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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Most frustrating part of being a person that can draw but not very well? You can't make all these awesome things in your head into reality.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      We should all gather online one night and draw to our hearts' content. We'll create a wonderful nightmare.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Me too. I can draw anything I'm looking at almost perfectly, but I cannot for the life of me put an imagined image onto the page.

    4. fuchikoma


      You could take a shortcut and learn to just mind-meld people so they see what's in your head?

  2. "Quite honestly, yes. I'm also packing on the pounds so lets go work out together! " Saint Row seems tempting but I think I will go with PC... I think.
  3. Why do printers decide to not work when you need them most? This printer is like new and only been used a little bit too. God damn it Canon, I heard you were better than this!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mal


      Oh, it should be able to print, it was doing just that just a day or two before. It is now just shut off after I turn it on. It can't even warm up.


      Going to have to call Canon and setup a replacement or something.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      It's amazing how far technology has come, while printers are still a huge headache.

    4. Baconrath


      Magenta is half full therefore you cannot use black.

  4. Now why did I help you again? /clawatcard
  5. That would be hard to check but best bet would be from reviews. I think you should not have problems. I personally never ran into them being too wide.
  6. Mal


    That scrapped Microsoft Courier thing would of been nice...
  7. On SSD... Its really freaking nice to be able to do whatever once you see your desktop.You will have to go with HDDs for your other stuff though which will slow you down a tad bit. For example, I get about 1-3 second lag on stuff starting up since I split my storage of large or large amound of files/programs on different HDD, so such and such HDD got to take a second to warm up. My SSD got all the main programs so most of my stuff comes on instantly. Is it neccessary? Nope. Is it freaking nice? Hell yes.
  8. I got them for White Elephant exchanges and they were major success. I included a Snicker bar with Rarity, I didn't have anything fitting to go with it and some apples for Applejack.
  9. http://www.opencongress.org/articles/view/2438-Read-the-Military-Detention-Bill- You know about that bill that going through Congress that would allow detention of anyone suspected to be a terrorist or working against the US without trail or charge...? It passed. Back in my mind I'm going "Not sure if serious...". I swear that the US and China never get too tired of one another because with this having the potential to pass, Obama is going to veto it hopefully... it would get ugly for me.
  10. So it is official, Jeb is the head guy for Minecraft now. Notch will still be working on it but nowhere as near as he used to. http://notch.tumblr....ssar-jag-micken Now for the moment for Notch to get the deep, dark feeling that whatever he do in the future... it cannot beat or top Minecraft in any way. Well, to the public anyways. ---
  11. Done and done! Also... knife hack which enables you to knife a person all the way in spawn to kill another person at their spawn? Actually this is the only time I will praise the extreme bans that EA does with Origin. Fuck those hackers.
  12. I actually have Rush Limbaugh set on my radio alarm in the morning and even he somewhat said the Rebublican nominees are like a circus. He put it this way : "They're sort of like a circus but not really." That is a lot coming from him. As for the fact on why I chose to listen to Rush... there's nothing else that I have found to give me some snippit of news in entertaining form.
  13. So I've been playing the SP. I know I'm late but... time for a impressions. Taking it for what it is, its not bad but not great either. Main thing right now is the seemlingly endless enemies which to me is just plain bad design. Playing on Hard, these enemies are not hard as balls as other games but they just keep coming at times if you don't move to X location. Another thing is some of what you see are not what models you get. The space you thought you could shoot through? NOPE! Hell, I found a few spots where you couldn't even shot away from its outer surface until you're up a few inches in game. Funny part is... the enemy can get a clear shot on you. Non in-game wise, yeah, the whole Origin/browser shit. Origin is alright but the internet browser usage still irks me. Sure Firefox isn't as bad as it was but still, it takes a much larger chunk of power than 95% of my other stuff so it would of been nice to had it off. Maybe it would of made the difference in the performance in game. I stop playing for the night after the stuttering got pretty damn bad. As a side note... it feel so much better playing with m/kb. Over break, I was playing the PS3 version. While I regained most of my controller hands, the analog sticks in a FPS now really feels odd. Can't get my aim correct at time. M/KB? Everything is dead.
  14. Mal


    TIL that Origin/EA are horrible in sending out shipout email. Haven't gotten it yet but... I got my game. Also, that EA most likely contracted out UPS SCS to warehouse their stuff. No wonder why its so slow on notifying...
  15. I love the preset answers these folks on customer support chat have. Eh, hopefully it ships out by Friday. I'll be around until a week after that, hopefully. :|

  16. OBJECTION! I argue that there is replay value in IX because you can attempt to play the game and beat Osma in x amount of time to get a certain sword. Forgot the time limit and what the sword is called. Hell, I recall hearing that it is pretty crappy but... it is still replay value. No matter how small. Disclosure, I never attempted it since it is balls hard to do.
  17. I think I know why BF3 takings so long to be ship... payment is still pending. No bueno on all parties...

  18. Alrighty. If you do come by and stay at where I'm living at, you'll be in the living room. Just let me know and I'll talk to my roommates. Roommates shouldn't have a problem. If they do, $5 each for lunch for them I guess. Should keep them quiet.
  19. UCLA... pay top dollars, get this. Sometimes I really wonder where the fuck is all the money is going with all the increases every year by upper single digits to double digits while shit get cut right and left. I would feel better if stuff weren't cut to hell but they are. Its frustrating. This pattern has been going on for about 15 years. Meh. Now for something more about OWS... looking at the US Politics thread, I think a good place to start to formulating any sort of change is the voting system. Almost everyone can agree that it is pretty damn shitty in condition and that is where our politicians are coming from. ----- Got this in the email. From Cal Poly SLO president:
  20. Back during the Origin sale, I got myself BF3 for PC, physical copy. Bad idea? They're slow to ship and/or notify me it shipped... anyone else have some prior experience with them?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Keep in mind, I'm in Canada and I assume they shipped from the States. So it might not take as long to reach you once it ships. Also, Canadian customs are infamous for being pretty damn slow.


      So, assuming you're also in the US, I guess give it a few more days to see if you get a shipping notice?

    3. Mal


      I'll decide by Friday if I don't get any email from them. I'll let them go for last weekend since it was Turkey Day Weekend and nothing should be shipping then but this week is normal. Even a dysfunctional warehouse system should be able to get something out by this weekend and I'm being very generous. Hell, it should of been packed and ready to go today.

    4. Luftwaffles


      I've got 2 friends that bought the same deal and went for the physical copy as well. I'm sure they'll tell me when their copies show up, and they haven't mentioned any shipping issues. Might be worth checking into.

  21. God damn I didn't realize that dropped classes' units during enrollement counts towards your total you can take on during rotations. I made a mistake and I wasn't expecting a waitlist class to knock out a class I would get into. Now I'm stuck with 4 units short. Open rotation is on Saturday. I think I am fucked in the ass. I knew about the 16 units limit thing but I didn't know that waitlisted classes will knock out classes you can get into and that dropped classes units stays with you. I was just putting that waitlist class in to see if I can get into it so I can drop a class math class since I was already pretty math heavy and I wanted a lighter load. Besides, that waitlisted class won't be offered until Fall. Then there is the thing about me paying for 13 units which is sort of like paying for 17 units... or however they figure that shit out. I'm so mad at myself and the system that I'm just in whatever mode. At this point I'm really just trying to see what I can get into. I'll have 60 community college units, so I will be an upper division transfer, and I think that might give me a better chance in the grand scheme of things. My only reason for going private is for scholarship and financial aid opportunities, which I hear could be better. Who knows. My standards are low after going to a community college for long enough. Yeah, you will have an easier time to get in to schools and yup, I felt pretty dead after community college.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubYCTSK50fw I'll spare the folks in the Skyrim thread. By the way, she's saying "Sky swim" or something along those lines but... now I can't unhear Skyrim!
  23. http://english.ucdavis.edu/ http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/cosmicvariance/2011/11/22/uc-davis-physicists-to-chancellor-katehi/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CosmicVariance+%28Cosmic+Variance%29 This is getting interesting. Heheh. I should ask my friends at Davis on about the situation.
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