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Everything posted by Mal

  1. This Konami-Kojima business almost feels like a hostage situation for Kojima and other devs and us, the consumers.

  2. I might hold off on MGSV (Really hard, I know) until I know what the hell happened. I wouldn't like to drop cash onto Konami's lap for shittiness.
  3. "Hey guys, handmand noodle when made correctly is far superior to dried or frozen noodles. Even in restaurants were everything else is bad, I could even praise the noodle. I might give it a shot one of these weekends." Cue negative comments on how it is hard it is akin to "Like dude, have you even tried?" (No you fuck, read) and how that they having worked in a kitchen know that the Kitchen gods are fickles and love failures (I know, my childhood revolved around a few and some of my earliest jobs were in them). I swear when it comes to preparation Asian food or really any food, people are such cunts. Of course I won't be as quick or precise like the working in this video making the noodles or anything, even until I'm on my deathbed. I just adore cooking and trying to make things I (and other people) like to eat. It is one of my passions. It (and gardening) also have the trait of safeguards me from ever truly losing access to these dishes from my childhood and culture due to location and even old age. Story time. Imagine being my Chinese grandma living in a predominately white neighborhood with no access of her own to a car or public transportation to go 3+ hours to the closest Asian community. When she was unable to bring my older brother and I to McDonald (we walked a half to full mile) for breakfast, busted out the potatoes and made some hash browns. Sure it was burnt around the edges and in a big messy pile but childhood me picked off the burnt portion and had the great insides. Okay, maybe with my current palate it would've been bad (she didn't make it again and to be honest, she didn't have time) but you get the picture. In addition to the hash browns she made cookies and soy milk (Now that I think about it, I suspect she also made tofu as well). She also grounded her own meats (ground pork mostly?) and grew her own veggies. I swear, if she had access to shrimps and a steamer to make rice noodle rolls with shrimp, she would. Now here am I now with my grandma long pass on (closing in on 20 year). I'm doing what she doing above but at my age. So come at me you fucking cunts as I make X dish for the nth time on my road to get it right. I laugh in the fucking face of the revelry of failure by the Kitchen gods. Nobody becomes even remotely good at cooking if they give up. Especially so when dealing with any sort of dough or batter. God damn, did they set me off. Also folks, this isn't aimed at any of you here.
  4. Bought at GMG with 23% off coupon: SAVE23-PAYDAY-WEEKND Members also should've got a 25% coupon for a select few games like GTAV, Wolfenstein The Old Order or Killing Floor 2.
  5. Mal


    Since this has to do with the current modding nonsense, I'm posting this here. Feel free to move it to the old Skyrim thread though. Anyhow... http://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/ Skyrim's rating when from 98% to 90% due to the current mess. I think the likes on the negative reviews is a nice rough estimate of the disapproval in the community. Even more so if you take each like or recent negative review as an representation of x number of people in total who disapprove. If we do 2x, then we can get about 10k people. That's about 40% of the average number of players per month according to Steam Charts. Of course, I should take into account of dupe accounts and accounts who never touched Skyrim leaving reviews or likes to the negative reviews. Though with a quick check, I'm not seeing much of such thing. Another thing to note is the very low tagging of these negative reviews being unhelpful. Edit: I should mention peak players as well which can number around 50-60k or 80k with this fiasco and free weekend. Less impressive comparison unless I way underestimate the multiplier earlier.
  6. I want to try the reversed bike. I want to experience that clicking and unclicking.
  7. Mal


    ^ Same but the implications (e.g., potential crackdown on free mods, paid mods bandwagon) are quite terrible with regards to the modding scene. I'm curious how did the drama with paid Youtube channels evolved. As far as I know, it's the internet's closest analog to this drama. Edit: Of course there is the case of DLC... it began with horse armor and look at where we are now. http://www.reddit.com/r/modpiracy Interesting...
  8. Fuck your banana scale.
  9. Mal


    The more I look at it, the more I dislike how they implemented this. Q. Can I include someone else's mod in my mod? A. The Steam Workshop makes it easy to allocate and approve portions of your item’s revenue with other collaborators or co-authors. This can go wrong really fast. Extensive mod scenes will typically congregate around and be based off of a handful or two "base mods" (for a lack of a better term). This chain can get quite long and complex. How the hell is this all going to get sorted out when the list of who did what and who depends on who turns into a spider web? Heaven forbid that a base mod backs out now or anytime in the future. On a side note... Valve/Steam are waaaaaaaaaaaay too laissez faire. Be it with Greenlight, Early Access or pretty much anything else that deals with consumers. This monetized mod thing is going to be such a shit show. I expect raging fires when I come back from a long field trip early the following week.
  10. Mal


    http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent Upon further review, I am okay with paying for mods since people worked on it and they got the okay from the devs and publishers to monetize their work. For my self personally though is that my spending habit will be done similarly as paying for official DLC. I very rarely pay for cosmetic DLCs. So cosmetic mods are out of the picture. Even weapon mods are out of the picture since I can live without them. So far, what I'm seeing are a bunch of Horse-Armor like mods being sold. There are some decent ones which I could jump on but right now I'm wondering if these guys will ever go on sale. This brings up another thing... viability of said paid mods and of the modding communities that go this route. I have a feeling that such communities are going to be very volatile. Hell, communities surrounding free mods are already dens of drama. If there are teams of modders working together and someone prominent drops out and disallows their work to be use, the mod is certainly dead. The consumers are shit out of luck. Eh... there are so many things that could go wrong here, like the blatant mod stealing going on right now. This isn't curated so yeah (with Valve taking 75% cut)... this is going to mirror Early Access before the $100 fee (even the fee isn't doing much). tl;dr I'm no oppose to paying for decent mods but the system in place right now to facilitate it is absolute shit. There are so many nightmare scenarios as well.
  11. So now mods are for sale on Steam. I wil gladly donate but to straight up buy a mod? I'm not sure about that. Also what to stop modders from just charging for mods from now on?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Baconrath


      And what if a mod you buy breaks after a game update?


      caveat emptor I guess :I

    3. Mal


      At this point, I am against paid mods.

    4. Vecha


      A donate button would fix this whole issue. I'd throw a few buck at some awesome total conversions/UI fixes/graphical enhancements...

  12. I think I got Chrome to behave with Google products. What the fuck does the cache has to do with anything!?

  13. It is now late April and the growing season is well underway and arguably never went away this winter. Not having a proper garden sucks. Of course, I still have my mint (one actually died), rosemary and a new-ish oregano. I might look into getting a thyme plant to complete the herb collection. The moths that like mint are around, so are the rosemary little shits. I saved my rosemary again just a few weeks ago from them. They also attack the oregano but its nowhere as bad as the rosemary. Constant vigil is a must.
  14. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/4-21-15-halo-the-master-chief-collection-update-notes ODST is coming to you folks with the MCC soonish. I regularly listen to the OST since it is so freaking great.
  15. I'm surprised that it is still flat. Personally I would say go the DIY route if possible. While you are at it, your figurines need a better spot when a little hole in your desk. IKEA stuff aren't a bad option. Anyhow... DIY special post with stuff I bought in the last month or two. Breaking down your own meats is fun. While I am still learning, breaking down a chicken is easy. 5-10 minutes if you totally know what you are doing. And some other cleaning tools, grease and lube for my bike. I think there is something wrong with my axle but I'll see once I get the tools for taking it all apart. A work stand might be nice too... Edit: I was reminded of this old post of mine.
  16. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

  17. Not sure why I'm suddenly back into Touhou arrangements and electronic/techno style to boot. This track at some parts reminds me of Spanky's Quest.
  18. Not quite there yet but they're marching toward to goal of sticking the landing.
  19. The Witch of Izalith is here!
  20. No reflections in the side-view and rear-view mirrors? 0/10 shit port.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chewblaha


      ... Are these real replies?

    3. SomTervo


      You can hit a button to insta-look back. If it's a block-backed vehicle you get third person camera again.


      It's a bit weak, but I doubt the engine could handle it, even remastered. It's such a basic engine, man!


      Not having reflections is better than Driver: San Francisco's fake reflections. They were actually just little bits from the centre of your current vision, zoomed in... The rear-view and side mirrors were actually just little telescopes. It wa...

    4. SomTervo


      ...s very convincing until you noticed this.

  21. Like for the wait for GTAV PC, the wait for Little Witch Academia 2 is coming to a close soon. I helped Kickstarted it about two years ago. It should be a fun time. On a unrelated note, The Rolling Girls was alright but it was a disappointment. It would have been better if it had two cours so they could attempt to flesh out the last half. The ending was rushed to say the least. Regardless, I need the artbook for this. The character designs are just too charming for me.
  22. Someday, I'll get a modern singleplayer, Red Orchestra style WWII game.
  23. Replaying Gurumin and restarting Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The port of Gurumin is competent but it does have some weird slowdowns here and there. I think it also have some stuff that wasn't in the PSP version...? I don't recall the music note thing for critical hits. As for Deus Ex, it is the director cut version. Let's do this.
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