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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Downsampled Valkyria Chronicles is quite pretty.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mal


      It's actually kind of surprising due to VS's CANVAS engine being based around the PS3 (VC2 and VC3 uses it too...). For most games, I've heard that porting from the PS3 is a bitch so I expected way more hiccups in this port. So far the only major issues I see is the pre-rendered cutscene and wonky physics past ~75 fps. Those two are pretty understandable. Also, yeah, got to consider Japanese devs.


      Color me impressed.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It's kind of sad that the fact that just because it's a non-shit port it's being praised. This should be the standard.

    4. Mal


      Can't say that I can disagree with that statement. In an ideal world, all ports will not be shit.

  2. I never played FFXIII-2 so I might hop on board when it drops down to $10 or less even though I do have a distaste for FFXIII (which I may also get eventually). Kind of hard to justify shitting on games if I haven't played them enough or beaten them. It will also be interesting to have a Final Fantasy game where I have the option for Japanese audio. I'm honestly kind of floored that they are including that.
  3. Since I don't recall the multiplayer from Halo 3 onwards, take what I say with a grain of salt but I think they revert back to no loadouts. Awesome since loadouts is kind of a pain. The armor abilities seems varied enough and have good enough pros/cons to make it interesting. It'll be interesting how it'll all pan out in the end... Also it is odd. I'm quite certain that I won't be getting a X1 but Halo man... it still calling.
  4. People are (relatively) gobbling it up. Currently #4 on Steam and #1 on GMG. It's fantastic that it is having another day in the sun even going against Assassin Creed Unity and Call of Duty Advance Warfare. Judging on the spots it holds on Steam and GMG, it is priced just right. What personally put me over the edge on double-dipping is that everything points to that the port is totally fine. It also helps that I don't have a copy of VC and I never played the DLCs. Hopefully SEGA will take note and aim for the other games as well, despite them moving away from the tone of the first game. With that said, maybe SEGA can also note that they should do another game with a tone like VC1 on a major platform.
  5. 5'10" or 5'11", depends on the day and what shoes I'm wearing. Occasionally I will round myself to 6' for rough scale purposes. My older brother and I are about one head taller than our parent's generation and we absolutely tower over our grandparents generation. Better nutrition in action but I guess genetics is a factor since, generally, both sides of my family are considered taller than average for their area(s).
  6. For Legendary on Halo 2, I just wished that the instant fail if someone died was optional. There is definite fun to be had to walk through corridors littered with your bodies. I actually didn't tried co-op in 3 or 4 since I'm a couch purist. It isn't the same over Xbox Live. I would settle for a LAN co-op though. Also I got to agree with Ethan. The Flood in 2 were worse than CE and 3 since, well, they were the same as Halo CE. They had a shake up with Halo 3 which made them more fun to fight.
  7. New Mombasa on legendary... fuck those snipers though the encounter with the hunters is great.
  8. After all these long years, I have became an adult and yet I still care that this is canon... wow.
  9. Interstellar Holy fuck. While some of the science are odd but it is such a fun movie. There are really no dull moments in my opinion. Some people's actions you had to question but I think I could give them a pass with it considering what the hell they were doing and looking at.
  10. Django Unchained Kind of an odd movie but fun which is pretty much all Quentin Tarantino's movies.
  11. Mal


    Hrmm... it really comes down to the issue of bloodline but there are so many Chens, Chins and other surnames running around that it doesn't really matter. I could use less people with my name running around...
  12. http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/04/grand-theft-auto-v-a-new-perspective?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social So the current gen version will have 1st person mode which doesn't seem tacked on. Plus more songs and cars. I'm not sure if the last gen will get it? Anyways, more reason for me to get it now I suppose. Can I hope for a decent PC port because...
  13. After a brief absence, there's a pulse of planes inbound for Europe from across the pond. Rest in peace you European bastards. Edit: It is also neat to see the approach path for SFO. Its a pretty sight on the ground and it's neat to see it from a map. All the planes lines up neatly!
  14. Mal


    I took a nap and lo and behold, he woke me up by nipping on my toe. Seriously, where the hell was he? I looked in all the closets he could have been in. At least he's not a velociraptor.
  15. Mal

    Forum Changes

    Neat... and not perfect with the upload.
  16. Mal


    Well, I was playing Shadow of Mordor when I last noticed him in my room. I'm still very confused. At least he is chipped...
  17. Mal


    So, how stealthy are cats? My roommates' cat is now living with us but on my watch, he disappeared and honestly, I'm kind of freaked out. How can a cat disappear from a closed off house? The only way he could have gotten out was that he was smart enough to open a sliding screen door and close it on his way out... This is on top of him somehow phasing into the garage last night.
  18. I refuse to watch World Wardecent. ause of its terrible adaptation. Tonight... The Cabin in the Woods was decent.
  19. Ugh... BoA just closed my credit card. Okay, fuck you too.

  20. There Will Be Blood So this film is great. It has a great, mostly speechless, opening sequence where actions were spoke volumes. It makes you pay attention to details and to think about the stuff that are going on. I'm still trying to work through that though. Fun fact: Union Oil built an oil tank farm in San Luis Obispo during the movie's time period that would have held the oil that Daniel would have drilled, if he was real. The tank farm though, in real life, blew up in one of the worst USA/California man-made disasters (early ones anyways). On Google Maps, you can still see the outline of the tank farm along Tank Farm Rd. The reach of the disaster is still around today with the ground nearby unfit for use besides grazing land at best. Further out there are commercial lots, an airport and a whole lot of empty land.
  21. Alts are the reason why I don't look down upon low level people. That and if you know what you are doing, you can murder folks with just the basic weapons.
  22. Godzilla. I concur with the general sediment that it is lacking in Godzilla. I could care less about the people. Godzilla parts were awesome though, especially the finisher.
  23. Take my money.
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