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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abFSuKWYN-4 I feel that Sabaton's vocals really blends in with the instrumental. Its great for a background music for some ass kicking sequence.
  2. So its Dooms Day and nothing happened... to us. My worms on the other hand, as I found out last night, gone through Wormah's Flood due to all the damn rain and after all my precautions. Yes, there are drainage holes but by Wormy Jesus did I lose tons of nutrients and I bet tons of worms. The odd part is that its includes the much more seal container too! Now I watch helplessly as a fucking downpour threatens them yet again. I added a ton of egg cartons to soak up the water but man... poor worms. Lastly... in my experience thus far, black soldier fly larvae are impossible to get rid of. They just pupate and have at it right in the box.
  3. Seriously, Bravest Warriors is getting better with each one.
  4. Its also about time we do an upgrade on our internet infrastructure (all of our infrastructure in actuality). Without a solid network, how can the US even begin pulling ahead in this century and beyond? ISPs (and other companies) can run away but most of us can't. And if I was a senator, they would have to line my pocket with an exclusive no cap, no throttle internet connection else I'll still suffer from the cap/throttle practices.
  5. Mal


    The game was ready and perfect, alas, we weren't so it has gone back up in perfect game heaven for the time when we are ready to behold its glory (Tomorrow).
  6. My body is not ready for whatever abomination I'll make with Scribblenauts Unlimited, all thanks to TheMightEthan, also known as Ethan. I have a tablet and I (barely) know how to use it! Thanks again Ethan.
  7. Mal


    Is there a list of the daily deals? There is almost always one that leaked or some junk.
  8. Started Captain Harlock aka Arcadia of my Youth. Its a bit odd but I can see it going places, especially with a theme such as this: The OST is pretty damn good too! Well, I think I'll be done in a week since its only 42 episodes.
  9. Get rid of the "s" in "https". Anyways, I done Britain, Russia and maybe USA march songs. Time for a deep dark brother (Though Soviet Russia is rather dark too). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwrAEPyTYt4 Erika is alright. I blame the sharp trumpets and other instruments. Now Panzerlied is just really neat. It really thrives on strong vocals.
  10. Since you brought this topic back up, there is also this commentary by TB:
  11. Rhinocrunch pretty much telling WarZ staff to
  12. What would be the best way to get rid of the tobacco smoke/smell difting from another room be? Living away from a smoker for so long made me really sensitive towards second hand smoke. I have another two weeks to last at my parent's place... help?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Nothing, really... Maybe an ionizing air filter? What it doesn't pull out of the air, it should stick to the walls.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Febreeze helps with that stale smoke smell.

    4. Mal


      Stepdad. Bathroom. I can excuse it somewhat in bad weather but the air suction thing is a failing piece of crap and the slot door to the master bedroom bathroom is busted. I just need to get rid of the majority of the smoke when he's smoking.

  13. I just finished the TB video. Summing it up: Shit game is shit, shit dev is shit and Valve/Steam is even shitter for allowing such a game on their service. As TB would put it... its a disgrace. I feel this issue will soon evolve into a growing Valve/Steam issue of allowing unfinished or absolute garbage and lies to be sold by them since they have absolute control over what gets plastered in the store. Sure its a buyer beware sort of deal going on in brick and mortar stores and hell, most online stores too but TB brought to my attention of something regarding digital stores since he sort of hinted at it... digital stores can have a different expectation and it can be solely because of Apple's App Store and their known "quality" checking practice. This topic isn't really in the scope of this thread's topic so I'll end it here...
  14. Shut up about this garbage. Its #1 on Steam RIGHT NOW.
  15. Oi, seven days till Christmas. Where the hell is the sale? I want to complete my game package!
  16. The interwebs would be a problem. The first few hours or first day would be still interesting unless the two that make contact planned on it somehow. Doubt it though since how many people even know how to orientate themselves in space? Your north can be their east and for all you know they don't even realize they see totally different color scheme than you do. Again, game of the future. Fucking future...
  17. Well... time to wait till... I completely understand why they are pushing the last two episode back. The director want to avoid QUALITY like those found in the current episode. Seriously, it has been pretty good all season long. Hopefully we get season 2 between now and then. Also: Also also: They watched Kelly's Heroes.
  18. I thought of such a game before and it does sound really awesome on paper. Its just really hard to pull off at our current time. This game is way ahead of our time to say the least. This is a game our children or our children's children will play. To say more... You would need some sort of army of devs to keep it going. Most practical way for this to work is to have a really flexible engine and a damn good AI overlord (with human handlers of course...). I'm serious with the AI. Somehow this game universe got to be kept in check somehow so it won't get too loony and that reasonable random events can happen. I don't think the devs can keep up. Regarding their current plans... I would say having multiple planets being inhabited at once would be a good move so when people go into space, they'll have peers equal/lesser/stronger to/than themselves. It would make for some neat round X of first contact.
  19. If they do something mundane like punch a kid or look at somebody wrong then maybe they'll get in trouble. If they do something big like this, its okay because they're the Thane of the World. Now go fetch me some scotch.
  20. Kelly's Heroes Sgt. Oddball shows how to fight a war. Be righteous and keeping it up with the positive rays. So knock it off with them negative waves. WOOF WOOF WOOF! Also, Clint Eastwood as Kelly shows how to be an American badass. Ninja Edit, see if you can find it edition:
  21. It's sure is hard to ship alcohol. Legally anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      @fuchi In the US, you need a license and an agreement with a shipper. Most people just say "Fuck that" and just say its olive oil or something.

    3. fuchikoma


      In Canada there were/are laws against interprovincial liquor transport too, but the bottom line here is that customs will not open your package unless it's coming into the country. If it's not extremely suspicious, someone up here would have nothing to worry about sending it cross-country.

    4. Mal


      Over here, it really depends on the person who discovers the alcohol. I think most people wouldn't even care. Its just annoying that I have to be so damn sneaky about it. I would rather not have the chance that it get confiscated.

  22. Out of curiosity, did you get the true ending? I was kind of annoyed when I finished the game and realized there was this hidden list of requirements you had to complete to get the true ending. What sucks is whenever you get to one of those, the game gives absolutely no indication that "HEY, THIS RIGHT HERE IS KIND OF IMPORTANT SO MAYBE DON'T IGNORE IT!" Nope since I was a heartless SOB. Also I don't think the game even explained the Karma system. After I beat the game, I looked the wiki up and then became confused.
  23. Metro 2033. If it moves, kill it edition. All the Fascist and Communist scum was cleansed. I even killed all the Librarians I encountered (You can avoid most of them apparently). With that said, I was running out of ammo towards the end. Praise the Dark Ones that there were only two of the armored mutants and everything after was easy kill. Tons of "Oh fuc-" moments. Immersive as hell. Tons of fun. Ranger Hardcore, incoming I suppose.
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