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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nul6uFQqTk Haha, they do sound alike. Then again the folks at Koei have been playing in this sort of style for ages but I think it is fair to say they was heavily inspired by Killswitch Engage. @Saturnine - No idea.
  2. Beginning pains... killing people so slow. Then again, in Dynasty Warriors, everybody is the same as well. Then late game they'll tear through everything. Also, they made Rei look so badass, which he is. His legend will never die!
  3. Remember, people are stupid with some being downright retarded. While I don't like the electoral college, the reasoning behind it is kind of sound.
  4. I... fuck. I'm not happy. I can understand the need for fast zombies for the movie but fuck, they all run faster than Usain Bolt, have the agility of greased lightning and have the dexterity of a tentacle monster. Edit: The preview image should give you a good idea how much they changed.
  5. Well, Laharl do look older and combine that with Harada's evolving art style, we got what we got. It looks a bit more refined. The art style fits with how the "sprites" look like now. It all looks so flowly. And yes, finish D1.
  6. Someone please explain the French on a good deal of PS3 games' backcover?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Most cereal boxes and stuff don't. The only things I've noticed having French on them are bath products like shampoo and shit.

    3. fuchikoma


      Hey, do foods in America have to have a nutritional breakdown on them? I don't know when it was added, but it's on just about everything in Canada now... generally a vertical white rectangle.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It's been like that in the States for some time now.

  7. What the shit? Real life девочек и танк. Overriding it with this: To be fair to the US and Britain, this Soviet-era song was pretty much written as a huge fuck you to Nazi German. Then Operation Barbarossa happened then history followed this song as the Soviets ran to Berlin.
  8. Oh, that place. Hrmm, then I have to say its quite an oversight. You can't explain it away with what they were doing there either. Regarding the ending to the level:
  9. From what I seen, from screenshots and gifs, its pretty damn moe. It isn't moeblob is it? Saturnine, mind giving me a good summary of the show? Kinda like how I would describe Girls und Panzer: Literally girls and tanks with a big dash of awesome of singing battle themes as girls do tanky things.
  10. In regards to the PR thing. As of right now, they have no say in US politics while ultimately under control by Washington. If they become a state, they could have some say. If they become an independent country, they'll be quite poor and who knows, they might become another Haiti (a position they don't want to be in). In any case, I feel like they have more say in their own destiny than we do. I'm honestly quite jealous. Part of the reason Atomsk brought up: The electoral college is for sure shit. I sure would love for the whole election process to be changed before we tear ourselves apart by stuff like: Good luck trying to run with that stance. So yup. Dysfunctional union. Puerto Rico, seriously, stay the hell away. If we crash and burn, you won't burn with us.
  11. I would explain it by saying its Forerunner advance shield. Think this: but clear. Remember, a good deal of Covenant technology is just reversed engineered Forerunner tech.
  12. Kabochas are officially done since while cleaning up the area, I snapped the vine on my bigger one while the smaller one lost all its leaves and buds so it was finished. No idea what to do with them now since they are pretty immature. I suppose I can leave them outside and see how it goes. Worst comes worst, they become worm food. With the area cleared, I finally could lay down my drip line just right. Now I'm just laying stuff down to decompose for a month or two. I might throw in some legumes or something to add stuff back in. Speaking of worms... my newer bin got invaded by black soldier flies larvae. Boo on me for leaving the bins open. Oddly my first bin was spared. Compared to the worms, these guys are insanely fast eaters. So they can out eat my worms. Hell, I found one boring(sp?) through a carrot piece I threw in there. Nice clean hole. With that said, I think i can harvest the first bin now after letting it dry out a bit. Also here's a picture of a mass of larvae I scooped out. They sound so squishy. One inch of squishiness.
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20238272 Bringing it back up again since they just voted on it. Puerto Rico may become the 51st state after all. They just need approval from Congress and such. Some of the hoops are rather big but doable. I for one welcome their oncoming union with our dysfunctional union.
  14. I think this image sums up really well on why I like Girls und Panzer so much. I like weird stuff
  15. I've read that starlight gives you cancer but then again, what doesn't these days?
  16. In other news: http://www.huffingto..._n_2079899.html They actually done it. Can we kindly do something like this nationwide? I personally don't partake but I know a lot of people who do. Its just isn't that dangerous, at least not more than tobacco and alcohol. Also I'll be honest, one reason I'm all for it is so I can tell my friends and roommate to smoke outside. At the core of it, smoke and secondhand smoke are just no bueno. Edit: A bit better source I suppose. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/colorado-washington-states-legalize-recreational-marijuana/story?id=17652774#.UJoKFobe94M Washington state joins Colorado. Oregon didn't.
  17. I think he repeated himself but then quickly deleted the duplicate. It was this one: "Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before".
  18. Gents, we have our first gay/lesbian senator: Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.
  19. https://www.google.com/elections/ed/us/results Ohio seems to be Obama's. Also look at Florida... I think they're doing their thing again.
  20. Couldn't you get a provisional ballot or something like that? I'm really not sure on how it all works but it seems that some folks I know had that done.
  21. Yay for small town. I went in, did my thing and left in about 10 minutes.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl_rljOB4AE Girls und Panzer made me into a battle song junkie. I guess back in the day these would be great for motivating men to make the other guy die for his country. Now, they're sort of comedic. Might be the flutes. HOWEVER. The British Grenadiers is pretty damn awesome.
  23. I find that quite odd since Halo 2 pretty much exploded Xbox Live. I loved it. I can agree about the campaign though. Halo 3's multi was quite... eh. Because of that and of me being cheap, I didn't try Reach multi.
  24. They can be heated enough and often enough that I think If we were like Taiwan, we would have fist fights in Congress and that people would bet money who would beat who.
  25. Flonne turned into a fallen angel after the events of D1. I forget the exact method but it has been about ten years. As for the trio's appearance in the other games, I think they're more like cameos than anything (I haven't touched D4, so don't quote me on it). As for a Vita release, no word but I think it should be possible. Size shouldn't be too much of an issue in this day and age. Besides, I would think NIS would go all out for their 20th.
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