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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. HEY. HEY. GUESS WHAT. I'm inebriated.

    1. hatch


      stop using backspace imo

    2. Mudkip3DS


      *shoves LittlePirate a little bit*

  2. Christmas Eve shift... no extra pay... Full hours.... Last minute Christmas shoppers at the Dollar store. I need you guys to cheer me through this!
  3. They were from my co-workers Jack. It's kind of a nice thing, really. While my job is stressful, it helps that everyone gets along with each other.
  4. I GUESS GETTING IS BETTER THAN GIVING. >:T But yeah, when I actually get to open my presents I'll post what I got. I only got cards from co-workers so far and a lottery ticket. I did not win.
  5. My sister really loves Bioshock, so.... I can't wait to see her open this.
  6. No matter what choice you pick you feel like a douche afterwards.
  7. I heard your ex got the red ring of death. She should have bought a warranty.
  8. I think there's something wrong with my auto-target. It won't unlock from you.
  9. AXE COP!!!!! Written by a 5 year old, drawn by his 29 year old brother.
  10. This console can have up to four players.
  11. Let me give you some buffs for your lower equipment.
  12. I felt the need to post this topic. MUST BE GAME-RELATED. I usually press “X” to pick up weapons. Does that work for picking YOU up as well?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9azR5V8efUc In a classical mood again, listening to some Fantasia 2000 stuff.
  14. Jack, as your friend--and I care about you... You've got an addiction to posting. And it's hurting everyone around you.

    1. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I can quit whenever I want! I just don't WANT to.

    2. Pheermee


      Yeah! I've quit 3 times this week!

    3. StrifeROKs


      If jack quit posting the internet would explode.


      Do you want to be responsible for depriving all those people of their pron?

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