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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Kovach_


    Ongoing effort my ass. That basement team of theirs is prolly sitting and playing games all day long not doing anything. According to Steam, i still live in Yugoslavia, so i'm not expecting them to care about exchange values or anything. Besides, this way they get more money, why should they. I guess we kinda got used to the whole $=€ thing over time, but it still sucks. You UK guys have equal pricing, right Dean? Luckily for me, i get my stuff from the US Steam, due to some weird thing with Steam and credit cards.
  2. So far, i've tried adding a LOT of stuff to omlettes, and they all turned out great. I guess omlette just goes good with... well with anything.
  3. It's so weird. I'm honestly not sure if I would recommend it. If you do it, make sure to salt them for a bit of a sweet/salty mix. Now that you mention it, have you tried making omlette with sugar instead of salt? It's weird, but kinda cool at the same time. Add sugar while stiring so the eggs can properly absorb the sugar. I tried once adding it dirrectly on the eggs while in the pan... didn't work out so well.
  4. I greatly approve various cooking shenanigans! You could try frying the noodles next time with a stirred egg-bacon chopped into tiny pieces-spices (say... basil and something spicy) sauce on top. Powdered sugar is optional. I now want to put powdered sugar on french fries... Damn you.
  5. Kovach_


    Yeah, i'm not too keen on Team Deathmach mechs myself. I always thought of mech games as a SP experience. Don't know why though...
  6. Kovach_


    http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/03/31/mech-lust-continues-the-first-hawken-gameplay-footage/ I just saw this over in the newsfeed, and i'm amazed. I have no idea how i missed this game before, since i'm a sucker for mechs. Should be good enough to kill time until (if ever :/) MW5 comes out.
  7. Bad Company (both, but the first one is better) had awesome VA.
  8. I find the fact that all of these BF3 episodes were shown played on a pc pretty reassuring that it won't be a port.
  9. I always thought it was dumb as hell. Solar/wind/hydro all the way. It's just the nature of us humans that we want to invest in stuff that will get us more money in less time, no matter how stupid. Fuck the nature, nukes give us cash.
  10. Brand doesn't matter, as long as they're the same.
  11. Nah, don't worry, DICE won't fuck this up. Well, not like Crytek anyways...
  12. Just finished playing the demo. Not my screen, cause i have no idea how to capture and post screens on the PS3.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j49cMQ6hBcM
  14. Snap, i was just about to post that one xD
  15. ^^ lol, sure add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/kovach_/screenshots You can find a few BC2 screens i found funny enough to take. (too lazy to reupload them and stuff)
  16. That one happens a lot actually XD
  17. It's ok Toshi, i still love you and will never call you shorty.
  18. It's not like it's the first game where you could play MP with a pirate without any cracks XD
  19. Well i don't know if it would be "significantly" better, but lets see... Maybe get an i5/i7, Sandy Bridge MB (ASUS is my favourite there), Seasonic/Antec 620-650 PSU, 4x2gb dd3 RAM, you've already got a case, dvd, and hhd. That GPU you picked is fine (maybe a 6850 instead). This should last for at least 2 years imho, then later on just get a better GPU at the time for some added mileage. Ofc, i'm pretty sure there are a lot of people here that are more tech savvy than myself, i just wanted to tell you to think about some other options since you're willing to spend a fair bit of money
  20. Ah, right, my bad there.
  21. Oh, no, i agree that those parts are all good and a definite impovement over your current one, i'm just thinking 300€ is like two thirds of a new good pc, so if you're not in a hurry that you'd maybe be better of saving a bit more and geting a new one instead of upgrading.
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