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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Okay... now I am just confused. Fuck it, I am going to play through XIII and XIII-2 as well, Final Fantasy heritage/purist/whatever-the-fuck be damned. I really have no grounds to complain if I haven't even play the older games.
  2. I just realize I need an emulator since my brother's PS3 is not BC. Thanks for reminding me of that emulator. Edit: I feel like a heretic playing with a 360 pad and its pretty cool that we finally have a stable PS2 emulator. Okay, not just pretty cool but really fucking cool. This may make me want to dig up some Japanese gems.
  3. | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

    1. TheRevanchist


      Our chicken's name is Lorraine?


      She's red hot like pizza supper. * blushes*

    2. Johnny


      Thank you, Malicious. I am going to abuse the shit out of these. :P

    3. CorgiShinobi
  4. I just remembered that I should play XII and indeed I have a copy.
  5. Looks like I'll have to use a guild for Ys V. Its not straightforward enough to play as is.

  6. Ys IV: Mask of the Sun More bumping mechanics and this time its old school. The remakes of Ys I an II really spoiled me since those versions worked really well but not so well in this SNES game. I think its just limited experience from the programing team. Overall though, I like it. Some boss battles and progression stuff were kind of screwy though. Story wise, I can see why a remake is needed. Some of the story really don't add up too well without one. Now onto Ys V! Which is Japanese only... this will be fun.
  7. Pre-ordered. I'm completely unsure about this one since its with the new singer and I haven't heard of any clear recordings of him singing any of Kamelot songs. I've only heard crappy concert recordings. From what I gathered, he does sound quite a lot like Khan, just different... I'll see.
  8. One sounds like Timmy Turner.
  9. Videojuejo-related gripe uno: Shoots an arrow and have it stuck in the air by a rock. In the year 2012. Oh, okay.
  10. As I progress through Ys IV, the more I want a Vita for the remake. Main reason is that it really does pick up from Ys II. I'm almost sure it'll show up over here.

    1. Mal


      Then I could grab Seven as well but those two games alone doesn't justify a $250+ purchase. However, I could get other PSP games as well...

    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      I'm sure strangelove will be along sooner or later to convince you to buy a vita

    3. Mal


      He seemed to have failed. Love is over.

  11. Mal


    After my comment in the US Politic thread, I think I should figure out what types of beer I like and I do not like. Main reason is I eventually would like to play around with homebrewing my own beer since I love to make my own food and drinks. For example, I don't think I can go back to most store bought ginger ale after making my own. If you're interested in my ginger ale adventure, check the spoilers. As for beer, I can say with certainty that my favorite beer right now is Firestone Walker's Solace, a wheat beer. It is flat out amazing. Their DBA, an English Pale Ale, is fantastic as well but it shares something with the following. For something that I stay the hell away from, it would be things like Firestone Walker's Union Jack, an American Indian Pale Ale. It taste like piss. With me typing this out, I am starting to think its certain hops flavor that I can't quite agree with. I can maybe start narrowing it down further by pulling up more beers that I have tried.
  12. If its anything like the nasty kind of pale ale... he won't get a second term. I can't let a man who make and drink piss, piss on the country!
  13. The thing is that upon listening it again after a nap... its not too bad on the instrumental side of things. Sounds generic but its fine. Glad to have mindfucked you all.
  14. I managed to get off a comment. Simply put... man the fuck up for your second term.
  15. Oddly enough, Ys V is the only Ys that doesn't have an english translation at all. I'm sad.

    1. excel_excel


      Is there no fan translation? Do the games share a story, or is it just kind of the world and themes, like the Tales series?

    2. Mal


      There was one in the works but it apparently died. Shame since it is 80% done. There is an overarching storyline and its slowly coming together with each game and remake. Kind of hard to tell where Falcom is taking it to though.

  16. I was going to post a status update but its sort of relevant to this thread... I've been itching to play Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim. I played it years ago (My first Ys game) with a PS2 copy that I have/had. I'm not sure if I still have it (Might be at SLO) or if I sold it. Either way, I can't play it to refresh my memory about the game. So off I go to find a copy to download since a fan patch exist. Problem is now that I think about it, I can't think of any trustworthy torrent/file sharing sites that still exist. Most of the ones off the top of my head got nuked as you are all aware. Now I'm unsure if I should or should not download from unknown sites. So I suppose this is a small victory/hindrance setup by the folks who shutdown the big file sharing sites. Still though... its not a huge leap to try out different trackers. So the wheel keeps spinning... Also, speaking of fan patches... I may go that route to get my Ys PC versions. Importing is going to be a bitch though and no second hand since it completely defeats the purpose of buying it...
  17. Mal


    You can't go wrong with that one. I just wish they could just package that one like they do for the Boston Lager but no... most places you have to get that in the Winter pack which has some stuff that I do not want.
  18. Why play any games when I can watch on Youtube?
  19. It has been well over a year since what happened with Portal 2 happened. Its was sweet to play with my brother who had a PS3 but no PC able to play Portal 2. I haven't heard anything like it since.
  20. Classified as weird. Very weird. Borderline disgusting since I nearly threw up upon hearing this song after a large lunch. FML and F yours too. Suffer with me.
  21. I always found the whole idea to be odd. Pandas?
  22. Cruisers are just for that, cruising. Now that I look at it closer... its a single speed... and I don't see brakes. Seems to me that you have one that requires you to pedal backwards to stop. So what FDS said. Not saying you can't tackle hills but it really makes life harder. Well, if its for enjoyment then its fine.
  23. I know some of you folks are fine with pirating if the media is not available for purchase in the consumer's region but what about if it is available but not in the format you want? Note, it is available in the format you want but its in a different language or the ones that did provide it no longer do for whatever reason. Case in point, my current Ys addiction. I, II, Ark and Seven are indeed available for me to purchase here but for the PSP. Ark is not available new from what I can tell so purchasing them used does nothing for the publisher. I, II and Ark does have PC versions but they never came out officially in English from Japan. Seven just got a Chinese PC version. There is also a remake of IV coming for the Vita... which complicate things further, I think. This one current doesn't have a PC version but I will bet one will happen somehow despite the Vita's touch controls. I could get them as they are now when I get the money but I would hate to since I know the versions I want exist in some form. As it stands now, I would have to get the PSP and the Vita. Good platforms but expensive as hell and I know they'll suffer the same fate as my Wii did with me.
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