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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I just witnesse the most retarded act on my, so far, 550 games of World of Tanks. Damn light tank comes running back to base from his game winning cap to try to take on a heavy tank when me and another dude was at our base to delay him. Heavy tank murdered us all. One of the rare times such stupidity made me livid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Yup. Pretty much what Ethan said. That or the occasional planetary alignment that brings together 4 semi-competent strangers together who actually ptfo.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      The worst is when not only do they not do the objective, but they actively obstruct you from doing it. Like in CTF when they pick up the flag, but then instead of heading back to base they go start fighting enemies. But they have the flag so no one else can pick it up. AHHH!

    4. Saturnine Tenshi
  2. Is it odd that I'm wearing my first long sleeve tshirt in at least a decade?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mal


      I'm back in the Bay Area for the month. The area is slightly more chillier than Slome. Doesn't help that my parent's place has poor/nonexistent insulation.

    3. Mal


      I avoided long sleeve t-shirts because they were tight and I hated to pull them over my head.


      Guess I'm getting old.

    4. fuchikoma


      Is it odd that I'm wearing your first long-sleeve shirt... for nearly a decade?! (Seriously though, I wear t-shirts too often. When it's cold, I just add a hoodie.)

  3. Metro 2033 seems easier this time around. Last time I was running around shitless. Got to see if I get stuck on that Commie v. Nazi battle again.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Not playing it on Ranger Hardcore?

    2. Mal


      Let me beat the game once then I'll do it...

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOedIRlVPQM I should get back into Psycho Pass.
  5. Eeyup. Also they played the song I was thinking of, just no singing.
  6. Titan Quest is actually alright. I just play like I'm some sort of Kratos.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Actually alright? Did you ever hear otherwise?

    2. Mal


      The genre this game falls under usually doesn't appeal to me.

  7. http://www.amiami.co...cnt=0$pagecnt=1 My smile. Its gone forever.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBpeFTiHt9o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkvwkM2a39g Gundam Unicorn officially has one of the best OSTs. These are just scratching the surface.
  9. Mal


    Found two bottles of the XVI. Got one for myself and another for a gift. Trying to decide to whom though. Edit: I might have lied. I may want to save them both...
  10. WTF is going on in Planetside 2? I feel like a chicken with its head cut off.

    1. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Watch the tutorial videos.

  11. Mal


    What Hottie said but I will also say that you could line up different styles of beers and have at it. It'll get knowing what you can like out of the way. Its okay if you like none of them too. Just come back and try again some other time.
  12. Mal


    Not sure. It might depends on the beer since high demand can wipe out a supply in a few days or low demand can see one sitting out for a while. For example, I can still find Solace even though it should of stopped brewing for a long while by now. Thinking about it some more... for the Proprietor Reserves, I think those time frames are for when its brewed and being shipped. I think once your local stores who ordered it gets it, that is it. While it may be still be getting bottled, there isn't enough liquid money to give to everyone.
  13. I'll win whatever Steam holiday competition for mines or mines can do it for me. Relevant:
  14. Mal


    Huh. I guess they love giving it to the girls.
  15. What if they casualized Dark Souls II...?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deanb


      I think it's one of those games where they got the formula spot on first time around, tweaking it too much/often is just going to topple it. But it also has a legacy that means it'll likely sell and critique well too cos sites like to wank over "hard" games.

    3. deanb


      Also I'm sure we had the WRPG/JRPG discussion not long ago, specifically about Costume Quest.

    4. toxicitizen


      Yeah, that's probably why it's the first one that came to mind when I was looking for an example of the opposite.

  16. Mal


    So I got this Alaskan Brewing Co. 2012 Smoked Porter so I can try something different to celebrate the end of finals. The smoked flavor taste like the smokiness of smoked salmon. I don't know how to feel about that but the mouth feel is what I expected: very smooth. Also the smoked salmon flavor goes away after a bit. Also, FDS, it is going to be very hard to find the Firestone Walkers' Anniversary Ale but when I found the name plate at Bevmo, its only ~$25. Pricey for a beer but not out of the price range of people who would want to try it (I think). I'll be hounding for the components of it when they come out next year. One of them is going to be brand new to bottling... the Velvet Merkin. Its the older brother of the Velvet Merlin and supposedly its one of their best when it comes to draft. So I think I'll have to store away at least $100 for these special stuff... I think I made a mistake getting into beer. This is damn costly...
  17. Waiting for sales as well. Also I think I'm screwing with my Santa so much by adding so many possible choices for him to get. With that said, I can't be bothered to sort my list now so to my Santa, don't forget to look at the bottom of the list for more options.
  18. My, judging by this thread, choosing which jeans to wear is sure tough and well... it is true. Personally, I have yet to find one in recent memory that I've truly liked. I had some perfectly fine looking and fitting ones that somehow gets holes punched in them by just daily wear for classes in just ONE quarter (Ten weeks). I don't want to imagine wearing that one out to the field.
  19. Combat is somewhat like Kingdom Hearts where you can run around with a menu to do everything. You use the triggers to scroll to what option you want. Each familiar has their stamina so you should switch them out with L1 before they run out of it so they can rest up. The odd part to me is the timer but I guess it makes sense. The overworld is very cool as well for the "dungeons". There are no random encounters. It really reminds me of the Tales games in this regards. Overall, it is as I expected: A more traditional JRPG in line with Tales/KH flavor. It has a slow feeling to me.
  20. So, Chuu2. After seeing two episodes and knowing what little I knew prior about the show. I think I can see where it is going. Its sort of like if there weren't aliens, time travelers, ghosts, demons, espers or evil organizations and the heroes in Haruhi's world. In other words. Just relax and have fun. Most of us had vivid imaginations back in the day, I know I did. I think the main draw of Chuu2 for me is that it reminded me of the time. Fun times. Also, that sister. --- http://kevo.dasaku.net/?p=4950 My thoughts with a massive twist of humor.
  21. Tank model company and the Nendoroid's company are teaming up so you can have a tank like those in the endings credits.
  22. ALL MY MONEY. Sadly, I know the import price and it is quite steep. These combos will easily break $100.
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