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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Teaser Trailer: Japanese website: http://disgaea.jp/d2/English Website: http://nisamerica.com/games/disgaea_d2/ Link I posted earlier with magazine scans: http://www.the-magic...me121026d.shtml Japan Release: March, 20 2013 NA Release: October 8th, 2013 EU Release: September 27th, 2013 Direct sequel to the first Disgaea game. Ten years in the making with tons of cock teases but its finally happening. I am HAPPY. So happy. Happy enough to kick out Rommel-chan and install Laharl as the unofficial Overlord of the forums. I have no idea whats the story is going to be but I heard it takes place ten years after Disgaea 1 and I think there might be sister involved. Also, there seems to be a gender-bent Laharl. Artwork: English Trailer: Edit: Added English stuff.
  2. You're already dead. I love me some Dynasty Warriors' type beat them ups. Gundams seemed a stretch but with Ken's Rage 2 coming out soon in Japan, I thought I would give this one a try. HnK mixed with this game style makes sense.
  3. What the hell, Atomsk? When the hell were you part of the 1%?
  4. Made in jest but I got to say, 80' and '00 looks pretty similar.* Also, I'm up to episode 43 on HnK. Awesome overload incoming. *And yes, I know style vary a ton within decade. Kind of like how I view 90's to be more like Slayers, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon and DBZ.
  5. What do/did the PS3 devkits have? What I'm finding with my quick Google search is that it can be pretty similar or even below what the actual system have. I'm also going to be wary/take the leak with a grain of salt. The RAM amount seems too good to be true. It would be sweet if it does go all the way to 16 GB. I'm totally fine with a console trying to last a decade but it will have to have the specs to make it work. The consoles right now are just keeping up and they use every ounce of juice it has in order to keep up. With 8GB or 16GB of RAM, I wonder how far can they take it. I think I can even settle with 4GB/6GB.
  6. Apparently the possible specs of the PS4 dev kits has been leaked. Biggest thing I think is this: 8 GB or 16 GB of RAM. That is quite a jump if true. Deepest source I found: http://www.vg247.com/2012/11/01/ps4_details_playstation_4/

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. fuchikoma


      though so I'm not automatically alarmed if they pick a one-chip solution. What I've skimmed of the A10 though, I am a bit puzzled of the choice, assuming it's true. Maybe it's like old 360 dev boxes with PowerPC 970 CPUs, developing for a system that would have a Xenon processor? A sort of related, placeholder chip?

    3. deanb


      GPU's are "general" in that they can do tasks not related to graphics, like scientific computing. Still a bad choice for regular computing tasks, and the APU isn't "GPGPU-like" as the SPU of the Cell is, it's "APU" as in "we pout a GPU and a CPU on one chip" they're still separate processing units.

    4. deanb


      Also yes older processors are built into the CPU and the GPU, sound functions work fine on a CPU and physics functions work fine on a GPU too. But can't be done with the CPU n GPU, their architectures are too different. A10 could be a placeholder chip, though it's still bode ill for capabilities of PS4.

  7. Cortana has buns in her oven. Also from what I recall, Chief doesn't have the time to swap armor. I can guarantee you that he will have a new armor come Halo 5. Also, I regret that I didn't jump on the $45 deal on Newegg a while back. I sort of want to play the game. From what I have seen, its not mind blowning but it should be fun and it can be hard. Then again it could be that the streamer just sucked.
  8. Working on my schedule for the next quarter is soul crushing. It always makes me feel really behind, which I am. What I have outline for the rest of my time here is so tentitive since its assuming I GET all my classes. I'm assuming I get out of here in two years... Be smart and not a dumbass like me.
  9. Mal

    Android Phones

    Well, since no super qwert phones are coming out anytime soon, my stepdad suggested the Galaxy Note 2. Spec wise, it pretty much destroys everything else on the market. I don't call people much so it should be fine despite its large size. Besides, I have a bluetooth headset. At its size (8.05cm x 15.1 cm), I suspect it won't be in my pocket. With a 15 hr battery life, perhaps it would be pretty sweet for the field. I suppose its a good step to see if I like using tablets without actually getting one since it does come with a pen. Taking notes I suppose? What say you guys? Is the Note 2 just trying to do/be too much?
  10. Sorry Marceline group, Rommel-chan has take over until Season five.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      There's also other ____-chans but Rommel-chan goes first. Animu and tanks... who knew it would be so fun?

    3. CorgiShinobi


      Oh Malicious, why you so mean?

    4. Mal


      Moe gunt my fries.

  11. Since Atlantic City is such a mess right now, folks should burn down all his casinos there. Fuck that guy.
  12. ... That love and devotion is glorious. In other news, I've been skimming Bleach stuff every so often ever since I stopped reading due to the how screwy it was. I think Bleach may be moving to a closer to a close now. To put it short, recent chapters seem to indicate that Kubo actually manage to explain why Ichigo is a badass god of death that have bullshit power ups. The answer is kind of simple... but kind of easy to overlook. Thus super god of death with bullshit power ups. I'm sold on Girls Und Panzer. Also the ending animations. ---- http://vote1.fc2.com/browse/9964099/2/ Make your decision wisely.
  13. Mal


    http://foodbeast.com/content/2012/10/27/warning-the-worlds-strongest-beer-is-stronger-than-vodka/ This drink isn't beer yo! They're fermenting then freezing and then removing the ice. They do this till they get up to 130 proof. Still though, I wonder how it taste like.
  14. ARMA 3 Bioshock Infinite Last Guardian (If it doesn't die or get deformed in limbo...) Earth Defense Force 4 (EDF! EDF! EDF!) Halo 4 (Later. I'm not playing Live.) Ys: Foliage Ocean in Celceta Add: Disgaea Dimension 2 Waited a decade for a direct sequel. The trio is forever my home boys.
  15. My roommate plays it quite a bit I think. Tons of laughs coming from his room. As a game to dick around with friends, I think Minecraft beats out CoD but with Halo 4 incoming... I had a blast in Halo 2. I bet Halo 3 was fun too.
  16. If they go that route, I would counter that any Republicans affect by Sandy in the lower East Coast will need time to clean up before voting properly as well. The numbers of them affect may be smaller than NYC's pro-Obama crowd but they must be given the chance too. Personally if I was Republican, I would stall for a chance to see if Obama or his administration has any missteps during the next two weeks or so. If there is, I would highlight it and magnify it to hell. Think Katrina 2.0, etc. Though politicizing a disaster is bad but I wouldn't put it pass any desperate party.
  17. Whats your guys thoughts of delaying the elections so the East Coast, mainly NY and NJ can get their things together so they can run a proper election?
  18. Season 3, episode one spoiler. Just an image...
  19. Regarding Psycho Pass... I just learned of this guy: According to tons of folks... My tears, he shall feast on it.
  20. If the Giants sweep the Tigers, I'll be disappointed. Its just not as fun destroying the other team. As of right now, it can be anybody's game. Edit: Impressive. I just wanted a really tense game seven though...
  21. Princess Tutu is indeed really good. What got me into it was a certain AMV that stormed the net about six years ago. Surprisingly, it lived up it my expectations. On my front, I started Fist of the North Star.
  22. I have been reading of bad things about the ZOE collection... say it isn't so.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Yeah, that LE looks pretty sweet. I was tempted to pay the extra 20 bucks for it, as well...

    3. Mal


      Some odd performance issues and some music changes.

    4. Mal


      Overall though, it should be fine.

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