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Everything posted by Mal

  1. If you're a Spartan or maybe an Elite, I can see that being possible. Spartans has their armor. Maybe on the Elites since while they are as strong as a Spartan, I don't their armor being able to clip on two primary weapons at once. For an ODST soldier, we should be limited to two weapons since they're vanilla human. Now that I think about it, it would be a neat detail to have if we ever get to play as different kind of factions again.
  2. For games like CoD or BF, it makes sense to limit to two weapons since you don't have an inventory. Now for games where you have infinite storage space, its totally fine to have as many weapons as you want.
  3. Tales From Earthsea I caught it on Starz Family so here I am. I never read the books but I love the setting I saw in the movie. I'm not too sure about how I feel about the characters. Sparrowhawk is a fine dude though. This movie suffers from stuffing such a rich world into a movie. Cowboy and Aliens Odd film but it was fine. Can't say I paid too much attention...
  4. http://laughingsquid.com/a-gigantic-totoro-sleeping-bag-bed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+laughingsquid+%28Laughing+Squid%29 Where was this in my childhood?
  5. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    Got to have Maru. My grad student friend shows Maru videos to his lab as moment of zen.
  6. I dunno, I think laptops are fair game in my eyes. I just can't do any iPhone, iPod, iMac or Mac Pro. So pretty much a good chunk of Apple products. I have some respect for the iPad. I think I can just deal with MacBooks. The only thing stopping me is the OS and perhaps the price.
  7. That was honestly the first thing I looked at since forever so I don't get too hyped. Looking good, too good.
  8. Well, the fan that started it all is an artist working on Adventure Time. Natasha for sure pushed this side of the fandom much further along than it would have without her. She's a great artist for sure but she does has "that" sort of artist feeling to her. Though her stuff are pretty mild compare to the other stuff I have seen. If I can deal with the MLP side of this sort of thing, I can for sure deal with the Adventure Time side.\ Edit: And that is what I get for forgetting to post my reply earlier. Doh.
  9. While going to pickup my monthly Adventure Time stuff, I went ahead and picked up some of the smaller Walking Dead collections so I can bring them along with me without weighing me down too much. I started with volume 8 and 9 to pick off from where I left off. I left off after the Governor or whatever that sick fuck name is and while thing was looking bleak. I also picked up Revival and got Cyber Force for free. The dude there also recommended some other things but this is a good haul for now. Next month I think I'll get the other stuff.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56YV2IJzEqY
  11. Forward Unto Dawn may not be awesome but its good enough to get me mildly interested in Halo 4. The whole Halo universe is just nice to look into. I may pick up some of the books.

  12. Look at my avatar and the picture it is from. If that doesn't show how people absolutely love this episode, I don't know what will. I personally would love to have a branch off mini series that last maybe four episodes that runs after a new episode. Perhaps make it come on monthly or bi-weekly and inbetween serious episodes and funny episodes.
  13. I'm currently watching a stream of Halo 4. Looks alright. Storywise, Halo 4 certainly doesn't hold as much magic as the first three with the Chief since we got no fight to finish. Reach and ODST had their own sort of magic. Gameplay seems like it really went back to Halo 1 with no duel wield. Not sure what difficulty he is playing on but he's getting his ass handed to him in situations where I don't think it should be that hard. Also, still Convent only so far. Edit: New baddies showed up. Storyline spoilers: Added some more spoilers. Gameplay wise... different routes. Nice. Pelican flying, AWESOME. Final edit: That ending. No comment until after the game drops and you folks finish Halo 4.
  14. Please tell me that you're trying to make a Capitalistic Paradise.
  15. So I finally got hold of most of The Fist of the North Star series. My body is ready. ATATATATTATATATATATATATATTATATATATTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I've been getting the Adventure Time comics from a local store. The folks there are pretty cool so I have been thinking of branching out. I think I might get some Walking Dead but other than that, I'm drawing blanks. I can't say I'm too interested in Marvel or DC stuff but I can try.
  17. Get rid of the "s" in "https".
  18. Today I learned that Chinese vocaloids exist. Miku will always be the best though. Edit: I think this Chinese one, Luo Tianyi, is a Vocaloid 3 since she was released back in July. Explains how she sounds.
  19. There are times when I think I should wear more than jeans and t-shirts. Now is one of them.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mal


      GOH et al, I would be the classiest earth student/scientist ever if I wore suits everyday. I would boss out the hell out in the field.

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Saturnine Tenshi
  20. As for Simon turning into Ice King. I really wonder what sort of things he said. Just by Betty's reaction and even Marceline's I don't think its the usual Ice King. Edit: Fuck this episode.
  21. -tinfoil on- After this episode, I think
  22. The new season starts up around the same time as MLP so I am jelly.
  23. Mal

    Quick recipes

    Stovetop popcorn. A few years ago, I made one by mixing oil and sugar together to make a sugar/oil mixture. I then add in the popcorn kernels, mix then cover. Once it start popping I would shake the pan/wok/pot around, on and off for about three minutes. In the end I would have some pretty tasty treat. Add salt to taste. Sadly I cannot find the exact recipe I used so my current eye balled batch is all odd in flavor. Mostly plain with some salt and sweet spots. The closest recipe I can find is this: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1847,132188-245194,00.html This recipe contrast with my own in that they add the sugar after the popcorn. I actually melt it and brown it up. Still, in the end it should only take you 5-10 minutes to cook up a batch. Cleaning might be a bitch though...
  24. Just got done. Great episode and all this information is nuts. Processing.
  25. I have been watching a stream of the game. Looks fantastic sadly, I'm like Ethan. Holding out...
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