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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. You're not invited to my birthday party anymore, Jack.
  2. Funny that the song is about being a jerk---I SENT THIS TO YOU AND YOU POSTED IT FIRST BEFORE ME! You jerk.

    1. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      Does it mean I'm on Facebook too much if I looked for the "Like" button?

    2. ixa


      probably, yeah.

  4. Love this forum. Glad I came here. You are all a barrel of awesome.

  5. Slamming down some Mike's Harder. Beware of future drunken posts

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Showmeyomoves!


      Clowney is a recovering alcoholic. Please don't encourage him. Thank you.

    3. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      I wouldn't call myself a Whiskey Guy, just a Captain Makes Me Wretch and Vomit Guy.

    4. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      Also, please ignore Smooves, I'm still a practicing alcoholic thankyaverymuch!

  6. I changed my IRL avatar to look female.
  7. A dishwasher and a REAL shower. I live in a TIIIIIIINY house for rent. It's just slightly bigger than most studios.
  8. Well, what pisses me off the most is the lack of an auction house or NPCs selling gear. So in order to get anything, you need to spend 75% of your time crafting. Which is a pain in the butt--because in order to make the gear you need you pretty much need to level every available craft skill or spend all your money. That and spending time trying to get the drops and crystals to actually craft with. It's tedious. The battle system is also kind of hazy. They also have point allotment--which kind of makes changing jobs pointless. There's no in-game mailing system, so the use of mules has been ruled out. The list goes on... At least the graphics are pretty cool.
  9. I was thinking that, but I thought it was more aimed at arcade games and the such. I guess it'll get moved or deleted then.
  10. I grew up on Sierra games. One of the first PC games I played was the Kings Quest series. And I have to say--these games are probably the more brutal point and click adventure games you can get. You forget ONE item and near the end you're screwed and you have to start all over. Still, though, I've always admired Sierra games for being imaginative and in-depth. The other game I played like crazy was Lands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny. Sadly, it's a underrated game and Westwood Studios was bought out by EA Games. But out of all the games I've played, this one was probably my favorite PC game ever.
  11. I've got a bit of a soft spot for A Clockwork Orange at the moment. Went as Alex for Halloween. Everyone thought I was either Charlie Chaplin or a goddamn mime. I hate my town.
  12. My wind chill is in the double digits! -25. It's nipply out there.
  13. I may not have your fancy restaurants, but you will NEVER get my lawn shops.
  14. I must live in a really backwards city....
  15. I also love the Hu Hot. You guys have one of those, right?
  16. I only played Secret of Monkey Island and I gotta say...
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