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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. You don't really need that, since the Tau are fully offensive. Just do a Vespid + Commander rush and you'll win like 90% of the matches XD I'd get Retribution right now if i had the money >.> For some reason, i never got into multiplayer with DoW2, played the campaign both solo and coop. If anyone wants to coop just let me know. We might organise some noob multiplayer as well, since it seems not a lot of people here played DoW2 MP XD
  2. Kovach_


    I've got a BenQ G2420HD, it should be sub 200$ now, 24", it's got DVI, HMDI, headphone jack etc. I've had it for some time now and i'm really pleased with it. https://www.pcczone.com/benq-g2420hd-24-hdmi-usb-port-black-lcd-monitor.html
  3. Took you long enough to fix that PC @__@ God bless those bank loans.
  4. Gives a new meaning to "lush forest canopy".
  5. 1:42 Rygar 2:05 Tecmo Knight 2:16 Games Without Frontiers I just browsed the comments a bit.
  6. I'd have to say PC. I've been gaming on the pc since '94, and no matter what happens, it's still my primary choice. Though i do prefer playing racing, fighting games and platformers on the consoles. As for consoles, i'm with the PS3. I'd only consider buying an Xbox if i lived in the USA. For the handhelds, i've got none, so i can't say much about those.
  7. If the game will be GPU heavy instead of CPU, as i expect it to be, you'll be fine.
  8. Those are some pretty decent requirements. I thought they'd be a lot higher.
  9. Oh, so we're gonna have people telling us that the game is about ~60h long, when in fact it's more like 20h + regen wait time. Great.
  10. So i just watched that gameplay video Dean posted... I sure as hell hope that regeneration was due to an augmentation. A very expensive one. One that you can't get at the beginning of the game.
  11. Hey there. Some people might remember me from the last forum, but if anyone knows me, it's probably from the Steam chat. Some people have been bugging me to start posting on the new forum lately... so here i am i guess
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