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Everything posted by Akuam4n

  1. GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely. You should really play it, it's fantastic. So what you're saying is, the reduced the number of puzzles? AKA reduced the only aspect of the game I might have enjoyed? Hah, I dunno if they are reduced or not. I don't remember how many were in GOW other than when you were hiking up to get pandoras box. Sorta the same idea on GoWIII but with the Labaryinth, and the area right before it. Not really a spoiler to say that either. I never even played GoWII though, so I can't comment on it.
  2. If you beat the boss of 2-1, 2-2, and the Maneater, congratulations!
  3. GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely. You should really play it, it's fantastic.
  4. It's far more fun to gank people in their world. ...Assuming they don't spam Rage of God.
  5. Added. I went through today and cleaned out my contact list, so if I deleted one of you, sorry, I didn't know. xD Just send another request the next time you log on.
  6. Must resist getting an iPhone on Verizon right before June.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akuam4n


      I have a Droid, I like iPhones. Android does nothing for me.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      If Android does nothing for you what do you expect an iPhone to do?

    4. Akuam4n


      Android is too clunky for me, and I prefer an iPhone. They are in the same vein, but it's the little things that make me like the iPhone more; the same goes for me liking OSX over Windows 7.

  7. Oh, there are also perks after each level until level 50. I want to see what these perks are. I dunno if I'll like that or not. It will be taking away the real need to customize your stats and whatnot to really tailor your class IMO. I dunno. It just seems like more and more they are shrinking the games skill set down, I want it to be hard, and take forever. Maybe the perks won't be that powerful though, just stuff like faster walking and horse riding. But walking used to be about your stats, and equipment, ahhhhh. T_T I will just have to wait and see a massive chunk of gameplay. I hold out judgement.
  8. The leveling sounds more like Morrowind in that each skill is leveled based on your actions but Skyrim gets rid of the class set-up seen at the beginning of Morrowind. When they're talking about Fallout 3 they mean the level-scaling of the enemies. I'm also concerned about the cut down on skills and the mystisim is no longer there but I'd actually prefere a more defined set of skills in a game where you have to level up skills seperatly. IE. why should I have to level a dagger skill when I'm already using swords a lot? Why should acrobatics and athletics be different skills? But this is assuming they're cutting skills intellegently and until I see the list of skills I'll remain skeptical. Oh, I thought they were doing perks or something like that at the end of each level; I don't mind the scaling at all, that was one of my main beefs with oblivion.
  9. I'm liking everything I hear, except I read somewhere the leveling will be similar to Fallout 3, and they are cutting down on how many skills and whatnot there are from Oblivion, which in that they cut down from Morrowind. -.-
  10. I don't really mind paying a subscription fee each month if the game is that good; after trying out lotr online, d&d online, and a few others; you can really see how polished WoW is compared to everything else. You can chalk it up to time on the market, or the constant flow of cash that get though, and I tend to think it's moreso cash than time. They can hire more people, afford more servers, more help for about any area of the game. I don't like how in f2p games, they really shove it in your face that you can buy this and that. If you enjoy it, you'll get to at least half the level cap. They should really stop blasting me with constant reminders of how I'm on the f2p version, until I least hit a level high enough to warrant paying for anything. I'm most interesting in Guild Wars 2 now though, and The Old Republic. I might check out DC Online too. For the subscription based games, it'd be nice if the cost of entry was severely cut to start with, say 20, or maybe even 15 dollars, perhaps whatever you would have to pay a month. I know WoW is pretty cheap from 1-60 now, but that is because of age (assuming you hit 60 in a month before you have to pay for more time, which if you are really playing should be no problem at all). Or keep the entry fee the same for a newer game, and knock the subscription down some. I see it in the same vein as apps on an iPhone or Android device. You can take the free version, but you end up with a gimped product, and are constantly reminded of such. Or, you can just buckle down, and buy what the devs would actually define as the proper experience. I think as time goes on, and consoles tend to drift more toward the focus of online play, the line between mmo and any other game is going to blur. I tend to like the D7D, and GW style, where you have a MMO feel in towns, but the dungeons, or anything outside of the town is loaded each time, for solo / group play. It takes the social aspect of the mmo that I love, and gives me the tailored quests feel I like from my console. I wish there was a Action RPG akin to that on a console, but there isn't.
  11. We got around 5 or 6 inches last night and today. Supposed to keep falling off and on tomorrow, and maybe Wednesday. Not as much as we got in December, but not too bad.
  12. Pretty sure it's dawn of sorrow, with what's his name, Soma? Good game. Now I am curious as to what weapon he is using there...
  13. Winjd Waker, hands down. It was gorgeous, light hearted, fun, and had some awesome bosses. I loved every second of it.
  14. They make the special noise each time you release one, but usually you just get a different colour scheme ala Gyrados. Some are cool, and some are horrendous. I feel sorry for those people who reset thousands of times to get shiny starters.
  15. LOTR Marathon Complete. I am now most likely dead last instead of close to last in Smooves guess the game.

  16. MoH's multi is far too easy. I played for the first time last night, and I got a 63/7 kdr on my 3rd or 4th match.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      How can multi be too easy? Doesn't that just mean that other people suck compared to you?

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That's what it was like in the beta for me on that snowy mountainy map.

    3. Akuam4n


      Well, I dunno. Fine line. The spawn time is too fast, so you can easily be shut down. Shame too, guns sounds great. So meaty.

  17. I need to get a PS3 again, stat. That looked so good, mt god. Also, I saw a woman, I can't remember if the chick from the second one died or not.
  18. I must have been lucky then, because it was the other way around for me. Eventually, I finally did get the Engi badge, but that was after much grief, and bitching on my part because they never killed anything. On another note, I hope they give me a selection of scopes or something in KZ3, that would be nice.
  19. I would do that, but I always get this nagging feeling like "What if I ever want to talk to them one day?! I don't want to have to hunt them down again!" I don't mind them being there. It's like they aren't anyway while they are hidden. xD
  20. I didn't see a problem with MGS: TTS. It was my first MGS game, and I loved it.
  21. I have over 150 friends, I think about 130 of those are hidden from my news feed. The interesting people win my attention.
  22. 2, 3, Reach, 1. I'm not counting the online, just sp. If I add in ODST, it goes to: 2, ODST, 3, Reach, 1. I liked Reach, but it was really on its own. I really wanted it to be a blatant book copy, and it wasn't. I like it, but mainly for the online (which I like best out of the series). It's a very hard question to answer.
  23. It's tied for favorite Halo game; the soundtrack oh my god, the soundtrack. But I digress.
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