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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Some local music for you non-Serbian people.
  2. I applaud any attempt to make the games harder these days.
  3. The demo was fun enough, but i'd like to see more before buying since, like FDS said, it seems like it could get repetitive.
  4. You will never find those. Unless you don't mind going in and out of Aerie 500 times.
  5. ^^ Yes, but then that's a general free speech or censorship problem, with internet being just a part of it. I was speaking more in line of "what if internet stopped existing", guess i should have written that better, sorry. And thanks for the links both of you, gonna read up a bit on that.
  6. @FDS Yeah, the UN "votes" on any new additions to the '49 HR charter, that is, the various committees that govern them. And yeah, i don't think it should be added. Internet right now is so much more than just a medium for information sharing, and while many would find life without it harder, it's not really neccessary for existence nor does it define us as TN said. You can still read the papers, watch the news on TV, buy stuff in stores etc. Is there any one or any body that's actively working on this, or is it just "internet talk"? Because i'd like to read more about this (not counting that article you already posted). I don't mean to be rude, but this sounds to me like way too big of a thing to be pushed around by some people that really have no better things to do. #firstworldproblems and all that.
  7. I can't imagine playing my teleport/lightning sorc on a console... it just wouldn't feel right. Neither would my ALL THE SHOUTS barbarian. But i'm #PCMasterRace so there's that.
  8. You know that feeling when every now and then you play an RPG for some 4-5 hours without saving, and then something stupid happens and you die? Yeah. I hate the world a bit more than usual right now.

  9. Bastion (just did the ending again for the other choice tho), started a new game + the other day, but don't really feel like playing it again so soon. If i played anytime soon i'd start hating it and i don't want that. Also finished Space Marine, great game. Few lore hickups here and there, nothing too major (i'm still giving you the stink eye melta), but it captured the whole 40k feel just right. Working on MP right now, super fun.
  10. I love Irish names. I have no idea how to pronouce them correctly, so i always do it in a Serbian way, which is more often than not hilarious. Well, at least for me. As long as your novel has 3 most important things any fantasy novel should have*, (swords, booze, and boobs) i shall support it forever. *as decided by me
  11. What the hell is Lacuna Coil doing with Megadeth and Motorhead @_@
  12. I just finished Space Marine single player, moving on to multi. Damn, this game is so fun.
  13. Nothing, just that i have no idea what's written on the said package you're reffering to No, i just meant that we should all pay attention in general when posting ingredients (the ratio is the most important). A pinch of this, dash of that is fine, tbs, grams, ounces, whatever, as long as one can figure out the ratio of different ingredients in the dish. Unless it's baking cakes. Cause you need to be super precise and exact there. Yeah, that xD
  14. Just a heads up, while we're still at the start of this thread. Don't just post cook it according to instructions on the box (unless you provide a clear picture of the box), or say cook it for 5 minutes. If possible, add temeperature or some means of differentiating between high and low. While you can't fuck up too much with heat working on the stove, when it comes to the oven it's a whole different matter. I can figure out most recipes just by glancing at them because i cook a lot, but others might get a bit confused if they're new to the kitchen. Also, should we have another topic for general kitchen advice, tips and tricks, or just post them here?
  15. I'm too tired now, but i'll post some easy, cheap, tasty recipes (with pics) later that are perfect for the student budget.
  16. But how do we know if we pronounced it right? One of you posh folk should record himself reading this
  17. Let's see, i got Humble Bundle (Tenshi <3), Orcs Must Die, Mass Effect 2 (totes not late), Rock of Ages, Anomaly: Warzone Earth (which is quite interesting), Dungeon Defenders, Serious Sam 3 (Cyber <3), Deus Ex: HR (Maritan <3), Space Marine (Luftwaffles <3), and a bunch of DLC. All in all, quite happy and set for quite some time. Also i love my friends.
  18. Well, EA got their rep shaken up a bit by those Battlefield bans, and there were a few silly ones on SW:TOR so people are generally bandwagoning that EA will ban you for breathing.
  19. Yay, Steam fucked up so i can't play games anymore!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kovach_


      Offline mode works for now since you don't have to use Steam Cloud, but the only games i feel like playing right now are multiplayer >.>

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Boh! Hooray for DRM...

    4. Kovach_


      Gonna go play BF3 on Origin now, which has been pretty weird lately as well. Yay for DRM platforms.

  20. It's just as silly as any other religion, really.
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