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Everything posted by Mal

  1. If you put it that way, then no, GZ is not a bad place to start. It's a nice short game which showcase most of the game mechanics that will appear in Phantom Pain. As I've said before, it is a great demo. I highly encourage messing around to see what is possible. Don't expect Quiet shooting a grenade at a helicopter kind of thing though. Story wise, there is a recap of Peace Walker in the title screen so you'll be caught up with everything, chronologically.
  2. I really hope this calm right now is Sony going through the legal hoops to get the movie on many VOD platforms as possible (Like what FDS said). It be a good "Fuck you, NK" sort of thing. In a way, I think this whole event ties into the need for an open internet but that is another whole different monster topic all together. Come on Santa Sony, you can do it!
  3. If I wanted to, I could send my brother food or some thing via Amazon Now to his work place. I could buy him snacks for lunch if I order by 7 AM my time. WAT

    1. TCP


      We truly are living in the future.

    2. TheRevanchist


      Can you send me 2 western-style 1/2 lb burgers, a mega sized order of fries, and a Cherry Coke? I forgot my lunch at home.

    3. Baconrath
  4. That looks pretty good actually but I imagine that would be a translation nightmare since it looks like its pretty deep into Japanese folklore. Related to this is that I recently found out that I can get imported games on the PS Store though older games and untranslated. Pretty neat I think. So interested in First Queen IV. Note, I believe the low scores is due to the games being quite dated and untranslated.
  5. New Xanadu got announced so here's a piece from the last game, the only one of the series that I've played. Odd, I don't recall much about the game but it does have an awesome OST.
  6. http://www.nuuvem.com.br/produto/2557-metal-gear-solid-v-ground-zeroes Ground Zeroes at about $9.30. This should work for all regions. For the US, use Paypal. For >$10, I think this is worth it.
  7. Okay Youtube, err Google, the shitty performance of Youtube forces me to switch to Chrome. Nice of you to make it so easy to switch too...

  8. But not evilly cunning enough to win a cyber warfare battle, apparently? Do you think we just lost a cyber battle to North Korea? Because it really seems like it was North Korea, a sovereign nation, who did the Sony hack. Unlike some punk kid, we can't exactly go bust into Kim Jung Un's bedroom. If they wanted to, they can really stall and mess with our lives if they felt like it. It is almost like they can step on us at any time. Personally I'm not too sure if I can dismiss this as just another hacking. I'm pretty confused honestly.
  9. If you want to play that card then being American is evil as well. The American thirst for energy drives most of our policies. With that, some of our elected leaders are willing to pay any price to quench it (Have you guys seen the Cheney interview?). But yes, I am willing to go into gas and oil. It is not high in my choices of things I want to do but you bet your ass that I won't deny that door if it present itself. I may not be able to do anything about the political/policy side of things but I do on the ground level. I like clean land and water myself. With that said, I rather go into academia or environmental assessment/consultation.
  10. http://money.cnn.com/2014/12/15/news/economy/2-dollar-gas/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 If I was a gas and oil geologist, I would be shitting myself. I guess I can try to extend my master term to three years... to wait out the storm if I want to get into gas and oil. Talk about bad timing on my part... seems like most of the transition from old to new people is happening way faster than I thought it would. BUT YEAH CHEAP GAS.
  11. Well, that was embarrassing. I lost to the first boss in FFVII.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pojodin


      Can we call it Wallygagging if he was just screwing around and not really trying?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Why do we call it "Ethaning"?

    4. TCP


      We don't. We call it Wallying or Wallygagging.

  12. There is really no way around it besides try making new things. I also typically eat out on Fridays to shake it up.
  13. Final Fantasy VII and VIII I can legally replay them now. I doubt running them in an emulator will help with them much so why not? Also I'm debating about III and IV but knowing how porty they are kind of turns me off.
  14. Writing reports and take home exams while listening to old Final Fantasy OSTs makes me think it is time to replay some of them. It might help bring perspective to my childhood and teenage memories.

  15. Square Enix sale. Maybe Steam will be better but hey, if you want most of the Final Fantasy PC ports, this isn't bad.
  16. My impression was that the first person was received pretty well. It is just something extra and an added incentive to get the current gen version. I personally can't wait to try the game because so far, even though unreliable, the PC port seems to be shaping up pretty well. Also, Jack, don't you realize games are meant for kids, not adults? Why are games made for adults!? /s God damn, that view got to die in a fire. It's wrong on a fundamental level and it is old as shit. Besides, we're talking about GTA here. The in-game universe is meant to be ridiculous. Like, shit, the world is to ours like how South Park's world is to ours. It exaggerates things, especially the bad things, in our world.
  17. The Guardian to me is pretty reliable. Far better than The Daily Mail.
  18. You know what will be neat? If they add in some denser planets to explore and really sink your teeth into. These worlds could tie into the overall story/plot of whatever the hell is in the center of the galaxy. Since it is preset, I imagine the way to find the planets is to get lucky with random planets that provide clues to where they are. It could be a community thing since there is not way around the metagame. This is from the impressions that I got that the galaxy you are in is the very same one for everybody else. To me this would add a nice extra layer to the progression. So far it really not that different from say Minecraft where you do random shit till you are able to find and enter the End. You can easily get burnt out on the quest to get to the End. I imagine the same for the center of the galaxy. You know what, fuck my original comment... it's too spoiler-y no matter how I word it. But yes, there generally seem to be a black hole in the center of every galaxy. You're a space faring race with FTL travel. I think you can handle a black hole.
  19. I'm getting $6 for that game. Check again because they might have updated on you and thing got wonky because of it.
  20. I never played a Suikoden game. I'm curious now. That is one series that I severely overlooked. That and Breath of Fire.
  21. I will need to sneak a flask of something for this movie. I think the grad students in my department are hell bent on this.
  22. This is better than Sonic games... kind of. Anyways. I too will welcome a suddenly broken singleplayer where the game for some reason throw you 2x the enemies to fight. Who know, maybe Naughty Dog will make a good AI buddy...
  23. I expected him to bust out a saber. If I don't see a steam-powered rifle, I'll be sad.
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