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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Yeah. It'll be interesting to see what sort of weapons they add on too since each level up unlocks a new weapon.
  2. I've been watching streams of this game on and off since it's release. I kind of want to get the Splatoon Wii U bundle which comes out on my birthday... This game got to be a nightmare for folks suffering from OCD. With that said, Turf War is an interesting game mode. K:D (for a lack of a better term) doesn't seem to matter at all, just how much ground your team covered. Sure if you got a good team with high splats, you could push back the other team to their spawn. The three minute round limit is also just right. I'm just unsure if the level 20 cap and the progression is enough though. The folks I'm watching are reaching the cap already. Fun game but I'm unsure if that can carry the game.
  3. Disregard what I've said. I misremembered. My lifestyle hasn't been the best lately...
  4. I just sent an email to XSEED regarding Akiba so it can get to the right people. I've done the same with Re;Birth1 when it came out. Whoever is doing the port, they've gotten better with regards to NepNep. A quick gander makes it seems like Re;Birth2 is at the state of Re;Birth1 after the patches. I'll play around some more to get a better feel. For XSEED, it is hard to tell what they do. Some of the stuff I've seen in the blog seems more involved than just plain localization. For example, the XSEED lady was active on Steam during Re;Birth1 launch to gather feedback. Nothing from her for Akiba. Eh... I think I'm going to stop Akiba for now. Humorous and decently fun game. I just don't want to race through the dialogs because I'm expecting frame rate drops. I don't want to be saving like a mad man or fear a crash/freeze during a long fight (It just happen with the AKB 48 fight after I got through ~25 of them).
  5. In this addition of MaliciousH's Anime Bullshit Chronicles: I should also say that the port of Akiba is bad. There's no way around it because if the fps drops to 2 fps during visual novel based cutscenes, you done goof'd. There was instance where it bleed over to the game play. Until these frame rate issues are resolves, I just cannot recommend Akiba. Nepnep though... I'll see. XSEED should've learned from Re;Birth1. I jumped on this since it was cheap enough for me. Now to wait for TitS:SC.
  6. Take Hatred and put a Jihad spin to it. Have multiple playable characters that you can switch to on a fly and/or respawn into. Suicide bomb charge if you so desire.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      And I argue it could be a good game. Hatred as it stands is eh at best.

    3. TheRevanchist


      To get people to buy into it, the game would have the premise that ISIS took over Iraq. You are a gay female vegetarian "freedom fighter" four star general with over a million followers on Twitter.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens
  7. Next season will be the interesting one though I'm not entirely sure how well they'll pull of Bran and Rickon plots. Ugh. why did they have to touch Jaime's Redemption Tour?
  8. Dune Messiah is done. Dune was better overall but to be fair it is technically three books. Each book within Dune is at about the level of Dune Messiah. Dune just have the advantage of creating a rich universe while Dune Messiah advances it. I have to say though, introducing the Bene Tleilaxu at this point is odd. Their faction is the sort you introduce back in Dune. Tonight... onto Children of Dune! See this thread again on Saturday. Quote of Dune Messiah: "Sire, are you blind?" - Stilgar
  9. Mal


    http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/27/sports/soccer/fifa-officials-face-corruption-charges-in-us.html?smid%3D=tw-nytsports WORLD CUP 2022 IN 'MERICA!
  10. Yes. Would've been nice if it was on GOG. Edit: I think one of the shop theme's is by or is inspired by UNDER17/Momoi Haruko, the Queen of Akihabara. Yup, it's named Koko da yo and it is the theme song for a Akihabara store.
  11. I made it to Akihabara -nyo! Odd port though. Serviceable but lacking in things that I would've expect XSEED to have down. Thing though is that I'm not exactly sure who made this port (of a port i.e. PS3=>PS4=>PC). Time to see if GeDoSaTo works on this game... it is capped to 30 fps so...
  12. Mal

    E3 2015

  13. I dunno man, the other slots/gambling machine company seems to have way more machines than Konami.

    1. Baconrath


      This is the route Irem took after that one tsunami, too :(


      rip Steambot Chronicles 2

  14. Leon, lets drop this zombie monster off the plane. Surely it won't survive and infect the city below us! I love how silly RE is now.

  15. Dune is done. Fantastic. I'm deciding how to go about the sequels and prequels. I'm learning towards finishing Frank's books before I go into Brian's, in release order. To be honest, I'm scared of what I'll find with Brian's works.
  16. I want a Dune game where I can call and ride a maker.

    1. Vecha


      A Dune RPG would be amazing.

  17. I grew up watching friends and family playing games so I continue it with watching people that I like stream... which consist of only one channel. The channel got multiple people who stream and I do watch them all but I do prefer some people over others. One person in particular tends to play older and obscure games. While most others play games that I either don't have time for, I don't care to play but I want to take a look at or I don't have access to. Some people may even try challenges like say go beat Metal Slug X without dying or continuing. One way to imagine it is to imagine our little PXOD community centered around playing games and chatting while they go about it. It's a hangout. If you feel like streaming, then go for it. This particular channel I've been watching as long as I've been part of PXOD. So there is like a ton of inside jokes and events. With that said, I don't branch out to other streams or Let's Players. I see no reason to. The guys at the channel I go to covers my needs. Lastly, there's the concept that I can jump around the web if I get bored of the particular stream. Edit: And yeah, rougelikes are fun to watch.
  18. Same goes for most insects. I think I saw an infected cricket a week ago but I didn't test it. It acting funny as in moving funny like that mantis in a concrete basement. Lastly, it was nearby the sink and sometime floods. These infected insects all seek out water so there is that and the reason why that parasite came out shortly after the host was sprayed with water. Could've been pesticides that the school may spray around campus though...
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE-Ayx7cFpo I love apples.
  20. Sure the show vastly improve on individual characters but it has the books to work off of. The characters and their traits were already there, they were just fleshed out really well in the show. With the streamlining of the storyline (even then there's tons of plotlines hanging, e.g. Gendry) and with catching up with the books, the show is charting their own storyline now. I don't know how they are going to keep up this juggling act. GRRM and his editor(s?) have years to work it out but the show writers and their editors really only have a year or less. With that said, I'm kind of freaking out with regards to Sansa. You don't come out of being Ramsey's wife unbroken. Also that I'll agree the book's Meereenese knot is a damn mess (It'll be interesting to see how the show goes about it...) and parts of Dorne and the Iron Islands plots were out of place (book and show but my god the show...). At least you show only folks don't have to deal with "Oh". Funny moment but it was a garbage plotline.
  21. After Wolfenstein, my body is ready. I recall that the stuff from last year's Quakecon was great but there were no real leaks there so it's all hearsay.
  22. Mal

    Cube World

    https://twitter.com/DaveChaos/status/600310667212627968 It may or may not be a thing but hey, knowing Wollay's MO... it could be. By the way, the tweet is from the Yogcast folks and they were the first ones to get their hands on Cube World.
  23. I can't say I care for show only spoilers. I just got spoiled by tonight's episode and eh. It's minor details as far as I'm concerned. M5 of M1-7 of A-Z. There is only one true god and his name is GRRM.
  24. The Old Blood. Same good gameplay of TNO but with a look down memory lane. Mix occult and Wolfenstein and you'll get something that should not surprise you. If it surprises you then you're a young grasshopper!
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