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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Hated the first one, probably not getting the second one unless they fix a LOT of stuff. And to all the people who are saying that even if it's a shitty game, it's cool in coop mode... every game is better with friends. Because you're playing with friends. They make shit better. It's still shit tho.
  2. 1. Lose weight 2. Make money 3. Travel 4. Stop being SO LAZY and actually DO something.
  3. Broke my strainer tea cup some time ago, so i got me a new one. I can drink real tea again! Doesn't look like this, but i can't find the pic online, and i'm lazy to take a pic with my phone, so here's a panda.
  4. Sure, i need anything that will help advance my masterplan of obtaining SPEHSS MAHREEN.
  5. ^^ I'd like that 25% THQ, if there's anything you're interesed in from my inv http://steamcommunity.com/id/kovach_/inventory/
  6. So, uhm, Merry Christmas to all of you who are Christmasish on the 25th!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Johnny


      Happy capitalist bank holiday.


      We Swedes celebrated yesterday.

    3. Kovach_


      Serbian Orthodox, but it's pretty much the same.

    4. TheRevanchist


      My wife is Russian Orthodox, so she tries to keep the tree alive from the day after Thanksgiving until mid January. Doesn't quite work like that.

  7. This year could have been a lot better, but i'm an idiot so yeah. Here's hoping i stop being one next year. And i wish the same, or better to you all.
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/id/kovach_/inventory/#440 My TF2 inventory if anyone wants something out of it. Willing to trade everything in it.
  9. Yeah, i couldn't get 2142 to run on W7 either And yeah, it's the best BF. The game fixed (almost) everything that was wrong with BF2, and it had WALKERS. The gunship was pretty cool as well. And i think we all agree on the Titan mode. TN, get some people at EA to get someone (not DICE) to make... 2143? I'll pay you 3 internets.
  10. I just figured out we never had a fightan gaemz thread 'till now. Wow. Anyways, i'm not too much into fighting games, but i've been trying to get beter lately, mainly with BlazBlue and MK. I'm not terrible, but not rly that good either yet.
  11. Purple is a fine colour indeed.
  12. http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/11/11/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweaks-improve-graphics-disable-vsync-change-fov-and-more/ Not sure if it's been posted yet, couple of .ini tweaks.
  13. I love it when you need to fuck with the .ini file just so you could change some basic shit in a 60$ game.
  14. Must be because your character lacks a beard
  15. Ok, so Origin just logged me out while i was playing BF3 saying i logged in from another computer, which i did not. My Origin password was the same as the one i was using on Steam before that hack thing the other day. Maybe it's an Origin bug (i haven't looked into it) or maybe the two are related, i don't know, just giving people a heads up.
  16. Well i think it's a given that Jesus will play an Argonian.
  17. When i saw the title i was expecting: I'm super disappointed now
  18. "I can resurrect myself, and i don't even have Restoration lol"
  19. The best Jesus there is.
  20. Just because it wouldn't play on a console doesn't mean you'd need a super mega awesome PC to run it. But since Skyrim was made for consoles, i don't mind a shitty port (well, i do, but like that's gonna change anything) since i'll have mods. Good thing i grew up with pixels so i'm not that into super pretty graphics.
  21. I want that cow as a mount. Horses are so mainstream. /hipster Nord
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