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Everything posted by Mal

  1. *insert grad student problems here*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      Waking up @3am to do work for class -_-

    3. Pojodin


      ^ Not even once.

    4. Mal


      I just stay up. I have a sleeping pad that I could use in the graduate office...

  2. For those who follow Dunk and Egg... we're getting a collection of the three novellas! With illustrations on nearly every page! http://grrm.livejournal.com/406858.html I can finally get to read it in my contained package.
  3. I got the collection but I was mainly after this. I have the original version but I never got into it since well, I think I my get a subpar experience compared to the game with all/most of the DLC.
  4. Judging by you guys reactions to P5. I better be cumming buckets after playing P3 and P4.
  5. For my friend's birthday. He asked for noodles and I gave him Bun Rieu. Not quite right since the fried tofu is crap and my pork meatballs fell apart. Also not as favorable as my mom's. Either I need to use stock or more shrimp/crab paste. Otherwise it is kind of close. I fed about 8 people with tons of left over since a lot of other people ate beforehand. That or this may not something they might eat.
  6. I actually didn't know what the movie was even about and about the box, I only had really vague recollections of that line. No context, not the size of the box or anything. Even if I knew, it really comes at you from a mile away.
  7. Hell yeah! New Aria anime. Welcome back to Mars!
  8. Seven This would've been absolute perfect if some points wasn't clear as fucking day. Chilling movie otherwise.
  9. With all the bitching about the GTX 970 problem, it is still a great card. Sure it made me not buy it since I will run into problems in the future, this shitstorm will benefit the consumers. Even if they are Nvidia or AMD fanbois.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. toxicitizen


      @Ethan: My understanding of it is that the last 0.5 has a significantly slower speed, so when a game actually manages to use more than 3.5GB of VRAM, performance takes a noticeable hit.


      But honestly, it's one of the rare cases where the claims of false advertising as actually justified, as opposed to completely retarded.


      @Connorrrr: Depends. The card is still pretty good. People are rightfully angry but it's not like the card is suddenly shit or anything. It'...

    3. toxicitizen


      ...It's just not quite as good as everyone thought it was. If anything, you're now in a position to make a more informed purchase. It still gives you a pretty good bang for your bucks but it might not be worth it depending on what you're going to use it for.


      I don't plan on going higher than 1080p anytime soon, so personally I'm starting to lean towards the cheaper GTX 960.

    4. Mal


      I personally will be heading into 1440p territory soon enough so the 970 would be bad if I want that card to past 4-5 years. Connorrrr, it totally depends on how you push the 970. If you don't mind upgrading if things get tough for it in a few years @ 1080p resolution then it's a fine card. You just can't be using the final 0.5 GB. You'll hit it easily enough if your needs require SLI 970s.

  10. Mal


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siHU_9ec94c And I fucking bought Budweiser for a cheap field beer too. If they think they can say that while buying up craft brews left and right then they can go fuck themselves. Firestone and Oscar Blues canned beer for field beer all the way now.
  11. I'm in a bullshit mountainous field with reception. The rocks are great though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      According to Word or any other word processing program, a lot of geology terms are not real words.

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Mal


      I demand 72 melons for that insult.

  12. Oh okay. I think they left it for some bosses since I recall them auto healing (Green number right before they attack). Otherwise I do think it is gone. It would've made my life easier if my characters had it. During hard fights, Compa is reduced as a bullet sponge while she heals herself or other people. On a different note. I wished they fleshed out the DLC characters. Right now they are literally some unknown, unseen ghosts that I use occasional. They are not mentioned one bit after they are aquired after a quick blurb. At least they have a hard time providing partner bonuses or whatever it is called because they are quite powerful in the beginning. Hell, at least one is another CPU.
  13. There's % based healing. I only really see 30% though. Magic is % only while items can be a set number or % based. The number based ones saved me a few times.
  14. Banished is fantastic. I just never touched a mod yet but the modding scene is very much alive. Well, I got through that spike so it means it is for sure doable on a first run but considering that only a handful of enemies were harder than her up to that point made her bloody hard. Now that I had some sleep, I recall losing Nep Nep at the very end. The boss only needed 1-2 rounds of attack to be defeated. My healer is also my tank so she managed to have enough health at the end to finish off the boss. @Tenshi I'm like FLD that I haven't played the original. I recall hearing that the original being kind of terrible. Looking at it on Youtube, it seems slower and clunkier but it is essentially what is there in Re;birth. The production value is for sure lower in the original (music being the most obvious). Some of the differences that I noticed: How you determine your combos is revamped to be far more intuitive. So instead of a long list with different combinations, it got boiled down to what is essentially a spreadsheet with three rows and four columns. You don't have to use all the columns. The original is that you are stuck in a line (think classic JRPGs) while in Re;birth you got freedom of movement which adds another level to battles (more towards the likes of Disgaea than say the rows of Final Fantasy). Positioning is kind of important since some bosses and enemies has attacks that deals damage to a wide area. Random encounters are gone. In Re;birth, there are enemy models in the dungeons so if you feel like it, you can skip as many battles as you like. So it changed quite a bit with regards to battles. All for the better.
  15. Oh fuck me. I clocked in 11 hours and I just got through chapter 2. It is 7 AM... Anyways, when this game is not crashing it is perfectly fine. It actually looks alright and the battles can potentially be quite fast paced. The only time during battles that I slow down is if I need to position myself to slap around the most enemies. For the game's major problems, we just got to wait to see how well Iffy fixes the problems (DLC and crashing). I'm chalking up this shaky port is due to inexperience PC devs. Hopefully they'll pull a Square Enix and add in proper resolution options later so that anybody above 1080p can enjoy the game. Those 900p assets would be terrible at higher resolutions. Gameplay wise, I like it however there is a HUGE difficulty spike at chapter two. I heard about it but I didn't look into it. I only got through it by pure chance on how I built my characters. how the AI reacted and well, DLC. I have a random chick that nobody acknowledges. I actually was down to my final, nearly dead character since my strategy could only hold out for so long. Now that I think harder, I had similar outcomes in my fights with harder enemies after this. So yeah... while I like Nep Nep, Noire is best girl so far.
  16. So Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 got some crashing issues. Seems like running the .exe in Windows XP compatibility mode fixes it. It did for me. My face if Iffy are still using Windows XP to make and test the port: Otherwise, it's an alright game. It's running at 60 fps. I actually learning something about this series that I jokingly mention a lot. The only real glaring issue with the port is resolution. At the very least, it seems like some assets are locked at 900p max. The graphic quality of this port is confusing me. Some part looks like 1080p while others does not... and it changes.
  17. I should get back into Space Dandy. As for what I'm watching. LISTEN TO MY SONG... no, not Macross. Symphogear. I think this might be one that should be watched as it is aired. I'm going to try to gun through this series so I can be caught up for season three. As for oldies, I picked out Lain and Vampire Princess Miyu TV.
  18. No nepnep till Friday due to last minute bug squashing. Annoyed but I can for sure respect that.

  19. I never knew that I needed American Truck Simulator until today. Imagine: me driving from LA or SF in a game for 7-8 hours (6-7 in a car).

  20. I never actually thought to search for this type of Vocaloid songs. Jackpot. Who knew you could make Miku growl? Edit: Swapped out for ones with lyrics.
  21. A graver sin is if they require you to use everybody for the final boss.
  22. Mal

    Forum Adverts

    Whoa, expanding ads. I got a Dell one. For it to expand you got to hover over it for a few seconds.
  23. Phantom Breaker: Battle Ground I just beat* it with one character. Now 7 more to go and at increasingly higher difficulties that you have to unlock by beating the game at the next one down. This game really needs online co-op. *I think there might be one last stage or boss?
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