Okay, the following phase triggered my $.25.
One of the reasons for people to get into PC gaming is because it is so dynamic and diverse. There's an absolute ton of interesting, and admittedly now with an indie majority (not a bad thing though), games that is PC only or make their debut on the PC (e.g., Minecraft for a huge example). Consoles gaming has gotten better in that regard in the last half decade (?) with a terrible start by Microsoft and a very concentrated effort by Sony (Seems like it tied in a lot of people with the PS4 launch). So it isn't all just Call of Final Halo Melee now. Still though, I argue that PC gaming also have improved and continue to improve. With the 360 controller, there is finally a golden standard for a controller which makes. Prior to that you had a crap shoot of Duel Shock knockoffs that may not work well with a game. Terrible times. As of today, you can use a wireless X1 or PS4 controller. Motherfucking wireless! In addition, JRPGs are making a presence on PC, a genre that is normally console/handheld based. There are even Japanese indie games showing up on Steam. A wide and varied taste of East and West on the same machine. The whole gaming scene, to me, is evolving from an option A and/or B to a Option A/B with varying spectrum of both.
PC gaming is to video gaming like how gardening/cooking is to eating. They give me options to how I enjoy what I am passionate about. There's ton of crap you can buy and do in each all with results ranging from awesome to absolute shit. A lot of people are okay with the basic staples and that is fine. No reason to put those people down.
Oh, and PC gaming got to be the easiest of the bunch*. It is pretty much groundwork research. No different for what I do for gardening, cooking and hell, my thesis work. Speaking of which I should get back to... since you all know how I feel about gardening and geology, the above should help frame a viewpoint on why a person choose PC gaming. Not sure if I really said anything though.
*Admittedly, it is quite a sudden jump from consoles to PC since there is really only so many consoles but I feel with this generation it is starting or can start to blur in a noticeable way. I believe that console games may eventually come with option menus that matters. Think FOV sliders and basic option A and B graphic/performance choices. As a person who love choices, I don't any barrier on see why not other than will.
tl;dr: PC gaming is for those who want to go further and... perhaps read the damn thing if you care enough to find out what I am trying to say.