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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal


    Hey, don't make me regret not upgrading.
  2. Mal


    It does determine what engine HL3 will be using. Personally, I don't care for Half Life so whatever but man does HL3 got a lot to live up to.
  3. Yeah, do that. If I recall correctly, just don't go crazy. Also you won't miss anything if you check the guild. Now about finishing the quests in a timely manners... that is up to you.
  4. You are less than a man if you can't go hiking and scrambling up and down slopes with a phablet in your front pocket. /s Then again, I've been doing this for ~3 years now.
  5. Anybody here have any experience with the Lunar games? Mainly 1 and 2.. I've always been curious about them. Like Suikoden, I know very little about it despite them being really old games.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pojodin


      I've played them both on PS1 and really enjoyed them. The music was quite good and the graphics held up well. Random encounters are similar to Lufia 2 in the sense that enemies are seen on the map and not randomly encountered after a number of steps.

    3. Pojodin


      The story was fairly typical for a JRPG. The characters were solid and everyone got a bit of attention. The voice-acting doesn't hold up quite as well and it does have quite a bit of stuff that are tropes by today's standards.

    4. Pojodin


      All-in-all, if you're considering playing them you would probably enjoy them. There are a couple spots that have difficulty jumps and may require a bit of grinding, but for the most part it isn't too difficult. Figure roughly 30 hours for the main game of each. And I believe they both have postgame content.

  6. You guys ever had to argue with a professor about the color of things like rocks and soil? It's impossible to win because of this issue and from people own perspectives. It isn't like one of you are wrong either since both of you are right... and that is how a company can make mad dosh on color books.
  7. Mal


    Consider the following... Load up a previous page and post til we get to a new page.
  8. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    And so I will post from the previous page until we get to a brand new page. \\//
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/2xd94n/spoilers_all_alleged_season_5_episode_8_summary/ Don't click if you don't want to be (potentially) spoiled. Since I really only care about the true canon (the books), I went in.
  10. Warning. There is a Season 5, Episode 8 spoiler going around. At this point it is hard to tell if it is real or not since the show and the books are diverging. Still, it is pretty badass... I expect no less from one of my book favorites.
  11. Mal


    Somebody please nuke the problem mp4 or whatever on the KITTEH <3 page. It's near impossible to load.
  12. I'm currently playing around with Duolingo. I'm not sure how long I will keep using this but it is fun to at least learn some languages at a baby level. For example, I didn't know nouns are capitalized in German and there are masculine and feminine articles (e.g., ein, eine). Also when was the last time I dealt with usted? I recall all the forms of usted to be an absolute bitch to remember. Edit: for clarity.
  13. Ugh, okay, I guess I'm not going car-less in LA. Mothers, man. They can be so indecisive.

    1. TheRevanchist


      You can't be car-less in LA. Bay Area, yes, but not SoCal. Public transportation in LA isn't like NorCal. That's just asking to be robbed, human trafficked, sodomized, and used as a drug mule. And that's on a good day.

    2. Mal


      That is why I told my mom that I would be fine using ZipCar or something. Also it isn't impossible to bike to the stores. Sure the Asian supermarket is waaay out there but I don't need Asian groceries. Besides, I have roommates that do shop there.


      So it isn't like I don't have options. I'm just kind of ticked that my parents didn't tell me that they decided to let me keep the car after we decided that I would give it to them two weeks ago. I actually did a...

    3. Mal


      ... good deal of research and planning on living without my own car. That and getting a motorcycle. I kind of want a motorcycle.


      Eh, whatever.

  14. Oh good. Mardock Scramble didn't kill my smile for good. I recommend it but be warned, it's pretty dark. I really hope to never really deal with the dark side of society... As far as cyberpunk goes, it doesn't really add to the genre but it certainly doesn't hurt it at all. I find the soundtrack to be pretty good and it fits. It has an amazing rendition of Amazing Grace. Edit: WHAT THE FUCK Originally this OVA/series would have been with Gonzo (eh...) and had Range Murata as character designer. Fucking a man. Yes I am mad for something that happened 9-10 years ago. I need more Murata designs.
  15. I wouldn't call it hard to find but it is in less places than in California. It, especially selection, also depends on the area I think. Then again I don't think I've spent enough time in NYC as 21+ to get a real feel of availability. It's my general impression. One thing though: NYC got the advantage of the easy of getting around. Bottle shops, bars and such are only a subway and/or bus ride away. If only LA got a decent public transit, my life going car-less would be easier.
  16. While California has its own share of problems (some serious ones...), alcohol isn't one of them. I can get beer or whatever at most stores that carries food. I want a bottle of whiskey or vodka at Walgreens or CVS? I can and oddly, it can be the cheapest place to get them. Beer everywhere, even at the liquor stores. God I hate NYC... beer is actually kind of hard to find but on the flip side, the bottle stores are AMAZING. They might not be cheap but god damn, their selections. Then we get whole states like Pennsylvania or, I think, West Virginia. Nightmare mode. 2x price for the same alcohol from across the state line. While most cops don't care (unless you are a business owner), you can get nailed for bringing in any alcohol from across state lines.
  17. So, I upgraded my roasting equipment with a stove-top popper. Main reason I went this route instead of the air popper is that I like the unevenness stove-top roasts. The thing is though, I just did a test run with about ~225 g of coffee beans and it is certainly way more even of a roast. I'm just confused on the actual burner settings and such since I think I may have under-roasted my coffee. Visually it looks to be just a little pass first crack but it looks off. Maybe it's just bad looking beans. The amount they smoked seemed right though... I need to run through my 8 lbs of coffee before I'll make a verdict. That evenness though! Reduce that scorch! Maybe soon I'll be comfortable on gifting roasted coffee.
  18. Titans taberu-ing humans is not moe. And oh yeah, I recently found out about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8julXH_oew It's prefect.
  19. Patema Inverted is interesting and I think it is worth your time. I'm currently going through Mardock Scramble. My smile is gone for good until I get more The Rolling Girls. La la la la. I finished Serial Experiment Lain. It got such a great atmosphere but I'm not sure if the story holds up.
  20. Rockstar is a bit tad excessive there with the delays...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I could've sworn I had replied to this. Anyway, the game is already a year and a half late on PC, at this point what's a few extra weeks? I mean, we've waited this long already. I feel like anyone that's in that much of a hurry to play it has already done so a long time ago.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      They probably forgot. "Hey Jimmy werem't there something we were supposed to be workin' on?"

      "I can't think of anything. Let's go take another dip in the pool of money."

      *several months later at the pub*

      "Oi fook m8! We were supposed to be working on the PC release of GTA5!"

    4. Mal


      GTAV: Early Access

  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=862RI2JM4P0 No matter the country of origin, punk rock is always calming for me.
  22. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    I mention my roommates' cat a lot so i figured I should post the little murderous fur ball. He really doesn't allow me or anybody that isn't his human parents touch him, yet he always comes up to me and splays out in front of me as if he wants a belly rub. He's so murderous that I really can't tap him on his head for some discipline. So I fell back on laundry basket timeout. But... but... I think he is warming up to me. And no, Mally don't surf.
  23. Try being a conservative Final Fantasy fanboy. Truly I want to give XIII another chance but the memories of everything leading up to FFXIII release was just pure disappointment. Maybe it will surprise me like XII (which I should get back and beat but I can hardly care for the two tacked on "main" characters).
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