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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Steam Trading

    Today I got Psychonauts. Not bad however I already own it.
  2. The oddest friendly fire incident I ran into thus far is an Imperial courier running out of a cave section still full of enemies. He got a flame shout to the face and thought nothing of it as he talked to me in passing and out the cave's enterance. I left it at that until I fast traveled to Winterun. I had to reload and be a refugee for a while. --- Get kidnapped. Get pissed. Kill kidnapper. Proceed to wipe out the whole organization. Seems about right. Next time I'll join the Dark Brotherhood...
  3. I've been humming the song since I watched that trailer. Its a great thing to hum while playing Skyrim, exploring and coming upon a dorf fortress.
  4. SOPA is adjorned till 2012, if you haven't heard already. I didn't watch the stream but from what I heard from EVERYONE... its terrible. As for NDAA passing... eh. Almost makes me not want to vote. Hell, I don't want to vote for president. As for representives and senators. It will depend on a number of things like them not being absolute idiots.
  5. Ugh... I was hoping I could avoid support. In I go. Edit: Fixed. Support was fine this time. Marked me as paid. I think if it was marked off before, I totally forgot to try to log out from the BROWSER. I tried everything within Origin but not with Battlelog which I forgot was its own thing. I don't mean to discuss the following but I have to let it out of me: Perhaps if Battlelog was within Origin and not its own thing then I wouldn't have had this problem.
  6. So I bought B2K back on the 13th... and I still can't play it. From what I heard, the Limited Edition had exclusive access for the first few days... until today. The purchases off Origin is in my account and all. So, is this a major screw up on EA/Origin part or did I get a wrong date?
  7. And I believe I bit most if not all of them for at least $5. Clever girls...
  8. I understand that each one gets their own style but this one is just poorly executed as a song itself. I don't feel anything from this song but just noise. I feel that the song got very little variation in feeling and tone. I get no feeling of a crazy chocobo besides one that having a seizure. I really need some context to this song to pass final judgment but so far its baaaad. They should of gotten a group like Maximize the Hormone to do this song and I bet I would feel like a crazy chocobo is running loose.
  9. So far... C and C+. Yay for classes I don't care about. As for the classes I do care about, I got a B for one and the other is still pending... Not bad I suppose for doing my usual routine of barely studying however! Juggling classes, study, eating, cleaning and everything else is a bit more challenging than I thought it would be. Time to adjust and kick some ass. I KNOW I can do it. If my roommates can study their asses off then surely I can... then again I do clean the place whi- Nevermind.
  10. It would be a good idea to blank TVTropes...
  11. My face was the entire time I was listening to that chocobo theme was just... poker face. Its terrible. The lyric themselves isn't bad but the treatment it got is bad. I hope the chocobo somehow kick out my teeth while I play whatever chocobo related thing in the game... if I ever play it. And Cowboy... HEY HEY. SHUSH YOU! Your opinion is invaild for this subject. You annoyed me and now I'll calm down with this rendition. --- Also I swear... first X-2 get a pop treatment and now XIII-2 is getting a metal treatment? Geez.
  12. Yeah, they made shit serious especially when it comes to LMG. Taking out an entire swarm of people is going to be a lot harder...
  13. Why is that damn deploy screen bug from BC2 now in BF3?
  14. I think I'm freed from my Game Dev Story prison.

    1. CorgiShinobi


      Just don't look back! Whatever you do, don't turn your gaze towards it... or you will lose your soul FOREVER!

    2. fuchikoma


      When I finished, I knew I was unwelcome there... bucking conventions? Crappy game. Following stereotypes? Crappy game. I actually got worst game award a couple times in a row!

  15. I have Skyrim to play but why am I playing Game Dev Story!?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      Only thing is that I'm offended that PC Game is shunned like so. I MUST GO MULTIPLAT!

    3. deanb


      I've done the same as FDS :P I dunno why though, it's sorely lacking as far as a business sim goes. Next to no variation on playthroughs. By sounds of it they're all same game, different skins.

    4. FredEffinChopin


      I haven't played it yet, but good to know it was 10 cents well spent.

  16. China will grow larger! Much larger!
  17. Anyone know how to get rid of that Crossfire X overlay logo when I play games? I'm finally fed up with it.

  18. I'm surprised that banging on the case where the malfunctioning fan worked to fix it.

    1. deanb


      I have to do that with my PSU.

  19. I got cocky and choose an orc. Will Lydia love me? ;_;
  20. Whatever happened to just "Happy Holidays"?
  21. Two to three pages response to what I think are straight forward questions? Sure... I'll give you 1.5 max.
  22. FUS RO DAH! Tonight I shall play me some Skyrim with finals over. >:3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnny


      I used to play skyrims until a Dragon took my leg.

    3. fuchikoma


      First time I fought a dragon it was pretty funny... I took cover and whittled it down with arrows, but it still took a lot. So I hopped out, ran up to it and went to hack it in the side to finish off and look cool. Then it ate me... Ah yes, I forgot they have mouths...

    4. Luftwaffles


      I used to play Skyrim until I overdosed on arrow to the knee memes.

  23. So, if pandas goes extinct... what happens all those pandas in all those games...?
  24. Man, I'm hearing Penn's voice right now saying "REALLY!?". And yes, Penn of Penn and Teller.
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