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Everything posted by D-K

  1. I kind of wanna play that now.. looks like fun. Also, better animation than Fallout 3 or Oblivion, lol. Soundtrack is epic, PEPSIMAAAAHN! Weird that his goal is to drink a pepsi at the end of the level when he picks up like 50 on the way, but hey, when in japan..
  2. So you get 10 picks + a move? Shenanigans. SHENANIGANS!
  3. Allow me to reiterate; hehehe
  4. Hahahahaha, oh my... Anyway OT: 10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 9. Halo 3 8. Super Mario Galaxy 7. Gears of War 6. Fallout 2 5. StarCraft II 4. Final Fantasy VII 3. Red Dead Redemption 2. GoldenEye (N64) 1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  5. I feel Yante should have his point revoked as he corrected his first answer with the second. His final answer was karaoke rev, which is incorrect. Which frees open the guesses for the previous round, to which I say Singstar. BAM he shoots he scores!
  6. Duck Hunt Skeet-shooting. I should get the point for being more specific.
  7. Dragonball Evolution: the Movie: The Game Streetfighter: The Motion Picture: The Game Crap extracted from Crap. Meta-crap. Ugh.
  8. A Nintendo fanboy complaining about playstation controllers? Wow. just ... wow. I don't know what to say
  9. Insulting people's looks? This could get hairy.. Still, I respect anyone who makes bald statements like that, I really do. It's my raison d'êttre afterall
  10. CAN'T HANDLE TRUTH! (hogs the thread) (tee hee ... hee)
  11. Simpsons game! The one where you skateboard down the Chinese Wall! Bart v.s the Space Mutants (looks a bit like leisure suite larry too) (The chinese wall segment is actually from Bart v.s the World, I played all of the simpsons game, including the PS3 one)
  12. How courteous of you. Good show. (yes it was)
  13. 6'1" as well 6'4" if I mousse the crap out of my hair.
  14. Gah! You're right. I always mess that up. This is what's in my head England = scotland, wales, ireland's hat, and the country with the guys with the fancy hats. Britannia = just the guys with the fancy hats UK = well I don't know. Great Brittain = fancy hat-land plus Wales I know it's wrong, it's a recurring mistake I make. Same with hypothesis/theory/theorem. If questioned I know it perfectly, but when it's in the middle of an unprovoked explanation I always mess it up. Acute-term-dislexia-but-not-really-dislexia-just-some-kind-of-brainfart-thing, I believe is the medical term for it I think silly things sometimes..
  15. eargasm on the third suprEEEEEEEÉÉÉÉÉÉêêêêêêMMMMMME! I love how Tenacious D doesn't have to compromise between humour and music, it all just works. Master Xploder is fucking brilliant as well
  16. Much the same as I can do a cockney character or "plat amsterdams". Dialects totally count.
  17. @Moffie: I can't, already at 2 warnings, 1 more and I'm outta here. @HH: Actually Tim was a british character (MP is british, right?).. Scottish would be an Angus or Hamish.
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