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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. She looks over-dressed to me tho >.>
  2. No, no, it needs at least 3 times the explosions on that screenshot to qualify for anything Michael Bay.
  3. Damn, now i gotta see that movie again.
  4. http://www.zavvi.com...uman+Revolution Deus Ex 3 £11.95 on all platforms. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Buy-2-Get-1-Free-Xbox-360-Value-Bundle/19341805?wmlspartner=FKSJxY2VJAk&sourceid=04006028582263486480#rr Here's one for the 360 US crew.
  5. Fuck, i laughed so much. Thanks <3
  6. I dislike hardcore just because a random noob can kill you right off the bat. But normal was... too easy in BC2. I'd turn of 3d spotting, and i'd need your server IP
  7. Then you've already seen everything the game has to offer.
  8. KPD = Kills per Death. Weird, i know, i always refer to it as K/D ratio. And yeah, server-side mod. I don't mind this, since i found it funny as hell, just glad i got to screencap it all
  9. Let's see, i got Portal 2 and Sanctum as gifts (Cyber and Shibbs <3), then i preordered Battlefield 3 and Skyrim (thanks Connorrr and Dean <3). Used various Steam sales to get Dawn of War 2: Retribution (and some DLC), Nation Red, Bastion, Cthulhu Saves the World, Breath of Death VII.
  10. So it started out a bit weird Then i fucked up a bit, got killed a few times And then it came I love shit like this.
  11. Sho Kosugi, the taiko ninja actor. Should have been a villain. heh, it's only available for premium users, what a shame... That's weird, i can add friends and i'm a free user. Did you go into that guild making thing? F4 is for friends and shit.
  12. I see. Now, about that boating accident...
  13. Damnit Hottie, you can't start like that right off the bat. You gotta take it slow. So, NotPenny'sBoat, tell us something about your childhood.
  14. Got the game this morning, let's see what i got. Don't like the narrator, don't like the Kid being voiceless (not counting the NGH, ARGH and the like). I have to admit i kinda expected more than just another hack 'n' slash, but that part is done right, so i can't complain too much i guess. Loving the art and the music. So all in all, pretty "OK" for now. Definitely worth the 7€ i paid for it, not sure if i'd say the same if it were at full price.
  15. Wow. I cannot even begin to understand that kind of lifestyle. They should start teaching driving in elementary school in America. That way you'll have less car crashes, since everyone practicaly lives in their car >_< I consider stuff being close if it's under 30-45 minutes of walking.
  16. Go into the social tab then just click add friend
  17. Hahahah. Well, now i feel sorry for Mr. T because he obviously didn't know that Mars is way better.
  18. I pity every country that doesn't have Mars bars.
  19. I refuse to be on the same side with Superman.
  20. Kovach_


    ^^ Whoah. I'm at a mere 300$ >.>
  21. Kovach23, just for BF3 tho.
  22. http://store.steampowered.com/app/107100/ Bastion is 50% off on Steam.
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