character wears, it looks metal as hell. \m/ \m/ Edit: I'll also give it points for:
  4. https://www.metrothegame.com/news/ranger-update/ New update added New Game+ along with some other stuff including a new preset that should improve aiming. \m/ \m/
  5. Hopefully that means the current version will go down in price.
  6. Saw DOOM Eternal there and thought it was the release date announcement.
  7. Found the line tool on Krita and decided to try and replicate what I did on my notebook. Had some issues with the shadows, but overall happy with the result.
  8. Not a trailer but who cares, IT'S HAPPENING! \m/ \m/
  9. Metro Exodus. Hell is trying to navigate a boat in this game. Though it has a bunch of gameplay issues, the story was worth it, specially the ending. The update to fix the aiming did improve things but it still felt way off and there were other issues, most of them related to the transition to open world, trying to walk or run anywhere is annoying as even the slightest obstacle causes Artyom to slow down to a crawl, certain enemies that used to be unique/scripted encounters now roam around and it's possible to get attacked by one of them by surprise while you're trying to get somewhere, which depending on which difficulty you're playing, might insta-kill you, even in There was also that time I had to walk for most of a chapter because I got the car stuck and could not get it out and you only get that one, for whatever reason all the other trucks, bikes and cars that enemies use are off-limits. The best part of the game is near the end, where, funny enough, things get way more linear like the old games, that was definitively my favourite part of the game and something I feel redeems the rest of it. Overall though I would say I enjoyed my time with it, it was pretty cool and if this is the last game in the series then I would say it's a pretty good way to end the series. I never did increase the difficulty though, found easy to be a nice comfortable spot for most of the exploration bits so I just left it there for the whole game. Which did lead me to
  10. For $2 at Walmart, found a pile of games with huge discounts, most of them did not interest me, but then I found this one, not sure if it's as good as the Cyber Sleuth series but for that price it's worth a look.
  11. If this is Predator with Vikings then it's going to be fucking awesome! \m/ \m/
  12. Fate Stay Night Heaven's Feel II: Lost Butterfly. It was fucking awesome and fucking brutal. I already knew the stuff that was coming but still, seeing it animated in such a way is quite a thing. Can't wait for III: Spring Song in 2020. \m/ \m/
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