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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. I would like to see kind of an AvP style of thing, just have the Doom Guy/Slayer running around killing demons and some UAC people trying to run for their lives, only seeing the Doom Guy/Slayer from a distance or for brief periods of time. Or something like Forward Unto Dawn, where the first part of the film focuses on UAC people doing UAC stuff, starts with a horror vibe, then in the last part the Doom Guy/Slayer shows up and it ramps up from there.
  2. Suddenly, the 2005 version does not look that bad.
  3. If you're in the mood for hunting but want something more simple and approachable, try the God Eater series. \m/ \m/
  4. Pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition on PS4, wanted to get the physical edition, but it seems like the only way to get the Altera costume is to buy this version so...
  5. Berserk Deluxe Edition (first 3 volumes): https://www.darkhorse.com/Books/3002-722/Berserk-Deluxe-Volume-1-HC Might be of interest to some people here.
  6. I've done that a couple of times, played through Dead Space 1 and 2 a couple of times, Demon's/Dark Souls and some others, mostly stuff on PS3 and 360 as those are the consoles that I have on the same room as my exercise bike so that gives me some time to play while working out. I also go back to old favourites whenever I don't feel like playing anything new or going through my backlog.
  7. Still can't believe this is a thing that exists...
  8. Didn't expect to arrive at THAT place so early in the game, so, before I start that chapter I'm leaving a prediction here, will come back to check it after completing the chapter/area:
  9. Happy to say that stuff like this now takes 10-15 mins, used to take 40 mins to an hour to get something that didn't look remotely as good.
  10. Plus all the new stuff from Dream Theater, Overkill, Iron Savior and Rhapsody of Fire. Today was packed with new releases. \m/ \m/
  11. Playing some Metro Exodus, trying to use a boat to get from one place to another is... A thing. 50% of the time you're stuck because the thing won't turn, so you can just go forward or backward, good luck navigating the river like that. The other 50% of the time you're stuck because of the 500 shrimp/mutants/things that attack the moment you get close to the water, every time one of them hits you with acid you get shoved back, if one gets on the boat you have to stop rowing, shoot it, pick up the oar once more and start rowing again, at which point another shrimp will get on the boat and the process starts again.
  12. Most likely. I did have a teacher from England (don't know from where specifically) but that was a long time ago so yeah, outside of PXOD peeps from there, most of what I've picked up likely comes from movies/books/tv/other pop culture stuff.
  13. Tried a fix I saw online (switching sensitivity presets, tweaking autoaim settings and increasing aim and look sensitivity), though it improved a ton from before, there's still some issues, mind you this is on PS4, don't know how other platforms are doing. The best solution I've found is to just rush the enemy with a shotgun as you don't have to worry about precision aiming or stealth takedowns not working with that thing.
  14. I'll probably keep a mix, I enjoy using both and they both have their advantages and uses. \m/ \m/
  15. Metro Exodus uses it for the Geiger counter and filter alarm, it's pretty cool.
  16. After playing for a while... I had to turn the difficulty down, something about the controls, specially aiming and stealth takedowns feels super sluggish and unresponsive, making most fights quite frustrating, don't know if this is on purpose or if it's an issue that'll get fixed eventually, for now though, I'm switching to easy. Never had an issue with the previous games, even with the original Metro 2033, but this time it's too much.
  17. One of those days when you go out to look for a store that sells God Eater 3 and instead you return with an early(ish) copy of Metro Exodus.
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