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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Still kind of blows my mind that a theropod can go on to becoming a Canadian Geese.

  2. You all need to have HIGH ENERGY.
  3. Rubio bows out from the race but it's due to Trump... I'm kind of with Ethan and think Trump could defeat Hillary. Even I'm having questions if I could vote for Hillary.
  4. Modders will force it to work with a PC like they did with the Kinect. At that price point, it's too tempting to not to try. Honestly, with the PS4 specs and what this headset can do... I'm curious on how they pulled it off and at that price point. Are they eating a huge chunk of the price like they did with the PS3?
  5. Mal


    Things seems normal on my end. Anywhere on PXOD on a single tab is registering about 450-460 MB of RAM with Firefox. That's about the baseline of RAM usage for Firefox for me. I will note that sometimes I will get video ads which I haven't gotten with this quick check. I never complained about them since they load up muted. The only indication that I get that they are there is when my tabs shows me that there's sound coming from them. Maybe RAM usage will be way different if they show up.
  6. Who knew the water from a mousepad would come out dark when washed...

  7. It's that time of cycle again: Ys run!

    1. toxicitizen


      Hell yeah! I still need to do a nightmare run of the series myself.

  8. Stardew Valley I'm on the verge of getting married but I'm cockblocked by winter. After a few more hours I'll get pass winter and might stand around 70 hours played when I do get married. At these sorts of hours, I think I will have my fill* of this superb game. The core mechanics are spot on. Hopefully the dev can make a even better sequel in the future or maybe a clone will. * Not to say I won't have this game on the slow burner as I do some endgame content which requires a lot of money and an even more efficient farm. It should tied me over until multiplayer mode is released whenever it is done.
  9. Hey man, they died and came back for a reason.
  10. Dean, you're always welcomed to my house and all but I don't think Uncle Sam will allow it now.
  11. Squashed the rumors and maybe this time there won't be a durability bug. Maybe animation or anything is not tied to framerate... Here's hoping for From Software best port yet.
  12. Same. It'll be frustrating but it would be interesting to see if anything sticks. If anything, maybe folks will start to take a serious look at Congress. No matter what the opposition says, the presidency is not a dictatorship. It requires Congress to follow suit. One thing I've been thinking about is, lets say Trump wins everything, will the GOP controlled Congress play ball with Trump? What if was a DNC controlled Congress and with Sanders?
  13. It'll either be Sanders or Clinton. Either a reasonable mix up of what we have (for at least a term) or more of the same for eight more years. If it is somehow Trump, it'll be such a fun shit show. The White House will turn into reality TV... so stereotypically American. I can almost picture the whole of America looking like any one of Trump's casino and "resorts". Like guys, it's a fun thought experiment but to non-ironically or troll vote for him is... odd. I guess this is what you get with such a large and diverse country.
  14. TIL that X Japan came back from the dead/still alive.
  15. Over Californee way, undecides like me get to vote in the Democrat primary. So we got that going for us... not much else.
  16. I'll only play for one hour, I said... seven hours later...

    1. Pojodin


      That's how it goes sometimes. T_T

    2. Mal


      50 hours later.

  17. Now that I am home... okay, you can skip the show but that is like half your game content since what you do ingame will determine which version (of the 40) of the episodes (of 5?) you get. So the show is part of the game. I'm not saying that the general idea of the game is bad (it sounds cool) but the implementation is not ideal, mirroring their scramble to solve giving people who play this game 200 episodes.
  18. So I finally understand remote desktop connection and remote printing. I can even do it to a school computer from home.

  19. The game has cutscenes which is the show and the PC version is restricted to streaming only. As for streaming content for a game... good luck if you live outside the US in some internet poor region of the world.
  20. To add to what MJ posted about Quantum Break: http://www.overclock3d.net/articles/gpu_displays/quantum_break_s_live-action_episodes_will_be_streamed_to_save_hard_drive_space/1 Umm, for PC folks we have TBs capacity HDDs. For all platforms, do they think everyone lives in a magical land with fast internet speeds and no caps? Such an odd and dumb design decision. And it is a DRM which can/will take down the game for good once the servers are discontinued.
  21. I personally hate the idea of the same, nuclear family holding office even a decade or more apart. I get that cronyism exist in the parties and it kind of naturally happens with groups but a family is goes beyond that and that sits wrong with me.
  22. I gave it a whirl and yeah, the menus are all cursor driven so it's best to play with KB+M. Normal gameplay though is not really affected since you can just go old school and face every plant or rock you want to interact with... but I can see it helping with combat (it really becomes Zelda-like) but since you can switch control method on a fly, I can just switch to gamepad if I get swarmed by flies again. So yeah, if the dev can make the menus navigable on a gamepad, I can see this game getting ported to consoles. With that said, an additional improvement the dev could do is to tie where the mouse cursor is to where the character is looking. Interactions will make you face that way. In the case of the gamepad, the right stick can allow you to interact with things diagonal from you. It would in a sense bring the gamepad up to parity with KB+M. With how the game visual is ran, it wouldn't look weird at all.
  23. From 1-10, this presidential election is like a 10 on weirdness to me. We got at the same time, both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who are in my eyes the expressions to the same issue of our elected government and how ineffective it seems. Bernie supporters seems to have the goal of starting the desired changes from the top with Bernie and/or from the bottom with people like Bernie. Trump is coming in to smash things down with brute force. There's no charm in him, even Hitler has more charm. Besides Bernie or Trump, the other choices in both parties are the establishment. Democrats has Hillary and the Republicans... I don't even know. The Republican party is a mess (even more than 2004/8) and that is helping Trump. So odd. So much promise. So much fear. Thanks internet. Thanks Obama.
  24. That's a good example of being nuanced but concise versus simplifying to the point of unrealism. That was hard to watch.
  25. Damn FLD (and Mal)! This is the first I've heard of this game but it looks right up my alley. Is there combat?? Yup. It's basic as in sword swings of Link to the Past. At the moment, I am unaware of any other weapons. While basic, I find it kind of hard once you get past fighting slimes. One reason is that I find combat a bit clunky with M+KB so you'll have to be slow-ish and deliberate in your actions. I haven't tried it yet but it might be easier to fight with a gamepad since with using the mouse, there is a disconnect between where your mouse cursor is and where you swing if it happens to be behind your character. It shouldn't be the case with a gamepad. With that all said, combat is limited to the mines. This game is great in that you could in theory ignore the mines and combat. You can farm your way into wealth and just buy all the ore and metal you need. I wager that you could do the opposite as well and just mine and ignore farming. At the moment, I'm having trouble paying attention to my farm, mine, town and friendships all at once.
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