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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.redbubble.com/people/brony1993/portfolio Well...
  2. I see no problem with cross platforming with a game like Dark Souls. This isn't a FPS. It would be sweet if they did that.
  3. Dark Souls on the PC can work but I think it would be more trouble than it is worth to port it right now. I would imagine if they did it right now, the port would be pretty damn broken since Dark Souls was never made with being on the PC in mind. Yes, I would love Dark Souls on the PC but I would prefer if they start planning for the next installment to be on the PC as well. Besides, PS4 and the 720.
  4. What you guys think if From Software port Dark Souls to PC or at the very least make their next title a PC title as well?
  5. With me not being raised Christian, it didn't do anything for me. I just find it cool?
  6. Heheh. I didn't make the thread but I found a posting of that after class yesterday.
  7. Because she is the love of my orcish life. This orc like hard to get women... well, in Lydia case, impossible to get. Edit: Wait.. now I hear that you can use your pickax manually!?
  8. Dex, all those move into the wall and become impossible to near impossible to kill are annoying as hell. The one I remember most is from COD4, Creek. FYI, mute the video. At least this one you can kill those fuckers inside with a well placed explosive.
  9. I was about to comment how weird this was until I read your question again. I was thinking you were leveling one-handed with two-handed weapons. You're duel wielding. You're using one-handed weapons on each hand and that goes towards the one-handed skill tree.
  10. The Beauty and the Beast bosses? I just railed them with the railgun after I got it. Dohohoho... but seriously, I liked the Crying Wolf battle where you actually get the railgun. Maybe it was nostalgia for Shadow Moses and fighting someone like Sniper Wolf. Also...
  11. Here you go, the basic recipe: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2009/08/alice-waters-carrot-soup-recipe.html I find so many soups require you to blend them... bleh. I'm just a tad bit too lazy/poor to buy a blender. Besides, I usually cook in bulk so I have dinner covered for 3-5 days. Imagine blending all that stuff with a conventional blender. Hand blenders might be a tad bit uneven. Though... that sounds mighty tasty. --- Talking about meat... I made a bitching roast beef over the holidays. How can people screw it up!? Rub or don't rub whatever crap you want on it. Preheat the oven to 450-500 °F range. Toss it in there for 20 minutes then lower the temp to 350-375 °F and let it cook for another 30-40 minutes. Let it rest for a bit outside or let it rest in the somewhat hot/warm oven then serve that baby. Mind you, its was a 10 lbs chuck of beef. Cook time will vary.
  12. Carrot soup. I'll post the actual recipe later when I get home but off the top of my head... Carrots, chopped however you like it. I prefer big chunks. Onions, chop it however. Again, I prefer big pieces. Thyme, just a bit or however much you want. Chives, for garnish or whatever Chicken stock. It would be cheaper I think if you made your own since its possible to get a stripped chicken body for cheap. Butter. First sautee the onions in a pot with the butter until they're clear. Toss in the thyme. Toss in the carrots and cook them for 5-10 minutes. Dump in the chicken broth, boil for a little bit then simmer for a while. Salt to taste. The great thing about this soup is that it is light and filling if you have a load of veggies in it. Another good thing is just how customizable it is. You could replace the thyme or combine it with rosemary. Perhaps you can add in other veggies or even some chicken into it for meat. Dip some bread into it for some starch. The cost for this soup should be pretty low, especially if you make your own broth. The most expensive part when I make it was the canned and carton broth.
  13. Son of a BITCH. Another thing I wasn't aware of. And about Lydia... I have in multiple occasions lost her so I go out to find her, fearing with every corner I make, I would find her body. The thing is, I know she cannot die unless I do the finishing blow.
  14. Never thought something a professor said, who I just met, would hit me so hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Typical MaliciousH. Major intellectual breakthrough, shares none of it with the rest of us.

    3. peteer01


      Seriously, Malicious, you have to relate the story after a post like that.

    4. Mal


      Its more personal than anything but to make it short. He was the first person to say/imply to me "You're lazy". I've known for ages that I can indeed be pretty damn lazy and I hate that.


      I'm not mad at him at all. He actually made me mad at myself. How the hell can I get to where I want to be if I act the way I do currently?

      Odd way to react... I know. :P

  15. I... actually never used the favorite menu yet and I played around 70 hours of Skyrim.
  16. Adding a new one... being at campus from 8am to 8pm or something similar where I'm on campus way before class and stay after classes for a long while. I have classes from 10/11am to 3/4pm most days. I knew I came off to one of my professors as a pretty damn lazy dude and I won't deny that when he told me so in a not so subtle way. I don't like it that I did so yeah. Main reason why I'm going to make an attempt at the new goal. Doing that 24/7 on call courier job for a few years sure made me value my sleep to the point that I don't like to be up and about before 8am...
  17. Lose some weight which I already started on last year. I lost about ten pounds last year. I regained about 4 during the holidays. With no major meals and holidays for a while, I think I can push myself back down to 190 or below before I regain some weight from muscle mass. I was arund 210 for the longest time and I was very happy to see myself under 200. This sat, I might attempt a long bike ride to farmers market and back to my place. I don't really care but I'm not getting any younger so those extra pounds will take it toll sooner or later. Other than that... As and Bs. I was mad at myself for the Cs I got last quarter. Let's do this
  18. I come back from break and what do I smell? I'm fine with it but still... I don't want to smell like pot. Having smelled like tobacco is bad enough. Eh whatever. Knock themselves out. Last day before we die. Again.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqZsWRqz14k Interesting stuff.
  20. I have evolved to watch a Dwarf Fortress stream...

  21. The types I like are like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139001 However they are usually about $100 more than the other stuff. Last time I couldn't spend that $100 more but maybe next time when I replace my case.
  22. Well, its a case that you'll be seeing for a few years, more if you reuse it for your next build. So better to get something sweet looking.
  23. I just took a second look at the soundtrack... and I spy Origa on vocals for a few songs. Something they did right! Maybe I'm an Origa whore but... this is good. Can't say I ever hated a soundtrack.
  24. I listened to this song a ton when I drew a bunch when I was 15 or so. Oh man... why do I feel like I posted something similar before?
  25. I don't follow this stuff closely but assuming that Zelda universe will ever end... how the hell are they going to end it!? Three separate endings, two, or one where all three combine again? I'm sort of with FDS on wishing there were no official timeline since this effectively seals the timeline and makes it a mess to work with*. However, it finally gives Nintendo something concrete to work with for a story, no matter how messy. *No matter which one you choose, something will be wrong with the timeline to someone and it can be pretty legitimate. Also, less discussion may be had after you folks are done with examining this official timeline. Boo. I love reading the arguments. --- I was doing a read over again and I noticed that 4 Swords happens twice. Wut. Again, messy to work with... Different 4 Swords games. I forgot... but still.
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