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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Suikoden I decided to pass on P3FES for my next RPG since I just got done with NepNep. I think I have enough modern anime bullshit for now. General impressions so far is that this is what Trails in the Sky would've been like if it came out back on the PS1. I can sense the large amount of lore and backstory already without a single battle. I'm getting giddy thinking about it. I also got to say, the walking speed is painful. Woe is me who doesn't have a speedup button! Edit: Inventory management is odd. I think everybody has their own bag but all battle loot goes to the main character. I also don't see a slot for weapons so I the only thing I need to do is to set my characters up with armor and accessories. Strange game. In not a bad way, this game is surprising me with its mechanics. Also the sprites does scream (late) 1995. Got to remember this is before Final Fantasy VII (early 1997) and their 3D models and FMVs. Hell, this was before Wild Arms (late 1996). So this is very interesting to see sprite work hasn't evolved much beyond say FFVI (early-mid 1994). To be honest, it looks kind of funny and even more dated than FFVI. I blame the higher detailed sprites. Graphical history folks! Edit2: Looking around at JRPGs that I didn't play, Breath of Fire III actually has a similar battle perspective as Suikoden. You can see how devs were more familiar with working with the PS1 hardware. Smoother sprites.
  2. Holy nepu, I beat a game!? Now to 100% the game and get the true ending! Also apparently with all the DLCs, the level cap is now at 999. Anyways, the game is perfectly fine. Level design is a bit bland but the core gameplay is good I think. If this was a static line battle I would have a lot more problems with it but Re;Birth gets around that with some freedom of movement during battles. One interesting to note is that your battleground is exactly where you initiated the battle. So that is kind of neat. Though there is a battlefield area limit so I quite frequently get stuck during maneuvers. I kind of wished that we can control 4 characters though since we do have 4 goddesses. It would also make all the character you can potentially get more manageable. Seriously, if I grind it all out I think I can get like 15? Now, for the cutscenes, I wished they had more portrait sprites on screen at once. Sure, the cutscenes are based on visual novels but I wished it had a bit more jazz to them. Music could be better too but I won't hold what they have against it. There's a few other stuff that I hope gets fixed with Re;Birth 2 but I don't seem to recall what they were...
  3. I'm not sure why the PSTV slipped under my radar.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I don't get the joke Cowboy you just seem to be stating a fact.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Probably because there's nothing to play on it.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I use mine primarily for PS4 streaming to the other room. Or, I did before I got P4G.

  4. Needs to die in a fire if it sacrifices gameplay. Too bad this game didn't turn out to be a PS4 exclusive Wolfenstein-like game.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPTz7z04_OM
  6. Yup, I was just venting. Not quite but I do throw a figurative book at them with the full force of Dean's office behind it. Automatic class failure with expulsion from the university. Fun stuff like that make me depressed and well, angry. They wasted my time (Not only do I have to deal with them but it easily doubles the workload to make sure there are no others for this assignment and all future assignments) and ultimately their time and money over a small assignment. I don't like being an asshole, even a justified one. I'm totally excited for the day I get a fake excuse of a funeral or some junk.
  7. And I did. Season 1 last episode. Oh my but of course, being Space Dandy we got the silliness coming back in in awesome fashion. Also Adélie comes back, right? RIGHT!?
  8. It's a general "you".Nobody here.
  9. Don't fucking cheat on any assignment, let alone one as simple as this. Make up numbers and do a quick and crappy "proof" photo that you did the lab activity if you like but god damn I will academically murder you if I catch you. The first sheet you ever see has the instructions and caveats on working with another person. We even emphasis on the rules of collaboration in the info slides prior to the lab. Claiming ignorance will not save you.
  10. The fuck? Is 1886 a Gundam anime in disguise?
  11. http://www.posemaniacs.com/thirtysecond This might interest some of you here. This flashes poses for you to copy and you got to sketch them up in the time limit you set for yourself. I might start doing this nightly for 15-30 minutes. I'm just currently unsure if I should do skeletal work first or just jump right in to do the poses with flesh and all.
  12. Now that I am going to be carless, am I insane for playing around with the idea of getting a motorcycle?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mal


      Taking a gander at the prices, I would have to add on another $500-$1000.


      Note, regardless of the type of vehicle I get, it got to be able to handle rugged roads. Looking around, a duel sport motorcycle can handle tough roads where say a Subaru Outback or any affordable (for me) pickup/SUV will fail. A duel sport isn't a dirt bike but it can handle itself well enough.


      I'll admit though, last night I did get a shiver down my back from thinking of crashin...

    3. TheMightyEthan


      If a pickup/SUV can't handle it then I have to question whether it's actually even a "road". I think at that point you're just off-roading.

    4. Mal


      More like a trail that has part of it washed out. One side of the road/trail has a channel.

  13. ... I hate to admit that I never really played this since back then I never really had the time. With I think (seems like it is a thing, maybe by E3?) Red Dead 2 coming in a year or two and this song being played during a stream recently... I had to fix this injustice. Thankfully I still have my PS3. Shit part is I know what happens in the game.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpYx0cWnpGU Geologic Valentine Special
  15. Guess who. And yes, I used an official art as a reference, same pose and all. I'm just drawfagging on some image boards so there is my reason for that and well, how crap it looks. If I tried to draw the entire reference, it wouldn't work. Squid Girl (Ika Musume) when asked what she wanted most.
  16. I was randomly gifted this. Now I'm living the dream by going to Nippon! And this game is like perfect for listening to a music stream (where I got this game) and grading/monitoring my online classes. Edit: Total missed opportunity by the devs for not having pronunciation of the Japanese. Reading straight Katakana is tough.
  17. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    I need that robot for my war against my roommate's cat. Imprisoning him in my laundry basket is nice and all for when I need to punish him (His meows of help is very satisfying) but I something to directly engage him. Add in some lasers and shit, it'll win the war for me. Edit: Found it!
  18. All the recent stuff about Peter Molyneux is delicious.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vecha


      I mean running their own little site before being noticed and making contacts.

    3. Hot Heart
    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I thought the RPS article was incredibly mean spirited and not very productive. Molyneux was right to point out how emotional he was getting. I read the whole thing and felt like I didn't learn anything new. Yes, Molyneux frequently says things that don't end up happening, I knew that already. Molyneux knows that. Everyone knows that.

  19. http://imgur.com/gallery/j8Bcp/ As a Prius driver, this gives me a hard-on. Now if only if I can convince my younger brother, who is training to be a certified mechanic, to be willing to deal with hybrids. Then again, he's planning to work for a dealership so... whatever.
  20. Hey man, melon patches are a tough place to drive in when combustible lemon trees start popping up all over the place. Anyways, I should mention that for some odd reason, it would fix itself if it stay put long enough and that I had this thing for over a year now. The infuriating part is that I cannot figure out the triggers and all that. Its like a split between my router and the T100 itself. I dunno, maybe upgrading to Windows 10 might fix it?
  21. Okay. The T100 wifi problem is just way too shit. The driver or whatever will only want to work at my house for only a little bit then crash and stall. It is more or less fine at school where it doesn't fucking crash. I can only get it back up working if I reboot but it doesn't help if it decides to crash 5 minutes in. I would love to disable and re-enable the wifi but that is out of the picture since for some odd fucking reason the control panel and connection settings get all frozen a well! Like what the flying fuck is this shit on a portable device? Other than that, I love the T100 but fuck man, this is almost a deal breaker. It's a really thin fucking line. I think it is time to enact my plan on two desktops. One at school and one at home. Recall my status update about grad school problems? Shitty computers at school struggle to run ArcMap and such (One of the many problems). Still though... this problematic T100 will still be problematic. I think I should save for a Surface Pro 1/2/3. I'll be TAing an in-person lab next semester and having a computer to show case stuff will be helpful. It will about be helpful if there isn't any wifi problems.
  22. Long Live the Queen is wonderful. It has the right amount of absurdness to make it work despite being linear as hell. May my Red Mage Queen life forever! Also the pillowcase is the best one that I have ever seen. I want it in my life... if only I knew some crazy bird lady. It would be the best Valentine Day gift ever.
  23. I have a good feeling about The Rolling Girls. I'm currently two episodes in (currently 5 is out) and it really scratch that itch of having a visually appealing anime. It is also cute girls doing super girl things so that is a plus. In other words, it's quirky. One thing to note is that apparently The Rolling Girls is heavily based on the band The Blue Hearts whole discography. Don't know the band so no spoilers for me but they sound good. Time to hope this doesn't go to shit. I just want some girls on a road trip to find themselves (to become super girls). I also got to mention Junketsu no Maria. It's on my radar right now. You might know it as the anime that actually tries to depict medieval (roughly) warfare correctly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCKGJSzpYcs
  24. If you really think about it, I think owning a Nintendo console is easily the most expensive of the bunch. You have the above and you got the Nintendo Premium where their games rarely go on sale. Compared to my spending habits on other platforms, I'm crawling along with Nintendo.
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