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Everything posted by Mal

  1. A concept image. Its giving me a Killzone (Heavy, strong) feel, which I like. I think there might be more stuff but I can't confirm if those are real. This image is from Bungie themselves. Edit: Imgur link. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/28/destiny-story-details-concept-art-leaked
  2. Mal


    Then give me all you (Everybody) recommendation. Be it anything besides beer. I think I'm on the tail end of my beer episode for now so I want something else. For example... I don't know single thing about wines. I know the difference between whites and reds but like hell I know how the grape variety will effect how the wine is.
  3. Eight or seven episodes if you don't include the emergency recap episode (5.5). I think this series is only pose to run for 12 episodes so we're half way through but I bet we'll get a second season. There is also a prologue and a parallel manga. The mangas has a slight head started against the anime. So I think there are enough material to gauge the series. Now then, remember... all girls are best girls. Even the ones with the flaws or when there are ones that blows away most other girls. Edit: (Its actually seven episodes currently. Eight if you could the recap) Mussolini-chan (Formerly SS-chan) fight wasn't shown at all! Mal. I Italian curse them all! Though, I wonder what tank they found at the end. ULTRA LATE EDIT: For one reason or another, despite knowing the change in mood, this image may have sold me on the anime. Queuing it up.
  4. Perfection. I wonder if they'll do the other teams now. I want my British team and then my American!
  5. It ate mines during the very beginning so I didn't inconvenience me in the slightest. Now, maybe. I do find myself going out with the a lightrifle/AR combo. Screw the DMR. Edit: Spartan Ops Episode 4... So is it safe to say stuff are getting recon'd and such?
  6. Ugh... If only consoles power cables weren't all unique. I hate forgetting to grab cables... no 360 for a few weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      The newer PS3s aren't kettle cable, I don't think.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      You store the console without the cable?

    4. Mal


      I went back home for Turkey Week. I used my brothers' cables instead of mines so when I went to go pack, I forgot to pack my cable. Dumb move on my part to bring them out... next time I think I'm just going to bring the HDD.

  7. Those faces. They had the .MOV style and the older styled ponies.
  8. The Microsoft Surface looks really nice. I wonder how well it can be used for office type of work since it's design to me is the most ideal.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mal


      Yeah, its quite pricey. Hopefully by this time next year it'll be better... or we see more options in these sort of stuff.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Ultrabooks are too bulky? They're thin as shit!

    4. Mal


      EH. I want the keyboard to be separate and only there when I need it.

  9. Mal

    Android Phones

    So the Note II is pretty great. I'm using it right now using Swipe to type this post. It'll take some time to get used to.
  10. I got the first volume of a series called Saga a few weeks ago due to a reccomendation by the worker at the comic store. Its fantastic so far but I can't help but feel that the folks are going to die.
  11. Mal

    Black Friday

    Outlet for me in a few hours. I guess I could use some new clothes.
  12. Mal


    After drinking FW beers and such... light beers (Bud Light) are really like water. Also trying an Anchor Steam Beer. Not sure what exact style it is. Just says "beer".
  13. Sribblenauts Unlimited... how I want you. Damn the Halo whore to hell!

  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCrL76vGpNA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B70lpTUyxAA Halo 4's soundtrack is actually pretty damn good.
  15. Holy crap are those two Ragnarok missions are HARD. The second one is easier but damn. Thank god for respawns since there are enough Hunters, Banshees and Elites for a whole campaign. Edit: After watching all the terminal videos...
  16. I'm really liking with what they are doing with the Spartan Ops. Is it only one season* for now or will there be more? I can see them keeping this up till Halo 5, which would be pretty sweet. * One season = ten episodes * five chapters each = 50 chapters (Levels)
  17. Get the Boltshot. The charged shot will rape people faces. I discovered it (I never paid it much attention in SP) after getting killed quite a bit by someone using the charged shot. Its a close range instant kill so its perfect for countering people like me who will get in your face.
  18. Just got done with this and this is pretty much my feeling about the game. Solid game. Makes me wonder how Halo 5 will turn out like. Will it be this trilogy's Halo 2? Regardless, I foresee a 720 just for Halo 5...
  19. http://www.animenews...gets-more-anime OH MY GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN. More of best doll and of course...
  20. Halo 4's Spec Ops just gets harder and harder. That or maybe I'm just tired.

  21. I won't forget for a different reason: He broke character.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_rating "1,500,000–2,000,000 (Scoville) Most law enforcement grade pepper spray,[5][6][7] Trinidad Moruga Scorpion[8]" If you go by the hottest, yeah, pepper spray can beat this monster of a chili pepper which can match most stuff.
  23. I wanted to kill my entire team during most of my dominion matches. Capture and disrupt enemies caps dammit! This isn't King of the Hill where you just stand there, you got to hold B. When it the teams know what to do though, it is quite fun. CTF though, I think is far better. It allows some room to screw around, aka kill each other to hell and back. I still have to try Oddball and the other game mode lower on the list. Oddball sounds fantastic. I don't really mind a lower K/D since I'm rarely ever lower than 1:1 even if I throw myself at the enemy. --- About Legendary singleplayer... I'm really not feeling the pressure yet, especially when Jackal snipers cannot take me out with one shot.
  24. Well, it looks like it spreads out a bit then converges. Also for Regicide... its really hard to win if you remain on top since suddenly you can give someone a ton of points. Loving it.
  25. So I got a special college asshattery for you all. My university is looking into and most likely will change into a semester system from a quarter system. There is for sure a push to resist. I'm somewhat one of them but I'm a transfer from a semester system so I don't really care. However I really fear the transition (Its going to be a clusterfuck) and I'm most likely am going to face it. Personally I feel that a hybrid system would be better since some classes really don't need to be a semester long, while others really do. Non-bias third party, what do you guys think?
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