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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Yeah, http://bethblog.com/index.php/2010/08/17/brink-pre-order-bonuses-announced/
  2. Eh, i don't mind the grey, grey world. I remember seeing some screens few months back tho, they were pretty colourful.
  3. I know, right? Don't buy the game.
  4. See, i knew this, no idea why i wrote that tho. Thanks for the correction anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_uLYMNP9Jo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WvMEVBc_wo ^^ This one is mixed Arab and Hindi i think.
  5. Suicide robot ninjas sounded awesome...
  6. The only ones i got are from Bollywood musicals xD
  7. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-04-20-mortal-kombat-can-secretly-nerf-characters Also, am i the only one on TAY that's getting the game?
  8. Wow, so i just checked and saw that Oblivion didn't have any spears. No wonder i only played it for 3 hours. Googled: This is dated February 11th. Fuck.
  9. Not sure about the 360 one, but the webcam mic will work.
  10. I used spears as my melee weapon in all of my archer builds in Morrowind. Tho i used 2h hammers for the most part <3 Angry battlemage with a hammer is a good battlemage.
  11. So yeah, Skyrim. Long Blades & Enchant, amrite guys?
  12. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/04/18/20-best-things-about-skyrim/ Quite a good read.
  13. Finally a fighting game i can play.
  14. Because Battlefield was always about solid single player campaigns.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4OlCNiAHk8
  16. Meh, Wii HD Mario 27: Same Stuff Again. I'll pass.
  17. Fucking store specific preorder bonuses...

    1. McBeeferton


      Pre-order bonuses alone are gay. But when more than one store does it, FUCK. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR GAME. FUCK YOUR CONTENT. USED BUY/PIRATE MODE, ACTIVATE.

    2. Kovach_


      Yeah. Amazon, Bestbuy and Gamestop have preorder bonuses for Mortal Kombat. Well fuck you guys, the USA isn't the only country in the world damn it. And i really wanted that Scorpion fatality/costume T_T

    3. CorgiShinobi


      The custom skins for co-op in Portal 2 for US are rather lame. I saw the skins for Germany and those are cool!


      Still, it's a shame I didn't know about Amazon's $20 gift card...

  18. Not sure if i like the new weapon changes...
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