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Everything posted by Mal

  1. They're running it old school. To be honest, this might get me to buy a Wii U in the next holiday season where this game is bundled with the Wii U. I dunno why but I also want to play Captain Toad.
  2. Santa Claus got some good words to live by. Also seems like you need work more than time to game especially considering you can't even shell out a buck.
  3. This will be good in ways that only this guy can pull off.
  4. I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this Last Guardian of mine far away from me!

  5. Imagine if I stored my entire Steam folder of 200+ games. I would expect it to clock in at at least 800 GB due to the amount of older, less large games. Recent games, however, are big as shit. For example, if I delete Shadow of Mordor and Wolfenstein The New Order from my Steam folder, I'll have about 80 GB back (surprisingly, Wolfenstein beats out Mordor with ~44 GB to ~35 GB). My current install runs about 400 GB for some perspective. I have 60 other games installed. Must be those delicious sound files... or large texture files for 4k gaming. I might be having storage issues myself soon enough... Edit: But yeah, delete stuff if you are done. If you are unwilling... get used to it.
  6. Tomb Raider A solid game that isn't actually that close to Uncharted. To be honest, the current setting for Uncharted 4 seems eerily like Tomb Raider. Enemies wise, there is an actual good reason why we're fighting each other and why Lara shouldn't be too traumatized by it. Still though, there are many places where you go to that are unalerted to the gun battle you just had down the cave... at least enemies didn't felt like sponges. Now that I'm done, there is no incentive to 100% single player... duel-wield pistols unlock would be nice.
  7. I think it will happen but it'll involve the main Playstation Final Fantasy games (VIII and IX). Three remakes with more or less the same engine. They'll get the most bang for their buck like that. They've done it for some of the SNES titles. We're getting closer and closer to the 20 year mark so I would expect 2017 for VII, 2018/2019 for VIII and 2019/2020 for IX. Then who knows, they might upgrade the engine for X and keep going. We'll see... If it happens, I'll expect bitching because people are whiny assholes. I prefer a movie...
  8. They could just make a movie retelling the story with fancy visuals. That really all people are after because, right? Come on, it's just a turn-based JRPG which we have tons of now. It would also not involve a whole game studio to work on. If they could do it with Advent Children then I think they can do it for the original story. It would also be something I would be down for. A game? Not so much.
  9. There will be a dungeon that will be procedurally generated (Not the whole game). Neat.
  10. I never played any of them but I will welcome it. It's a series that I want to take a look at. Also what you did can't be as bad as me and Shadow of Mordor. I just got burnt out... Apparently this will cross-platform play between the PS4 and PC. Microsoft, get on the ball. Other than that, I guess it is time for a new Street Fighter? Also we're gonna need more trailers up in here.
  11. Yakuza 5 coming to North America. This gonna be good.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleven


      I play this mainly for the mechanics. I'm not usually one to complain about English translations, but this game is so Japanese that I feel adding an English dub would just take away from the experience.


      I just want to beat up thugs in the streets of Tokyo again.

    3. toxicitizen


      Weren't all the localized Yakuza games since Y2 in Japanese with english subs, though? I assume this will be the same. Especially considering it being digital-only. That kinda tells me they're trying to minimize the costs on this one as much as possible.

    4. Eleven


      Yes they were. I thought by localization you meant including language, since 3 and 4 were localized anyway.

  12. Someday I will see a launch of this in person as it heads (With people) to an asteroid and beyond. Now in Kerbal Space Program.
  13. This is how retarded the whole situation is.
  14. They could have just left Sarah Connor saving Kyle for the actual movie surprise. I knew this was a reboot but I wasn't expecting the timeline to be shifted so much. Also Emily Clark? Can't say I can imagine her being Sarah Connor. If she was raised by Arnold, I would expect her to be more fit than what is portrayed. Again, god, what a terrible trailer. Way too much revealings.
  15. On Tomb Raider now. Jesus Christ, what a terrible way to die. If these death scenes are not an incentive to not die then I don't know what to think.
  16. Hard Reset Plays fine (Shadow Warrior does built on what is here) but I really don't care for the character or the same-y enemies. Talk about fighting bullet sponges for some of them. It was like fighting the Flood but for the whole damn game.
  17. I just watched the Korean Oldboy with my roommate. Odd movie. What confused me while watching is that I though the age gap between the protagonist and antagonist was greater than it really is. I just felt that a lot of shit came apparently from the left field or came at an odd time. Now, yesterday we watched Ip Man The Final Fight. I wasn't expecting this kind of story considering how all the other Ip Man movies are but I thought it was a nice change. This one is more about the man himself than his legend. So kind of boring... but a neat movie .
  18. I should mention that I'm totally fine with growlers now. Surprising what getting stuck in windowless labs for hours at a time can do and besides, metal is like the best thing to listen to to past the time. Not to mention that I totally have an excuse to blast death/death metal when I'm not in a good mood... like during a van ride full of other people with me as the driver. Edit: Also screw holiday melodies. Life is like full of death and shit. It is also almost winter, the season where things typically die or hide. When did winter became the time of jolly old fat man?
  19. About time I get on the wagon, eh? Also I think I'm making my Santa's job harder...
  20. Huh. Nature made their journals free to view. Geological Society of America Pub., it's your turn.

  21. I love this track due to Cartman's chanting. I don't recall anything from Wolfenstein The New Order but I like the main menu theme when you start up the game since it is timed so well. I'm giving it a listen now so it can get some love. Maybe.
  22. Paper copy ahoy. Roughly $6 for a nice weekend read is perfectly fine. Plus there's a demonic corgi. What happened to it's fairy rider?
  23. I kind of want a X1 now (Kind of want a new ODST) but of course the MCC has its problems. Also I recall these guys didn't make it when I go running around in that level. They either got murdered by the hunters or by snipers.
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