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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale This is the international version so the film is considerably shorter at 2:30. The original two part-er clocks in at 4:30 apparently. Anyways, this movie is pretty badass. I can't exactly agree with the main character or the culture in certain aspects but yeah. Good watch. I think the two part-er might clarify some stuff better if you have the time. City of Life and Death I think I appreciate this movie better now after a second watch. At first the first part and the latter part kind of clashed with each other but now I think I can see them as together.
  2. Mal

    World Politics

    The greatest thing to come out from the Hong Kong protests so far. Pfft...
  3. So, I've been having a though experiment after skimming information (So I may be getting a wrong impression) about the Amiga. Might not really pertain to discussion here but I feel it fits best in this thread. The Amiga is a PC but I got the feeling it is closer to the likes of a Mac than a (Windows) PC. Hell, the Amiga feels more like a console than a PC. The basic hardware for each release are more or less the same (So like Macs and sort of like consoles) but it can be upgraded like a Windows PC though it seems like options were rather limited. It was limited enough to force devs to really push the Amiga to its limits, kind of like how devs do with consoles. This became especially so after Commodore went bankrupted in 1994 which only left 3rd party expansions that only put out for another few years. The Amiga thus might be the closest thing to an upgradable but rather closed (for upgradability) gaming platform (Something that I suggested and mused over a few times around here) I know of. It is as if you took a Mac and made it a compromising gap between console gaming and pure PC gaming. I'm not entirely sure how something like the Amiga can work in today's gaming environment since things really changed since the 90's. In my opinion, it could ease the problem with aging hardware (consoles). Last generation was painful towards the end of its cycle (So yes, I would put the long lives of consoles as a negative). Though with devs basing quite a bit on the lowest common denominator (X1...)... eh. It's a crap shoot.
  4. I want a PC that is strong enough to downsample.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I bet you could run Halo 2 at some nice high resolutions.

  5. So Attack on Titan. They are going to another basement. Chapter 62... discuss!
  6. Got to love how the media is scare mongering about ebola. Though I will say this: Having ebola raging through Latin America is quite the prospect... it isn't something I ever considered.
  7. One thing I will say about the current gen is that I expected better performance from them. It seems like we'll have to wait for a few years before most/all devs stick with a 1080p @ solid 30 fps standard when they finally work out how to squeeze out all the power of the consoles. Currently there's a bit too much 900p or some junk popping up still. Yes, most of you guys probably don't care since it still works out from the box but from the way I look at it, if some devs can pull it off then other big names devs can too. Also what devs can do on consoles will have an affect on what they can do on PC. By the look of things, this generation it seems like the X1 will be dragging everybody down. If and how much will depend on the dev. God forbid that most devs can't pull off a 1080p @ solid 30 fps standard later this generation and by extension, next generation. Note, I don't expect 4k TV to be much of a thing for a while. It took pretty much of all last generation to get most people to adopt HDTVs. I'm still running on my first big screen 1080p HDTV that I got for cheap when the cheaper ones were starting to come out.
  8. Never quite said that PC gaming is easier, its just becoming easier but yeah, I see ya'll points. I think for this forums, I might use my computer for stuff beyond gaming more often than all/most other here. Having a strong computer is a must for dealing with huge files and a lot of editing/content creation programs. Remember folks, earth sciences are multidisciplinary even to the non-science realm. -leaks-
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2ina7c/how_to_enable_rift_mode_for_alien_isolation_even/ This sounds terrifying.
  10. I've been educated. My baby's summary of thing is the following: The Federal pecking order is SCOTUS, Circuit Courts (CC) and Districts Courts (DC). Each proceeding court will follow the preceding one. DCs follow their CC rulings and whatever rulings the SCOTUS has. DC don't have to follow anything from a different CC. States seems to have a similar system, I think, but if the ruling is anything to do with federal law, the Constitution or even the state constitution then Federal courts will kick in. Seems like when that happens, it starts with the CC. If any of you ever want to dig into the interactions between state and federal courts, feel to do so. It sounds interesting enough and hell, I doubt is it much more complicated than geochemistry of magmas. Also like magmas, I bet the different states will have their own quirks with the federal courts (e.g., magmas will vary by location, god damn do they really vary).
  11. Mal

    World Politics

    So... is Kim Jong Un dead? North Korea is acting mighty strange in a good way I suppose?
  12. Do you feel that gameplay will turn stale if it goes on for 20 hours? (This seems to be a common complaint) Also, I do have Mordor since I got it for about $31.
  13. Seems like the AI is really divisive. It is either really good or really bad. I'm intrigued but like Shadow of Mordor, I'll bite at around $30. So kenshi, the AI doesn't do anything weird? From what I've read, seems like the AI is buggy and spazzes out which includes making some odd attack moves.
  14. Okay, the following phase triggered my $.25. One of the reasons for people to get into PC gaming is because it is so dynamic and diverse. There's an absolute ton of interesting, and admittedly now with an indie majority (not a bad thing though), games that is PC only or make their debut on the PC (e.g., Minecraft for a huge example). Consoles gaming has gotten better in that regard in the last half decade (?) with a terrible start by Microsoft and a very concentrated effort by Sony (Seems like it tied in a lot of people with the PS4 launch). So it isn't all just Call of Final Halo Melee now. Still though, I argue that PC gaming also have improved and continue to improve. With the 360 controller, there is finally a golden standard for a controller which makes. Prior to that you had a crap shoot of Duel Shock knockoffs that may not work well with a game. Terrible times. As of today, you can use a wireless X1 or PS4 controller. Motherfucking wireless! In addition, JRPGs are making a presence on PC, a genre that is normally console/handheld based. There are even Japanese indie games showing up on Steam. A wide and varied taste of East and West on the same machine. The whole gaming scene, to me, is evolving from an option A and/or B to a Option A/B with varying spectrum of both. PC gaming is to video gaming like how gardening/cooking is to eating. They give me options to how I enjoy what I am passionate about. There's ton of crap you can buy and do in each all with results ranging from awesome to absolute shit. A lot of people are okay with the basic staples and that is fine. No reason to put those people down. Oh, and PC gaming got to be the easiest of the bunch*. It is pretty much groundwork research. No different for what I do for gardening, cooking and hell, my thesis work. Speaking of which I should get back to... since you all know how I feel about gardening and geology, the above should help frame a viewpoint on why a person choose PC gaming. Not sure if I really said anything though. *Admittedly, it is quite a sudden jump from consoles to PC since there is really only so many consoles but I feel with this generation it is starting or can start to blur in a noticeable way. I believe that console games may eventually come with option menus that matters. Think FOV sliders and basic option A and B graphic/performance choices. As a person who love choices, I don't any barrier on see why not other than will. tl;dr: PC gaming is for those who want to go further and... perhaps read the damn thing if you care enough to find out what I am trying to say.
  15. I wonder how they are pulling that off. If they can do a penis, I imagine that technique can be applied to say the fleshy bits of an arm. Figure out how to make bone and we'll be golden. And yes, shame about the brain but I'm hoping people will figure that one out in my lifetime since I have a feeling that will be what gets me.
  16. Belkin routers are eating shit and dying due to an automatic update...? I don't recall routers ever auto updating...

    1. TheFlyingGerbil


      that's another reason for me to hate routers.

    2. Mal


      The shitty thing is that it appears that the routers are having trouble phoning home to see if they have a connection. Its working but something is telling the routers/server that it is not.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens


      >not installing custom firmware on your router

  17. Getting it right for me is getting a stable frame rate with graphics up as high as possible. It's relatively fast but with some games it'll take a bit. Shadow of Mordor was a fun one to play around with but I wished it had a auto restart functions when the game needs a restart for the setting to take hold. I'm a tweaker so PC gaming jives well with me but of course I also do well with consoles. However, I often sit there and wonder "How much better can this be if this was on PC?". This was quite frequent during the later stages of last gen. Even now it is a bit like it during the current gen. PT looks amazing though so it is really up to the developers to flesh out the consoles. If they don't do that then well, this might be another long generation.
  18. Alien: Isolation is one of those games where I want to keep myself from watching anything about until I get to it. As kenshi said, the AI sounds great. I want the damn aliens to pop out wherever. I want to see them on my radar to only have them disappear for a moment... right before I look straight up or behind me to spray them with bullets. The aliens are able to take out Predators (in the extended universe) so they better live up to that name. Embrace the xenomorphs with hot lead.
  19. I mean storyline wise. I will progress in it but I don't think I'll pay much attention.
  20. I'm getting murdered left and right. Also they're not kidding when they sound the alarm in strongholds. Must have been about 30 orcs and uruks. Needless to say, I died and that captain that I nearly killed got promoted. One other encounter (Where I was stalking the previous captain) was with a captain that I previously defeated. I think he was fucking hunting me. I nearly got him but a fucking orge came around and stomp me into a pile of shit. Maybe I'll do better with a controller but overall it plays fine with kb+m. I was waiting for it but I never heard it. I think I'll just keep on killing orcs and pretty much ignore the story.
  21. Guys. I have a problem. I'm a graduate student who should be working instead of this. Then again it is hard to pass up it up for $31 (Thanks Brazil)... I'll get The Long Dark during a sale or once finished.
  22. The Long Dark is looking pretty good and polished but man am I burnt on Early Access games.

  23. I'm actually surprised just how exponential defense rises with light level. One small upgrade and then I can stand a blast in the face by the Nexus' hydra. Also luck was on my side. I got my wish of a level 20, legendary hand cannon. Made doing appreciable damage a thing. Now if only I got legendary armor that wasn't for other classes. And fuck hunters in the Crucible. I get a big justice boner by killing one before or after they get me with their daggers.
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