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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I actually let spiders live since if they are around, pests won't be around. I do a sad sigh when I have to kill it for x, y and z. Now if you don't want spiders around... have a few centipedes in the house. Those things are killing machines.
  2. Mal

    Your Rig

    Yeah, I caught whiff of the increased hard drive prices last night when I finally browsed 4chan for the first time in months................... and I just looked on Newegg. WHAT THE FUCK!? http://www.newegg.co...N82E16822136284 That is my storage hard drive I currently have. I got it for $87.99 back in December. It is currently $219.99. What the hell happened!? Flooding in Thailand where most of the HDD manufactures make their stuff at. Wow. I think it is about time they figure out that putting so much into one place is a bad idea. There is no way anybody that can help it will buy a HDD right now until it all settles out. I pity those folks who need one right now.
  3. Going full retard there with the imaginary rule fight that I can't even face palm to that. I can't even "face" anything.
  4. Well, I just had a good internet discussion... which is rare. It ended with me being enlightened.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      you're better than 90% of the internet community already

    2. SomTervo
    3. Pirandello


      Having a discussion.


      Usually they're called something else... what was it? Oh, yeah, "flamewars".


      You can learn a lot of things. You just have to open about it and not be a dick to the person you're talking with.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLhPALRnpT4 I can say that this is my favorite MtH song. Got some nice up and downs.
  6. Looks like... Rage. NEEDS MORE BROWN!
  7. I know working as a great team can help a bunch but that much? I should stop working solo then... my about 1.1:1 in BC2 seems bad now. A good 0.1 came from last night. I was in the zone, mostly. Let's go medic and my "clearing" power! -buzzzzz-
  8. Yeah, I heard of this a few days ago. I joked about it with you know... terrorism. Michigan has a very sizable Muslim population and well, fuck, its religious bullying so it is okay if they counter bully with bombs! Seriously though, hope it is shot down quickly for the sake of the sane ones in Michigan.
  9. Eh? Its just a song... its not like the whole rest of the season got leaked or something.
  10. You know. if Twilight Sparkle can hold a book and do so many things with it... why can't she choke people like Darth Vader can?
  11. Prince of Persia is pissing me off with automatic camera work and how he want to vault over any ledge I come near...

  12. My only reaction to it is the following...
  13. I might get this soon since I just looked and I don't have much console games planned out besides this and The Last Guardian, which comes out in April, a long time away. Halo Anniversary Edition would of count if it wasn't just a remake so it can wait. BF3 can wait as well. Bioshock Infinite and Skyrim are for PC. Dark Souls... scares me. So it can wait as well... Now to look for a good time to spend my Gamestop gift cards...
  14. A nanosuit can keep Tommy in the game! I bet he can even take out a Metal Gear. Anyways. Planes. Planes. Planes!
  15. That sounds awesome. The last time I can recall where I really had to watch my back was in, please excuse me... Halo 1 on certain levels where it was pretty much open. Also you can think of it this way... you are playing multiplayer against bots.
  16. I would totally collect a Pinkie Pie and/or Applejack toy... Bronieship is Magic. <3
  17. Progress report time. Cleanliness wise, they're decent enough. They keep their rooms far neater than me most of the time. I'm the boss at cleaning though. Washing dishes is pretty much me. I feel obligated since my parents more or less, leaning more to less, broke the dishwasher after they cleaned it, revealing all the problems it had. One thing they fail at is putting all their sweets stuff into proper containers. Ants was a pretty damn big problem, still is if they improperly put away food. Plastic containers are a must. Lastly... Do one of my roommates have to bring over his girlfriend if they argue every single time they come over? Its expected that couples argue but this amount of times... It also puts me in an awkward position... I don't want to go around doing my thing while they are politely arguing. A shower would be nice though.
  18. Mal


    Steam calc. Judging by how much I got hurt this week... I would get struck by lightning if I spent that much.
  19. Where is that one guy from the Halloween thread? And hi.
  20. Mal


    $1456.16 I most likely spent not even half of that.
  21. I can always hope for a decent PC port but the PS3 is fine too. And to echo what some of you folks said already, I really hope there I more interaction with and between the elements of the cities so it can feel more alive. Lastly, if it is Tommy... (almost) instant buy.
  22. Base raping is alright when your mouse hand is hurting. 22/0... what the hell..

    1. Enervation


      Your hand wants to spread the pain.

  23. That lasers combination... is this the prototype of the Death Star?
  24. Dear god, I nearly lost my roommate's dog. Good thing I chased him down and guilded him by his collar back behind the gate.

  25. You know, its still a blast to play BC2 and Vietnam... had a memorable kill of the night. I was attempting to take out a tank but foot troops were closing in so I ran back to my side. While running back, a guy cross a bridge on top of me. He's armed with god knows what and me... an inaccurate RPG. We both fired and well, you can guess the rest. Tis was a glorious escape from behind enemy lines.
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